Title: Kensington, Notting Hill, and Paddington
Author: An Old Inhabitant
Release date: July 12, 2013 [eBook #43203]
Language: English
Credits: Transcribed from the 1882(?) Griffiths & Co. edition by David Price. Many thanks to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Libraries for allowing their copy to be used for this transcription
Transcribed from the 1882(?) Griffiths & Co. edition by David Price, email ccx074@pglaf.org. Many thanks to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Libraries for allowing their copy to be used for this transcription.
Remembrances of the
38 Years Ago.
Printed by Griffiths & Co.,
“Paddington Mercury” Office,
58, Porchester Road, W.
I have thought it would be interesting to you to know something about the locality in which you live, as it was in times gone by.
The changes have been marvellous, but not more than many others within my recollection.
I knew the time when gas was not used, but when streets and shops were lighted with oil lamps. When no police guarded our streets, but watchmen paid their half-hourly visits crying out “past 11 o’clock, &c., and a starlight night, &c.”
I remember when no omnibuses ran, and cabmen sat by the side of their fares.
When 4-horse coaches ran to Greenwich, Kensington, and other suburban places.
When the only way to obtain a light was to strike a flint on a piece of steel, and catch the sparks on tinder, and to puff at the tinder till it lighted a brimstone match.
p. 4When the Great Reform Bill was passing, and I used to be let out of school at 2 o’clock, because the men of Birmingham and Manchester, &c., threatened to march to London—The Tower was fortified—Temple Bar guarded.
I remember George the Fourth’s burial, and the people making a grand holiday.
I saw the procession at William the Fourth’s Coronation, and also at that of Queen Victoria.
“Long may she live.”
Before entering upon my own remembrances of Kensington and Paddington, it will be interesting to notice some things connected with the history of these places.
Kensington is mentioned in the Domesday Book as Chenesiton. Chenesi was a proper name, and “Lyson” says that in the time of Edward the Confessor a person of that name held a manor in Somersetshire. It may be that Kensington was once a town belonging to a “Chenesi.” At the time of the Romans this district comprised the northern boundary of the marshes formed by the overflowing of the Thames, Chelsea and Fulham being liable to inundation, but the higher elevation of a great portion of this parish rendered it fit for cultivation.
In 1218, in the reign of Henry III., it was disafforested. Before this time it, with Paddington, had formed a portion of the Forest of Middlesex.
In Henry the Eighth’s time a great portion of Notting Hill and Paddington was still forest as appears from records dated 1543.
In 1610 Sir Walter Cope became possessed of the manor of St. Mary Abbot’s by a grant from the Queen. p. 6It is recorded that he died possessed of the manor called Earl’s Court, Kensyngton, with its appurtenances, in Kensyngton, Chelsey, Hammersmith and St. Margaret’s, Westminster. Two hundred acres belonging to the Ould House Kensyngton and all that wood called Notting Wood or Knotting Wood, for which he paid as under:—
Manor of Abbot’s |
£5 |
0 |
0 per ann. |
Earl’s Court |
2 |
0 |
0 ,, |
Ould House and land |
5 |
0 |
0 „ |
Knotting wood |
1 |
0 |
0 ,, |
St. Margaret’s Westminster |
1 |
0 |
0 ,, |
The Kensington division of the hundred of Ossulstan includes Fulham, Hammersmith, Chiswick, Acton, part of Brentford, Ealing, Willesden and Chelsea.
The name of the hundred is probably derived from the German word Waassel which signifies water. Others suggest Ousel, a bird, Ossultun, a town noted for its birds.
Fifty years ago the greater portion of Kensington and Paddington was under cultivation for corn, market gardening, nurseries and grass land.
It would appear from ancient records that in past time the temperature of England must have been much higher than at present, for we read of vineyards and of wine being produced in very large quantities. Of those vineyards, especially about Brompton, there are many records.
“Bewick” writes of a spot of ground called Brompton Park as being famed all over the kingdom for the growth p. 7of plants, and adds the stock is so large that if reckoned only at a penny each plant the whole value would be above £40,000.
PADDINGTON in the time of Edgar was given to the monks of Westminster at the cost of two hides of land. As the value of a hide of land in Henry the First’s time was 3/-, the monks had a good bargain.
The name is of doubtful derivation, Pad may mean a path or a robber. It may also mean a saddle. The place may have been infested by robbers, or it may have been a place where travellers stopped to bait their horses and “re-padded.”
Pope Nicolas IV. gave the whole proceeds of the manor of Paddington to the poor.
This manor at the reformation passed into the hands of the Established Church. Much as I value the Reformation I cannot pass on without asking what the people to whom this manor of Paddington was given have done for the poor. If the poor had that which others have taken from them we should not have the sad spectacle of old couples driven into a workhouse in which no provision is made for them to end their days together. Married by a church which says “What God has joined together let no man put asunder.” That very church has become possessed of the means which would have enabled them to end their days in peace and comfort.
