Title: School Credit for Home Work
Author: L. R. Alderman
Release date: November 4, 2013 [eBook #44102]
Most recently updated: October 23, 2024
Language: English
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The Riverside Press Cambridge
The Riverside Press
Who made their boys happy partners in the
work of the home and farm
It has been a surprise and a delight to me, as this book has been in progress, to learn of the many different ways that people have worked out these home credit plans. It has been as if I could see into many happy schoolrooms. Letters from mothers and fathers boasting of the accomplishments of their children, have brought to me a little glow from the hearthsides of many homes. A father brought his boy—or rather the boy brought his father—up to see me and talk over what the boy was doing at home. The father boasted of the boy's fine garden, his big pumpkins, his watermelons that would attract the neighbors. Johnny almost burst the top button off his vest with pride as his father praised him and patted him on the head. After this happy meeting, the father and the son got on the high wagon seat and rode home; and as I saw them going down the street, I could imagine what they talked about. Such glimpses help to make a school[vi] man's life worth while; and I have had many of them as I have been writing this book.
For the fact that this book exists at all, I am indebted to my wife, who has helped me with every part of it, and to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Thomason, of Olympia, Washington, who believed in the book from the first. Mrs. Thomason has also done much work on the book; she has gathered all the illustrative material, visiting many schools and writing many letters. She and my wife have done most of the organizing of material, and have gone over the manuscript together. To Miss Fanny Louise Barber, of the Washington High School, Portland, I am grateful for her careful reading and revision of several chapters. I owe thanks to Mrs. Sarah J. Hoagland, of Belt, Montana, for the true and vivid stories she has sent me; and I am thankful to all the home credit teachers, with whom we have been corresponding, for their painstaking answers to our letters, as well as for the valuable plans that they have originated.
L. R. Alderman.
Portland, Oregon,
November 16, 1914.
I. | Introduction | 1 |
II. | Mary | 7 |
III. | The Spring Valley School | 11 |
IV. | What will become of the Algebra? | 24 |
V. | Honoring Labor | 34 |
VI. | Habit-Building | 39 |
VII. | That Other Teacher and that Teacher's Laboratory | 46 |
VIII. | Stella and Sadie | 53 |
IX. | A Story and Letters from Teachers | 60 |
Feeding her Bird | Frontispiece |
Spring Valley School | 12 |
Picnic Luncheon, Spring Valley | 20 |
Joe in the Garage | 28 |
Work Credited at School | 36 |
Earning Home Credits | 42 |
O. H. Benson Potato Club | 88 |
High School Boys in Railroad Shops | 156 |
The child is a born worker; activity is the law of his nature.
Francis W. Parker.
This book is simply the narrative of the working-out of an idea. The idea first came to me from memories of my own home, where tasks were assigned to us children and were made to seem important. With my father, the work was always carried on in the spirit of a game, and the game could be made as interesting as any other game; in the meantime something was being done that was worth while. Among many other memories there comes one of our laying a rail fence by moonlight, after a freshet had taken the other fence away; when the game was to get the line completed before the moon went down. I can still see father laying rail on rail, and enjoy his glowing enthusiasm at[2] our accomplishment. The fence still stands. Besides seeking to make the work interesting in itself, father had a device to put a value on time for his boys by giving us free time after the tasks were completed to do as we saw fit.
The desire, after I became a teacher, to put myself in the enviable position of my father as an inspiring influence with children, was the motive that took my thoughts out of the schoolroom into the homes of my pupils. Should not the school be simply a group of people come together for improvement, with the teacher as their best friend, ready to discuss and promote everything that seems worth while? We found it easy to talk at school about the things the children were concerned with out of school. One spring my pupils carried home, from our little boxes at school, cabbage plants and tomato plants to become members of their families for the summer. Later we had a county school fair for the exhibition of the children's clear jelly and fine bread and vegetables and sewing and carpentry. The schools were trying to recognize "the whole child."
This book is written in the hope that parents, teachers, and children may be helped to work together more joyously and harmoniously on the real problems of life.
