Books by Guizot, François (sorted by popularity)
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Roméo et Juliette (French) William Shakespeare 986 downloads
Hamlet (French) William Shakespeare 828 downloads
Macbeth (French) William Shakespeare 347 downloads
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 6 François Guizot 333 downloads
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 4 François Guizot 307 downloads
Troïlus et Cressida (French) William Shakespeare 305 downloads
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 2 François Guizot 300 downloads
Antoine et Cléopâtre (French) William Shakespeare 299 downloads
Les joyeuses Bourgeoises de Windsor (French) William Shakespeare 298 downloads
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 5 François Guizot 297 downloads
Le songe d'une nuit d'été (French) William Shakespeare 277 downloads
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 1 François Guizot 270 downloads
Beaucoup de Bruit pour Rien (French) William Shakespeare 268 downloads
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times, Volume 3 François Guizot 263 downloads
Les Deux Gentilshommes de Vérone (French) William Shakespeare 255 downloads
A Popular History of France from the Earliest Times François Guizot 225 downloads
Jules César (French) William Shakespeare 223 downloads
Étude sur Shakspeare (French) François Guizot 223 downloads
Henri IV (2e partie) (French) William Shakespeare 210 downloads
Timon d'Athènes (French) William Shakespeare 205 downloads
Henri VI (1/3) (French) William Shakespeare 203 downloads
La méchante femme mise à la raison (French) William Shakespeare 202 downloads
Titus Andronicus (French) William Shakespeare 200 downloads
Le roi Lear (French) William Shakespeare 192 downloads
General History of Civilisation in Europe, From the Fall of the Roman Empire Till the French Revolution. A Treatise on Death Punishments. François Guizot 189 downloads
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