In Henry the Eighth’s time the manor of Paddington was valued at £41 16s. 8d. Edward the Sixth granted the manor and rectory to Bishop Ridley, then Bishop of London, and to his heirs and successors.
p. 8KENSINGTON church lands were also very extensive, as much property was given in the reign of Henry the First to the monastery of Abingdon. St. Mary Abbot’s district of Kensington will indicate the ground which was thus handed over to the abbots.
In 1527 a curate of Kensington (Sebastian Harris) was charged with having in his possession a New Testament and a Lutheran book.
He was ordered to leave Kensington within 2 days and not to return within 4 miles of the place for 2 years.
Tyndale’s New Testament was published 1525.
In 1612, in the reign of James I., the Archdeacon and other officials of churches were commanded to make answer to certain questions which threw some light upon the condition of the church and people of Kensington. From those answers I gather—
1. That all the parishioners receive Communion at Easter.
2. That the ministers are very careful about baptizing children at the font.
3. There is no stranger preacher, only men of worth.
4. That they intend to have a new Bible shortly.
5. That two poor men teach the children—sometimes they have a few, sometimes none. They are men of honest behaviour and sound of religion.
6. That there was a woman—Alice Maybanke—who did not go to church, but frequented an ale house.
7. That certain strangers were excommunicated for not attending Communion at Easter.
8. Also one honest man, who had been tried by the p. 9Archdeacon, and not satisfying him, he, the honest man, was excommunicated.
Non-Communicants, none. Communicants (both sexes), 400.
As the authorized version of the Bible was printed in 1611 it is probable the churchwardens wished to substitute that for the Bishops’ Bible which was published 1568.
And as James I. had stated that “he would make all men conform or harry them out of the land, or else worse,” perhaps the strangers and honest man were Baptists, Independents, or Puritans.
A happier time, however, came with William III.
The old church, which was taken down a few years since, was built in 1696, King William III. giving £300 and Princess Ann £100 towards the cost, the whole charge of which was £1,800.
In 1811 it was repaired and improved at a cost to the ratepayers of £3,000.
The first organ cost £500.
Some financial extracts from the old parish books may be interesting and amusing—
£ |
s. |
d. |
1698 |
Paid the ringers for the King’s coming home |
00 |
06 |
08 |
1703 |
Paid for prayer books at general thanksgiving |
00 |
3 |
06 |
1704 |
Paid Mr. Jackson for a barrel of beer for victory over French and Bavarians |
00 |
15 |
00 |
1709 |
Paid ringers for forcing the French lines |
00 |
13 |
04 |
1712 |
Paid ringers when the Queen made her speech for peace (N.B.) |
00 |
6 |
08 |
1713 |
Paid ringers when the Peace came over |
00 |
6 |
08 |
1714 |
Paid ringers for the pious memory of Queen Ann |
00 |
13 |
04 |
1716 |
Ditto, when King George went through the town |
00 |
6 |
08 |
Aug. 1 |
For a bonfire and Ringers |
00 |
5 |
08 |
Collection by order of the Bishop for relief of poor of London |
03 |
12 |
06 |
1693 |
Paid for a truss of straw for a poor soldier |
00 |
00 |
04 |
Paid for maimed soldiers |
00 |
06 |
00 |
1694 |
1 bushel of coals for a poor family |
00 |
01 |
00 |
1711 |
Paid for French prisoners and a woman at Wingsdale Barn |
00 |
01 |
00 |
1727 |
Paid charity boys for blowing organ bellows and ringing the saint’s bell for one whole year |
00 |
16 |
00 |
Paid Theef Ketchers enquiring who robbed the Church |
00 |
09 |
00 |
Kensington was not at all a noted place until William III. ennobled it with his court and residence.
Noel House, Kensington Goar, was built 1804.
Kensington House about William Third’s time.
Kensington Square in James Second’s reign, 1698.
Church Street probably took its name from the church at the end, or from the house called Church House, which was occupied by the “poore of the sufferance.”
Camden House was built by Sir Baptist Hickes, who possessed considerable property in the parish in 1612.
Phillamore Place was built 1787, and in 1811 David Wilkie, Esq., R.A., resided here. His works the “Blind Fiddler,” “Rent Day,” “Village Holiday,” &c., will be remembered by all.
Sir Isaac Newton, who by the way was never married, lived on Camden Hill. Here he died, March 20th, 1726–7, at the age of 84.
His nephew wrote of him. “His whole life was one continued series of labour, patience, charity, generosity, temperance, piety, goodness and all other virtues without any mixture of vice whatever.”
p. 11The Royal Palace of Kensington is situated in the parish of St. Margaret’s, Westminster.
The original mansion was built by a person named Finch, one of whose descendants was promoted to the Peerage. The house was then called Nottingham House.
The 2nd Earl of Nottingham sold it to King William III., 1691, for 18,000 guineas, and here, December 28, 1694, Queen Mary died of small pox.