When I was teaching in the University of Oregon in the spring of 1910, I wrote and had published in the Oregon papers the following article:—
We all believe that civilization is founded upon the home. The school should be a real helper to the home. How can the school help the home? How can it help the home establish habits in the children of systematic performance of home duties so that they will be efficient and joyful home helpers? One way is for the school to take into account home industrial work and honor it. It is my conviction, based upon careful and continuous observation, that the school can greatly increase the interest the child will take in home industrial work by making it a subject of consideration at school. A teacher talked of sewing, and the girls sewed. She talked of ironing, and they wanted to learn to iron neatly. She talked of working with tools, and both girls and boys made bird houses, kites, and other things of interest. Recently a school garden was planned in a city and one of the boys was employed to plow the land. Seventy-five children were watching for him to come with the team. At last he came driving around the corner. He could manage a team. He drove into the lot, and a hundred[4] and fifty eyes looked with admiration at the boy who could unhitch from the sled and hitch to the plow; and then as he, "man-fashion,"—lines over one shoulder and under one arm,—drove the big team around the field, all could feel the children's admiration for the boy who could do something worth while. And I have seen a girl who could make good bread or set a table nicely get the real admiration of her schoolmates.
The school can help make better home-builders. It can help by industrial work done in the school, but as that is already receiving consideration by the press and in a few schools, I shall not in this short article treat of it.
The plan I have in mind will cost no money, will take but little school time, and can be put into operation in every part of the State at once. It will create a demand for expert instruction later on. It is to give school credit for industrial work done at home. The mother and father are to be recognized as teachers, and the school teacher put into the position of one who cares about the habits and tastes of the whole child. Then the teacher and the parents will have much in common. Every home has the equipment for industrial work and has some one who uses it with more or less skill.
The school has made so many demands on the home that the parents have in some cases felt that all the time of the child must be given to the school. But an important thing that the child needs along with school work is established habits of home-making. What people do depends as much upon habit as upon knowledge. The criticism that is most often made upon industrial work at school[5] is that it is so different from the work done in the home that it does not put the child into that sympathetic relation with the home, which after all is for him and the home the most important thing in the world. Juvenile institutions find that they must be careful not to institutionalize the child to such an extent that he may not be contented in a real home. In my opinion it will be a great thing for the child to want to help his parents do the task that needs to be done and to want to do it in the best possible way. The reason why so many country boys are now leading men of affairs is because early in life they had home responsibilities thrust upon them. I am sure that the motto "Everybody Helps" is a good one.
But one says: "How can it be brought about? How can the school give credit for industrial work done at home?" It may be done by sending home printed slips asking the parents to take account of the work that the child does at home under their instruction, and explaining that credit will be given for this work on the school record. These slips must be used according to the age of the child, so that he will not be asked to do too much, for it must be clearly recognized that children must have time for real play. The required tasks must not be too arduous, yet they must be real tasks. They must not be tasks that will put extra work on parents except in the matter of instruction and observation. They may well call for the care of animals, and should include garden work for both boys and girls. Credit in school for home industrial work (with the parents' consent) should count as much as any one study in school.
To add interest to the work, exhibitions should be given at stated times so that all may learn from each other and the best be the model for all. The school fairs in Yamhill, Polk, Benton, Lane, Wasco, and Crook Counties, together with the school and home industrial work done at Eugene, have convinced me most thoroughly that these plans are practicable, and that school work and home work, school play and home play, and love for parents and respect for teachers and fellow pupils can best be fostered by a more complete coöperation between school and home, so that the whole child is taken into account at all times.
After the home-credit schools of Mr. O'Reilly and Mr. Conklin were well under way, I received many inquiries about the home credit idea. As I was then State Superintendent, I had a pamphlet printed by the State Office, describing the workings of the plan, and had it distributed to Oregon teachers. Fifteen thousand copies were also printed for Mr. Claxton, Commissioner of Education, in the summer of 1912, and distributed by the National Bureau to superintendents and teachers throughout the United States. Since this pamphlet has been out of print there have been many inquiries sent me about home credit, and I hope that this book may answer some of them.
The brain and the hand, too long divorced, and each mean and weak without the other; use and beauty, each alone vulgar; letters and labor, each soulless without the other, are henceforth to be one and inseparable; and this union will lift man to a higher level.—G. Stanley Hall.
