Books by Freas, Kelly (sorted by popularity)
Where There's Hope Jerome Bixby 117 downloads
The Man the Tech-Men Made Fox B. Holden 117 downloads
Birthright April Smith 116 downloads
Disturbing Sun Robert S. Richardson 115 downloads
Slow Burn Henry Still 115 downloads
Success Story Robert Turner 114 downloads
The Prison of the Stars Stanley Mullen 113 downloads
On Handling the Data M. I. Mayfield 113 downloads
Forgotten danger Joseph Samachson 113 downloads
Waste Not, Want Dave Dryfoos 113 downloads
Gentlemen: please note Randall Garrett 111 downloads
Breakaway Stanley Gimble 110 downloads
The Lost Tribes of Venus Erik Fennel 110 downloads
The Conjurer of Venus Conan T. Troy 109 downloads
Dust Unto Dust Lyman D. Hinckley 109 downloads
The Luminous Blonde Hayden Howard 109 downloads
Unspecialist Murray F. Yaco 107 downloads
Image of Splendor Lu Kella 105 downloads
Time out for redheads Miriam Allen De Ford 104 downloads
Master of the Moondog Stanley Mullen 103 downloads
Home is the Spaceman George O. Smith 101 downloads
Two Whole Glorious Weeks Will Mohler 101 downloads
A Witch in Time Herb Williams 95 downloads
The Brides of Ool Monette Cummings 94 downloads
The Purple Pariah Byron Tustin 93 downloads