William, who was much attached to this palace, divided his time between Hampton Court and Kensington.
In the month of February, 1702, he was thrown from his horse and brought back to Kensington, where he died March 8, 1702, in the 52nd year of his age.
Queen Ann and Prince George of Denmark were the next inhabitants of the palace. The Queen died here August 1, 1714.
In the reign of George I. the palace was much altered and improved. George II. died in this palace 25th October, 1760, aged 77.
The State Apartments were not occupied afterwards.
The lower apartments, in the south-east portion of the palace, were for some years occupied by the late Duke and Duchess of Kent, and on the 24th May, 1819, an infant princess was born here, who is now our beloved
Kensington Gardens.—“Bewick” writes, 1705: “Whatever is deficient in the house is made up in the gardens. There is a noble collection of foreign plants—every inch is well improved—the whole, with the house, p. 12not being above 26 acres. Her Majesty (Queen Ann) has been pleased to add near 30 acres more toward the north. Upon this spot nearly 100 men work daily.”
In George Second’s reign Queen Caroline threw a string of ponds in Hyde Park into one, so as to form what is called the Serpentine River.
Her Majesty also added 300 acres from Hyde Park.
At this time the gardens were only opened on Saturday, whilst His Majesty and Court went to Richmond, and company appeared only in full dress on this day.
Hyde Park was originally Hyde Farm, and belonged to the Monastery of Westminster. At the Reformation it became vested in the Crown.
During the Commonwealth the Park was sold in 3 lots. 112 acres on Bayswater side were bought by Richard Wilcox for £4,141, and John Tracey bought 177 acres on the Kensington side for £3,906 7s. 6d.
Anthony Deane, of St. Martin’s-in-the-Fields, bought Tyburn Meadow, a banqueting house at Park Corner, Bayard’s watering, a fortification, a barn and stable, and land down to Park Corner, for £9,020 8s. 2d.
The fortification was opposite St. George’s Hospital, and another was in Mount Street, Park Lane.
These fortifications were hurriedly put up by the inhabitants to prevent the royalist army reaching London.
Hudibras writes:
“Marched rank and file, with drum and ensign.
T’entrench the city for defence in;
Raised rampiers with their own soft hands,
To put the enemy to stands.p. 13“From ladies down to oyster wenches
Laboured like pioneers in trenches,
Fal’n to their pick axes and tools,
And helped the men to dig like moles.”
Formerly a Congregational Chapel, now a Baptist, was erected principally by Mr. Forsyth, head gardener to George III.; Mr. Thomas Broadwood, of Pulteney Street, and Mr. Saunders, body coachman to George III., with whom he was a great favourite. The King was much accustomed to converse with the latter upon religious subjects. The first minister who officiated was the Rev. Mr. Hall, of Edinburgh. The first stated minister was Dr. Lake, who left to take a curacy in the Established Church. He was succeeded by Rev. John Clayton, who was afterwards minister of Poultry Chapel.
Dr. Liefchild succeeded him, then Dr. Vaughan, then Dr. Stoughton, for whom, after many years, a new chapel was built in Allen Street.
Now Westbourne Grove Baptist Chapel, was erected 1823 by several humble Christian men, who were soon joined by Mr. Baxter, editor of the Polyglot Bible. The names of Mr. Farmer, Mr. Worger and Mr. Baxter ought to be remembered by the Church.
The first pastor was Rev. W. Southwood |
1826–1830 |
The second Rev. John Broad |
1831–1841 |
The third Rev. John Berg |
1841–1843 |
The fourth Rev. Frances Wills |
1843–1847 |
The fifth Rev. W. G. Lewis |
1847–1881 |
p. 14Under Mr. Lewis the church increased so much that it was felt necessary to take ground to build a larger chapel.
Was erected 1853. The first cost was £5,500. Galleries had soon to be erected at cost of £579, and in 1866 it was thought necessary to enlarge the building by adding 16 feet on each side at cost of £5,895; total, £11,974, the whole of which was raised by voluntary subscriptions, under the pastorate of the Rev. W. G. Lewis. In 1881 Rev. J. Tuckwell, of Luton, accepted the pastorate, and under his ministry the church and congregation have largely increased. On the 20th of April, 1882, one of the finest organs in London was opened here, which has added much to the beauty of the building. It was built by Brindley and Foster, of Sheffield, at a cost of £820.
Horbury chapel was a sister church of Hornton Street, and was erected about 1846. The present honoured pastor, Rev. W. Roberts, being the first minister.
In 1831 the populate of Kensington was |
20,945 |
1881 ,, ,, |
162,924 |
1831 there were 3 Sunday Schools with 263 children.
In 1801 the populate of Paddington was |
1,881 |
In 1831 ,, ,, |
14,540 |
1881 ,, ,, |
107,098 |
In 1811 I see the inhabitants of Kensington were very unequally divided.