The idea of giving school credit for home work first occurred to me when I was a high-school principal in McMinnville, Oregon, in 1901. Often, in the few years that I had been teaching, I had felt keenly a lack of understanding between school and home. As I was thinking over this problem, and wondering what could be done, I chanced to meet on the street the mother of one of my rosiest-cheeked, strongest-looking high-school girls. I saw that the little mother looked forlorn and tired. There was a nervous twitch of the hand that adjusted the robes about the crippled child she was wheeling in a baby buggy. I had frequently noticed that Mary, the daughter, who was one of the very poorest students in her class, was on the streets the greater part of the time after school hours.[8] I thought, "What value can there be in my teaching that girl quadratic equations and the nebular hypothesis, when what she most needs to learn is the art of helping her mother?"
In the algebra recitation next day I asked, "How many helped with the work before coming to school?" Hands were raised, but not Mary's. "How many got breakfast?" Hands again, not Mary's. "I made some bread a few days ago, bread that kept, and kept, and kept on keeping. How many of you know how to make bread?" Some hands, not Mary's. I then announced that the lesson for the following day would consist as usual of ten problems in advance, but that five would be in the book, and five out of the book. The five out of the book for the girls would consist of helping with supper, helping with the kitchen work after supper, preparing breakfast, helping with the dishes and kitchen work after breakfast, and putting a bedroom in order. Surprise and merriment gave place to enthusiasm when the boys and girls saw that I was in downright earnest. When I asked for a report on the algebra lesson next day all hands went up for all the problems[9] both in algebra and in home-helping. As I looked my approval, all hands fell again, that is, all hands but Mary's. "What is it, Mary?" I asked. "I worked five in advance," she replied with sparkling eyes: "I worked all you gave us, and five ahead in the book!"
Since that day I have been a firm believer in giving children credit at school for work done at home. We did not work home problems every day that year, but at various times the children were assigned lessons like the one mentioned, and scarcely a day passed that we did not talk over home tasks, and listen to the boys and girls as they told what each had achieved. The idea that washing dishes and caring for chickens was of equal importance with algebra and general history, and that credit and honor would frequently be given for home work, proved a stimulus to all the children, and especially to Mary. Her interest in all her school duties was doubled, and it is needless to say that her mother's interest in the school was many times increased as her heavy household cares were in part assumed by her healthy daughter.
A few weeks after the first home credit[10] lesson Mary brought her luncheon to school. At the noon hour she came to my desk, opened her basket, and displaying a nicely made sandwich said, "I made this bread." The bread looked good, and must have been all right, for she ate the sandwich, and it did not seem to hurt her. She came again wearing a pretty new shirt-waist, and told me she had made it herself, and that it had cost just eighty-five cents.
After Mary graduated from high school she went out into the country to teach, and boarded with her uncle's family. Her uncle's wife was ill for a while, and Mary showed that she knew how to cook a fine meal, and how to set a table so that the food looked good to eat. She made herself generally useful. Her uncle came to my office one day and told me that Mary was the finest girl he ever saw, and that every girl like that should go to college, and that he was going to see that she went to college if he had to sell the farm to send her. She went to college, but it didn't take the farm to send her.
An excellent result of the absence of centralization in the United States.... The widest possible scope being allowed to individual and local preferences, ... one part of our vast country can profit by the experience of the other parts.
John Fiske.
Kindly convey my blessing to that genius of a teacher in Spring Valley, the same to stand good till judgment day.
Wm. Hawley Smith.
Mr. A. I. O'Reilly, in the school at Spring Valley, Oregon, was the first to give systematic, certified credit for home work. He originated the idea of having a prize contest for credits, and put care for health and cleanliness on the list of home duties. Dr. Winship classifies new educational suggestions as dreams, nightmares, and visions. The remarkable success of Mr. O'Reilly in his home credit school should place his ideas in the "vision" list.
Spring Valley is a rich farming district in Polk County, Oregon, about nine miles from Salem. Mr. O'Reilly took the school in the fall of 1909. He rented a farmhouse about half a mile away, brought his wife and little[12] boys out from Dakota, where he had served as county superintendent, and went to work building up his school. He gained great influence with the boys and girls, and was much respected and thoroughly liked by everybody.
He noticed that on each big, well-developed farm in the neighborhood there was a great deal of work for the boys and girls to do, but that they did not as a rule do it with cheerfulness and interest. He wanted, if possible, to change their attitude of mind. So, with the hearty approval of his board of directors, he arranged to give school credit for home work. This was in the fall of 1911. Various tasks that the children ought to do he put into a list, and allowed a certain number of minutes credit for each one.[1] The three children having earned the greatest number of credits at the close of the nine school months were to receive three dollars each, and the three next highest, two dollars. The money was to be allowed by the school board, and put into the savings bank to the credit of the prize-winners.
Every one of the thirty-three pupils in the school was enrolled in this new kind of contest. The registering of the credits each morning meant extra work for the teacher, but it brought extra results. The prospect of a bank account for the winners incited the children to learn for the first time something about banks and banking. There was a "we-are-doing-something" atmosphere throughout the school.
In answer to the query of some visitors if this giving of credit for home work did not interfere with school work, Mr. O'Reilly pointed to the record in the county spelling contest, in which his school had earned 100 per cent that month.
The county superintendent, Mr. Seymour, had announced that a banner would be given to his rural schools showing that they were standard schools as soon as they should meet certain requirements. These requirements were well-drained school grounds; school building properly lighted, heated, and ventilated; schoolhouse and grounds neat and attractive; sanitary outbuildings; walk made to building and outbuildings; individual[14] drinking-cups; the purchase each year of one standard picture; thorough work on the part of teacher and pupils; the enrollment of every pupil in the spelling contest; and an average of 95 per cent in attendance. Spring Valley was the first school in the county to receive the banner and become a standard school.
The county superintendents of Oregon were assembled at Salem in January, 1912, for the purpose of grading teachers' examination papers. They were much interested in what they heard of Mr. O'Reilly's work at Spring Valley and accepted with great pleasure the invitation of Mr. Seymour to visit the school. As that day in Mr. O'Reilly's school is significant, I wish to quote an article about it written by T. J. Gary, superintendent of Clackamas County. Mr. Gary's article was printed in one of the Oregon City papers in January, 1912.
Last Saturday seventeen county school superintendents and the superintendent of public instruction drove through the wind and rain to Spring Valley, Polk County, to attend a parent-teachers' meeting. Why? Because we had heard much of a new plan that was being tried out by the teacher, pupils, and parents of the school in[15] that beautiful valley. Did we go because it was a new plan? No. If we should try to investigate every new plan we would be going all the time. We went because we thought we saw a suggestion, at least, of a solution of two very important problems: "How to bring the school and the home into closer relation," and "How to make the boys and the girls in the country love their home."
We arrived at the Spring Valley School at 10.30 A.M. and observed first a board walk from the road to the schoolhouse door and a well-drained school-yard free from all rubbish, such as sticks, pieces of paper, and so forth.
Upon entering the room we observed that the directors had made provision for the proper heating, lighting, and ventilation of the schoolroom. On the walls were three nicely framed pictures, the "Sistine Madonna," "The Christ," and "The Lions," all beautiful reproductions of celebrated works of art. The building was a modest one, much like many school buildings we find through the country, but there was about it that which said plainer than words can say it, "This is a well-ordered school."
Looking to the right, we saw on a partition wall, on the floor, and on the side wall, a variety of articles: aprons, dresses, doilies, handbags, handkerchiefs, kites, traps, bird houses, and various other things made by the boys and girls of the school. At the left in the other corner of the room were loaves of bread, pies, cakes, tarts, doughnuts, and other tempting things prepared by the girls and boys. The writer sampled various edibles, among them a cake baked by Master Z——, son of our[16] ex-superintendent, J. C. Z——. I can cheerfully say that it was the kind of cake that makes a man want more.
These things were all of interest to us, but the one thing we were most curious to know about was the system the teacher had of giving credits for home work; not school work done at home, but all kinds of honest work a country girl or boy can find to do. Pupils were given five minutes credit for milking a cow, five minutes for sleeping in fresh air, five minutes for taking a bath, and so on through the long list of common duties incident to home life in the country. The rule of the school is that any pupil who has earned six hundred minutes may have a holiday, at the discretion of the teacher. If the pupil asks for a holiday to use for some worthy cause the teacher grants it, providing it does not interfere too much with the pupil's school work.