Males |
4,244 |
Females |
6,642 |
I cannot say if this inequality still exists.
The first time I heard of Notting Hill was many years since. I was asked to sign a petition, the prayer of which pleaded for Parliamentary interference to stop the action of the Proprietors of the Hippodrome at Notting Hill from running horses on Sundays. I have heard since that races were not run upon that day, but horses were tried as a preliminary step to the races during the week.
In 1844, when I first became acquainted with the neighbourhood, I enquired what had become of the race-course and was shown an open country,—the place now occupied by St. John’s Church, Notting Hill, being the spot on which the grand stand had been erected, and the course as nearly as I can describe is now covered by Clarendon Road, Cornwall Road, Portobello Road, Horbury Terrace and Ladbroke Square. I found that the inhabitants had insisted upon a right of way across the grounds, and taking the law into their own hands, with hatchets and saws had removed the barriers and thus by maintaining their right to cross the ground when they pleased caused the racing men to abandon it.
p. 16The changes which have taken place in the parishes are to my mind so marvellous that I think it will not be uninteresting to those whose acquaintance is of a later date to record what I remember of the locality 38 years ago.
Starting from Edgware Road and passing down what was then called the Uxbridge Road, now known as the Bayswater Road. On the south side Hyde Park was enclosed by the old iron railings which were pulled down by the mob a few years since. Kensington Gardens were enclosed by an old wall which I esteemed to be a disgrace to London.
The narrow pathway outside the wall was used by the parish authorities as a suitable place to keep reserved heaps of broken granite for repairing the road.
The spot now occupied by Palace Gardens was also enclosed and formed a kitchen garden to the Kensington Palace.
On the north side from Edgware Road, Connaught Terrace and a few houses on either side of the Burial Ground were existing, but Hyde Park Gardens were not. A little further on however was an old public house standing at the corner of a road known as Elm Grove and beyond that several wooden shops, one occupied as an oyster and ginger beer dealer and the other by a coach maker, beyond this was the Parish Ground known as “Bread and Cheese” land, occupied by a Mr. Cheese as Tea Gardens and by Mr. Hopwood as a Nursery Ground. Passing some villas we arrived at the “Black Lion” standing at the corner of Queen’s Road, then known as p. 17“Black Lion Lane,” then on to Bark Place and Orme Square, which was built by a Mr. Orme, formerly a print-seller in Bond Street, who also erected Bayswater Chapel, in St. Petersburgh Place. Behind these were Moscow Road and Coburgh Place, erected in 1814.
Beyond Petersburg Place was Victoria Place, which led to a field upon which are now built Leinster and Princes Squares and Kensington Gardens Square.
A footpath across this field led to Westbourne Grove. This footpath was the only way except Black Lion Lane by which Westbourne Grove could be reached. So much was this field in the country that I have several times seen Sunday School children taken there for their annual excursions.
A little farther down the road was Camden Street, a perfect rookery. Dirty men, women and children infested this place. Beyond this was Stourmont House, at that time a ladies’ school but it had been occupied by the Earl of Craven and let by him to Queen Ann as a nursery for the Duke of Gloucester. Dean Swift lodged here in 1712.
By the side of Stourmont House was Linden Grove—at that time a quiet grove in which resided several noted artists, including the celebrated Mr. Mulready, R.A.
Opposite Linden Grove was the Mall, another favourite residence of artists, and here lived at this time the celebrated Mr. Calcott, R.A., and Mr. Webster.
The Mall had in former time been made notorious by Thurtell, the murderer of Mr. Ware, in whose garden in the Mall the body of the murdered man was found.
At the corner of Linden Grove was situated the first p. 18shop in the village of Notting Hill, it was occupied by Mr. Fenn, tailor, who still has a business at Notting Hill and is the oldest tradesman there.
Notting Hill at this time was a little country place with few shops and those very small. It was however beginning to put on an appearance of life, for four large shops were being erected opposite Silver Street on the garden ground fronting a mansion which had been a large academy. This old house and others which have since had shops built in their forecourts may still be seen. Mr. King’s Italian Warehouse was the first London shop opened, and a crowd of people nightly assembled to see the place lighted with gas.
Shortly afterwards other shops were built before the next mansion which had been the residence of Madame Vestris.
In the front of this mansion was the turnpike and the toll-taker’s house. This was the first turnpike out of London.
At the corner of Portobello Road, now called Devonshire Terrace, was a mansion enclosed by a wall, then the residence of the Rev. Mr. Holloway, minister of Percy Chapel, Fitzroy Square.
Upon the death of Mr. Holloway this mansion was occupied by Rev. Mr. Gordon, a Presbyterian minister and the author of a pocket commentary on the Bible. Mr. Gordon conducted public services for some years on Sundays in a building attached to his house.
This mansion was afterwards demolished and shops built upon the site, which are now occupied by Messrs. p. 19Swain, Fenn, Leverett & Fry, Shirley, and the Devonshire Arms, also the houses by the side, Pembridge Gardens and Devonshire Terrace.
I have traced the main road as it appeared in 1844, from Edgware Road to the house now known as Devonshire Arms. At this point commenced a country lane, leading partly between hedges and afterwards through fields to Kensal Green.
It was a most delightful walk; from certain portions of the lane charming views could be obtained. This can hardly be understood by the present inhabitants; it will be made more clear if I say that looking from the back of either mansion I have mentioned from Stormont House to Portobello Lane the whole country was open, and only a few farms here and there. Hampstead, on the north, was visible, and from the hill by the side of Porto Bello farm, then occupied by Mr. Wise; on the east, London; and on the north-west, Harrow-on-the-Hill were clearly visible. No wonder that this pleasant lane was the favourite walk not only of the inhabitants of Notting Hill but also of many from the great city.
From west to north, from north to east scarcely a house was to be seen. Corn fields and meadow land on every side, the quiet only broken by the occasional passing of a train on the Great Western Railway at Kensal Green. It seems almost impossible to realize the fact, but it is a fact that during this 38 years the thousands of houses which are now to be seen from Ealing to Hampstead, Hampstead to Edgware Road have been built. Returning to the High Street, in the village of Notting Hill, the p. 20little shops from the Mall on the south side of the street were occupied by some of the principal tradesmen of that far off day.
There lived Mr. Burden, who kept a rag and bottle shop, and who was an orator and a great man on the Kensington Vestry, also a proprietor of Bayswater omnibuses, whose wife kept a greengrocer’s shop. Poor woman, she was of such proportions that when she died I saw the coffin lowered from the bedroom window into the street by ropes.
There also lived Mr. Brewer, who transacted the largest business of the village in the grocery, cheesemongery, and corn-dealing line; also a real candle maker, whose shop was reached up four stone steps. Then came the first village Inn, the “Swan” at the corner of Silver Street, which, like the “Hoop” a few doors past Silver Street, stood back from the street and had a horse trough in front. Of course these inns have been rebuilt, as also has the more important inn further up on the North side, the “Coach and Horses.”
At the corner of Silver Street was a little butcher’s shop, and next door a brush shop, the proprietor of which was a most intelligent man, but a “Chartist,” and a great friend of Fergus O’Connor. He was the principal mover in erecting a monument at Kensal Green over the remains of that gentleman, who seems, by the present condition of that monument, to have been forgotten by this generation, although he tried hard to get every working man a small portion of the land of his birth as a means of acquiring independency. Many tried it, but they found p. 21they could earn more by labour than they could grow in an acre of the best soil. Close by where the Notting Hill Gate Station now is stood in those days the Village Pump, concerning the removal of which sundry indignation meetings were held and fierce threats made of law proceedings. It was said at these meetings that no such pure water could be obtained any where else, but as I once lived near Aldgate Pump and used to hear the same, and drank of that water with relish until the horrid chemists analized it and said it was full of organic matter, percolating from Aldgate Churchyard, where the bodies of hundreds had been buried at the time of the plague, I had ceased to have faith in city or village pumps, and rejoiced to see an arrangement made by which pure water could be supplied from the Water Companies’ pipes through a tap. For years this tap existed in front of No. 71 or 73, High Street, but I find it has been removed.
I think, however, there should have been an inscription there—
“Here stood the Village Pump.”
There should likewise be another Tablet by Farm Street, stating—
“Here stood the Village Pound.”
In which pound I have seen many a disconsolate donkey, horse, or goat. I never saw the Village Stocks, perhaps the villagers of Notting Hill were always a sober, law-abiding people, and had no need of such civilizing structures.
I remember, however, seeing a man in the stocks at Lewisham, placed there for being drunk. As he was p. 22being well supplied with beer by his companions, I think it probable the result of the punishment was that he was more drunken after than before.
In 1844 there were only two shops in the village above one story high. The exceptions are now numbered 150, 152; the latter house was then, as now, a cheesemonger’s.
The shop windows were principally common glass. Plate glass had not come into fashion. Some of the shops were lighted with oil lamps, and, I think, some with candles.
I cannot speak for the intelligence of all the tradesmen of that time, but remember a serious conversation with one who, at the conclusion, very gravely remarked, “I suppose publicans in the time of the Saviour were a bad sort of people. I go every night to the ‘Coach and Horses’ to have one glass and a pipe, and the landlord is not a bad sort of a man, but in old times publicans seem always somehow mixed up with sinners.”
Behind the south side of High Street, where a number of small houses are now built, was a large brickfield, owned by a Mr. Clutterbuck. A single street only was then built, called New Street. The proper name, however, was Newcombe Street. At the south end of this street was
The Church and Congregation of this little chapel afterwards built the large
p. 23The names of a few of the old church members are still to be found on the register of the church books at Westbourne Grove Chapel, but the majority have found a better, more enduring home. “They rest from their labours, and their works do follow them.”
Campden Hill Road, at this time called “Plough Lane,” was a private road leading to large houses, one of which had been occupied by Sir I. Newton. The high Water Tower which may now be seen as a land mark for many miles was not then erected.
At the corner of Plough Lane (the east side now covered with houses and the north side by shops) stood a mansion surrounded by a wall. This was occupied by a Captain Coote, a German. I believe both he and his wife had in former time had something to do with the trial of Queen Caroline as witnesses for the Queen.
About 1846 building commenced in earnest. The beautiful Portobello Lane was denuded of its hedges near Notting Hill, and a roadway cut through to where Horbury Chapel now stands. Beyond this, in that which is now Kensington Park Road the first new buildings were erected known at that time as the Swiss and Italian Villas. Ladbroke Square and other houses in that locality soon followed.
On the top of the hill, where once stood Notting Hill Farm and the grand stand of the Hippodrome Race Ground, the foundation stone of a new church, St. John’s, was laid about 1846. The last owner of this farm seems to have been a man highly respected. A tablet was p. 24erected to his memory in the old church at Kensington, from which I make a short extract:
Of John Hall, &c., &c., and of Notting Hill. For those who remember him that name were his best epitaph. To others it may be useful to record that John Hall was one who in life, by his good works, and by fervent faith in death proved that the source of virtue is in the love of God.
&c., &c.
He died August 10, 1816, aged 54.”
The first minister of St. John’s Church was not so highly esteemed as the old owner of the Hill had been. It was stated that in asking for signatures to a petition that the Church should be a District Church, he misled those who were asked to sign by saying it would make no difference, but directly the object was attained a church rate was called for. He became very unpopular, and the last I heard of him was that he headed a strange procession. Walking through the street he was met by a crowd following a broker, who had seized a large clock for church rates. He was immediately surrounded, and compelled to follow the broker to his house. Some hundreds of people joined in the procession. He soon after obtained a fresh living, and the church has always since had ministers who were respected.
The name was given by a Mr. Adams, who was then occupier of the farm at the end of the lane. It was p. 25named at the time Porto Bello was captured. In 1844 the farm was called Wise’s Farm, Mr. Wise being the owner.
The lane ended outside the Farm, and a gate opened to a pathway which lead over a bridge on the canal to Kensal Green.
To the west of this Farm lay the old Farm of Knotting Barns, an ancient brick building surrounded by spacious barns and outhouses. A road to Kensal Green passed through the farm yard.
In 1844 this was known as Salter’s Farm, Mr. Salter being the proprietor.
In 1524 it is recorded in the will of Robert Fenrother, Alderman of London, that Knotting Barns Farm consisted of 40 acres of land, 140 acres of meadow, 200 acres of wood, 20 acres of moor, 20 acres of furze and heath.
In 1543 Henry VIII. took this farm and land in exchange for some he had held (in the county of Southampton). In 1675 it had decreased in size and was reckoned as 130 acres. How many acres were connected with in 1844 I cannot record, but I have said that on all sides nothing but corn or meadow land was visible. The site of Portobello Farm may be known as upon that spot is erected a Roman Catholic building, a home for the aged.
Notting Barn Farm was at the lower part of St. Mark’s Road. Norland House, where Norland Square was built in 1850 to 1856, was noted for its artesian well which was sunk in 1794 by Mr. Vulliamy to the depth of 260 feet, when the water rose and overflowed at the rate of 46 gallons a minute. The water was leased to 3 persons at 7/- each per week and sold in the neighbourhood at 2/6 per ton, or ½d a pailful.
p. 26Thirty-eight years ago there were no houses from Notting Hill Terrace to Acton with the exception of a few small houses opposite Shepherd’s Bush Common. This Common had been notorious some years before as a place of execution for highwaymen, and for years gibbets were standing there with the remains of some of the fraternity dangling in the wind. I never saw them, but when a boy I have seen the remains of pirates hanging by chains by the river side past Greenwich. The Common was even till late years claimed as the property of the inhabitants, some of whom claimed to the last the right to turn out their horses or goats upon its scanty grass.
Behind the road of Notting Hill there was a lane called Pottery Lane. In this lane was a place where tiles were made and at the end of the lane a colony of pigkeepers. Every house here had a colony of the porcine family in its yard. A number of carts filled with tubs passed daily to London gathering refuse from hotels and mansions to feed the large families of pigs gathered here.
It was not a savoury place and at the time of the cholera the inhabitants suffered severely.
Rough looking people they appeared, but upon closer acquaintance it was seen they looked more uncouth than they really were. The only religious or secular education the people and children received was provided by the members of the Baptist chapel at Silver Street, and the congregation at Hornton Street. Their place of meeting for some years, was in an unfinished house with its unplastered walls on two floors not divided into separate rooms.
Their teachers were poor but they had love to God in their hearts and proved it by their love to their neighbours.
p. 27Their names unrecorded on earth will never be forgotten by Him who said “Inasmuch as ye did it to the least of these my brethren ye did it to me.”
Beyond this colony I discovered another in Latimer Road where there was no Sabbath teaching or secular education. In looking back I feel grateful to God for the numbers I was enabled to gather together on the Sabbath, both of adults and children and also for the many children who received instruction in a day school I established. It is many years ago but I meet with some now who thank God that in the Sabbath teaching there they received that acquaintance with Jesus which has proved a blessing to them and their children to the present time. But what a place it was when I first discovered it—comparatively out of the world—a rough road cut across the field, the only approach. Brickfields and pits on either side, making it dangerous to leave on dark nights.
A safe place for many people who did not wish everybody to know what they were doing. I am afraid that there were more spirits about there than there were either bodies or bottles to contain.
I could tell a great deal about Latimer Road in 1844 to 1850, but other Pharoahs have arisen there who know not Joseph and they are doing a good work in that which by the opening of a railway station has become a well-known place.
Westbourne Grove was a pleasant Grove of small villas with gardens in front and behind. Newton Road was a similar place.
The only road by which they could be approached was p. 28Black Lion Lane, now Queen’s Road and a footpath across the field where Princes Square now stands.
The Royal Oak was a country inn.
There were no houses of business then in the Grove, but where the Redan and about twelve shops down the Grove stand, there was a nursery ground, which in former times was a favourite resort of Queen Ann.
The inhabitants of the Grove were principally City or West-end men of business, who reached their habitation by the Bayswater or Paddington omnibuses.
These omnibuses belonged to two companies, the principal proprietors were:—Messrs. Melliship, Treadaway, Carpenter and Grant.
The General Omnibus Company afterwards bought up all their vehicles.
There was also one omnibus, the “Eagle,” which ran from Kensington Church, through Church Street, Bayswater Road, New Road, Islington to the Bank.
There were no cab stands but a stray cab might often be found at the Black Lion in the Bayswater Road or outside one of the other country inns.
Queen’s Road (Black Lion Lane) was only partly built on and the houses were small. A Wesleyan Chapel and Orphanage stood then on the site of the Queen’s Road Chapel, and in 1846, a high house (about No. 153, since taken by Mr. Whiteley) was erected for a Chartist Club House. It afterwards became the Queen’s Hotel. The houses opposite the baths were also built about 1846.
Porchester Terrace was only partially built, but on the west side resided Mr. Linnel, an artist, whose paintings p. 29of corn fields, &c., are so much admired by all who see them.
The reader may judge what sort of house the Royal Oak was by looking at the newspaper shop a few doors away. Beyond this to the railway on both sides of that which is now Bishop’s Road was a waste wilderness. I only remember one house and that a wooden one which had an inscription “The Cottage of Content.” It was a large basin-like piece of land and upon this Westbourne Terrace, Gloucester Gardens, Bishop’s Road, the north end of Porchester Terrace, and Craven Hill Road were built.
The Bishop of that day gave the deepest hole to the parishioners to build a church—about the worst part of what was then his large estate. It cost about £2,000 to fill up the hole to its present level before Trinity Church could be built. This church, like others, the ratepayers paid for with Church Rates. I had the pleasure of seconding a resolution to make the last Church rate in Paddington.
St. Mary’s Hospital was commenced about 1845 and under its excellent management has proved to be a great blessing to Paddington.
On the site of the Trinity Schools in the Harrow Road was a public Maze, a great resort for holiday people as it was then completely in the country. Here too was a magic mirror, in which for twopence any young lady might behold (?) her future husband.
In the Harrow Road, opposite the Vestry Hall, stood until 1860, the oldest charitable buildings in the parish, a p. 30block of small almshouses. They afforded shelter for about 16 poor old women. No doubt they felt more independent in their actions than they would have done in the Workhouse. It is doubtful if they were so well cared for as they would have been in the larger house with its excellent Master and Matron, who take a great interest in the comfort of all the inmates.
They are not answerable for the separation of old married couples, against which separation I strongly protest.
It is not, however, every married couple who wish to live together; of this I had a proof once when I asked a man if he would not be more happy with his aged wife? After a moment’s consideration he answered “Thank you sir, I have had enough of her.” This I think must have been a rare exception.
Kensal Green Cemetery had in 1844 already received not a few bodies but the majority have been interred since.
Members of Silver Street Chapel used to look with deep interest at the tomb of John Colston, a much-loved Superintendent of their Sabbath School. With the same deep interest many look upon the grave of a later Superintendent of the School at Westbourne Grove Chapel, the highly esteemed Thomas Faulkes, whose memory is still dear. How many a member of the old and also of the new Westbourne Grove Chapel have gone with sad hearts to that God’s acre. To mention names would be painful to both reader and writer; I only add “Till He come.”
A few names of public men and women buried here will, perhaps not, be out of place:—
Duke of Sussex, Sydney Smith, Anne Scott and p. 31Sophia Lockhart, daughters of Sir Walter Scott, John Hugh Lockhart his grandson, Thomas Hood, Thackeray, Calcott, Mulready, John Leach, John Cassel, The Princess Sophia of Gloucester, Statesmen, Poets, Actors, Artists, Physicians and Quacks. The rich and the poor have all found here one common resting place, but amongst those unmentioned names how many an one whom the world has not esteemed will be found in the end to be among the number of whom the “world was not worthy.”
In writing the history of the transformation of Notting Hill from country to its present condition I must mention a gentleman, the Rev. Mr. Walker, who it was said came to the neighbourhood with half a million sterling to invest. Who were his advisers I do not know; but he was not long in causing hundreds of carcases of houses to be built. If he had commenced his operations on the London side of the estate no doubt the houses would have sold and a fine investment made, but as he preferred building from Clarendon Road (where roads were not made) towards London the land was covered with unfinished houses which continued in a ruinous condition for years and the consequence was the investor was almost ruined.
This gentleman built All Saints Church and intended to put upon it a spire as high as that on Salisbury Cathedral. Sad tales could be told of not a few who sank their all in bricks and mortar. Lawyers and money-lenders have in time past reaped a rich harvest at Notting Hill, but many a hard working man falling into their hands has been ruined.
p. 32Between Richmond Road and Ledbury Road is a road called Artesian Road. This is in remembrance of an artesian well which was sunk there. The water was very pure and cold and houses in Ledbury Road and in its neighbourhood were supplied with water from this well until the water companies bought it up.
The Richmond Road was built about 1848. Mr. Plimley, fruiterer, and Mr. Anderson, confectioner, are the oldest inhabitants. Sutherland Place, Courtnell Street, Archer Street, were built about 1850. The first two houses built in Portobello Road stood for many years unfinished and were called “The Folly.”
The house now occupied by the London Photographic Co’s studio at the corner of Norfolk Terrace was built in the middle of a field, and for some time seemed likely also to be called The Folly, and certainly in its solitary position it looked for some time very foolish, but the builders knew what was likely to follow better than those who were not in the secret.
But even they could not have thought that the quiet Westbourne Grove of their day would ever become the busy place it is now with its enterprizing men of business and its crowded thoroughfares.
In Paddington 38 years ago were very few. There was the old church on Paddington Green, and no other except the chapel in St. Petersburgh Place, the minister, the Rev. Mr. Smalley, was rightly highly esteemed; his curate, Rev. Mr. Buckmaster, and the Scripture reader, Mr. Leask, were also powers for good in their day.
p. 33How well this church has been honoured by the late lamented Archdeacon Hunter his large congregation will long remember. It seems sad that he should not have lived to see the new church which he commenced completed, but the Great Disposer of all events knew best, and he worships now in a better sanctuary.
Kensington had its parish church, St. Mary Abbot’s, and a chapel in Addison Road. At the former was a man beloved by all who knew him, the Venerable Archdeacon Sinclair, a man whose memory will be still dear to some old inhabitants of Kensington.
In Hornton Street, Kensington, was the chapel formerly under the pastorate of Dr. Vaughan, and here the Queen’s mother often listened to the Gospel.
The Wesleyans had their chapel behind the High Street, and the Baptists in Silver Street Kensington Gravel Pits. This church now worships as Westbourne Grove Chapel.
Old Silver Street chapel would hold about 200 people, it had one gallery in front of the pulpit, and behind the pulpit sliding doors opened on to the Sunday School Room. On great occasions the minister could have a congregation both in front and behind him. This however did not often happen.
In 1844 the minister was Rev. F. Wills, and the Deacons Messrs. Saunders, Farmer, Worger and Wood. All these honoured brethren “have ceased from their labours.”
Nonconformity was not allowed much room in Paddington, p. 34the land there mainly belonged to the Bishop and the friends of the Established church.
The Baptists had a chapel in Praed Street, from which has sprung the Westbourne Park Chapel under the pastorate of Rev. J. Clifford. The Wesleyans had a chapel in Queen’s Road since rebuilt.
In 1844 |
In 1882. |
Paddington had 2 churches |
18. |
,, ,, 2 Nonconformist Chapels |
17. |
Kensington had 2 churches |
23. |
,, ,, 3 Nonconformist chapels |
24. |
All honour to the men and women who have been instrumental not only in erecting buildings but in maintaining the great and important work connected with these places of worship.
The churches and the country look to the young to follow in the steps of those who through good report and evil have worked on for the promotion of Christ’s kingdom and the welfare of their neighbours.
The past generation have done much. Let every Christian see to it not only to hold the ground acquired, but to use all their influence to do even more than those who have gone before.
I conclude with the desire that one more used to literary composition had written the facts. I hope all discrepancies will be overlooked and that it may not be uninteresting to read
The Remembrances of