Space will not permit my giving a more detailed account of the plan. I trust that enough has been given to show the principle involved. The teacher was subjected to volley after volley of questions from the superintendents, but was able to answer all of them with alacrity. The chairman called upon the parents to give their testimony as to the success of the movement. I cannot write here all that was said, but will give two statements as fair samples of all.
One good motherly-looking country woman said: "Before this plan was started I got up in the morning and prepared breakfast for the family, and after breakfast saw to the preparation of the children for school. Now, when morning comes[17] the girls insist upon my lying in bed so that they may get breakfast. After breakfast they wash the dishes, sweep the kitchen, and do many other things as well as make their own preparation for school. I think the plan is a success. My only fear is that it will make me lazy."
One father said: "I have two boys—one in the high school and Jack, here. It was as hard work to get the older boy out in the morning as it was to do the chores, and as Jack was too young to be compelled to do the work, I let them both sleep while I did it. Now, when the alarm sounds, I hear Jack tumbling out of bed, and when I get up I find the fires burning and the stock at the barn cared for; so all I have to do is to look happy, eat my breakfast, and go about my business. Yes, it is a great success in our home."
At this point Superintendent Alderman said: "Jack, stand, we want to see you," and Jack, a bright, manly-appearing country boy of fourteen years stood blushing, while we looked our appreciation.
One man told of the many things that his daughter had done, whereupon it was suggested that she might do so much that her health would be in danger. A pleasant smile flitted across the face of the father as he said, "Daughter, stand and let these men see if they think you are injuring your health." A bright, buxom, rosy-cheeked girl—the very picture of health and happiness—arose while we laughed and cheered.
To the question, "Does this work interfere with the work of the school?" the teacher pointed to the record of the school in a spelling contest that[18] is being conducted in this county, and read "100 per cent for this month; 98.12 per cent for last," and said, "No, I find that the children have taken more interest in their work and are making more progress than before."
When alone, after time for reflection, I thought, "One swallow does not make a summer" and one school does not prove that this is a good plan. In Spring Valley the conditions are ideal,—a board of directors who do their duty, a citizenship that is far above the average, girls and boys from well-ordered homes of a prosperous people, a teacher who would succeed anywhere with half a chance, a wide-awake, sympathetic county school superintendent,—and yet I thought if this is good for the Spring Valley School, might it not be a good thing for all our schools? I have not reached a conclusion, but have had much food for thought, and am more than pleased with my experience and observation.
What do you think about it, gentle reader? Is it a passing fancy? A fad, if you please? Or is it a means for training boys and girls to habits of industry and to a wholesome respect for honest toil? Will it bring the home and the school into closer relation? And will it cause the country boys and girls to love their homes, to love the country with its singing birds, its babbling brooks, its broad fields and friendly hills?
There was not a school in the State that responded better to any movement initiated by the State or county than the one in Spring[19] Valley. Every pupil was greatly interested in the boys' and girls' industrial and agricultural contest which Oregon carried on that year for the first time. The children raised cabbage plants at school, protected from the cold by a tent that Mr. O'Reilly provided. They planned to sell them to the neighbors in order to get money for seeds, but were sadly disappointed, when they came to school one morning, to find that a cow had broken in during the night and destroyed almost every plant. The owner of the cow paid them the value of the plants, but they were never quite so happy over the fund as they would have been if the plants had been allowed to grow.
Six weeks before the end of the school year Mr. O'Reilly began making Saturday trips to Salem to arrange for the fair with which he intended to close the school. The merchants subscribed liberally for prizes both for the children's work and for the athletic events which Mr. O'Reilly had planned for the afternoon. A local piano house sent out a piano for the occasion, and an amusement company put up a merry-go-round, and[20] stands for lemonade, ice-cream, and all the rest that goes with a first-class picnic. The picnic was held in the grove a short distance from the schoolhouse. Mr. O'Reilly and the neighbors had made a platform for which the children's work formed the background,—dresses, bird houses, fancy work, cakes, bread, and other articles,—and had made seats of rough lumber for the crowd. And a crowd it was, for the whole county was interested in the Spring Valley School. This was one of the first local fairs in connection with the county school fairs which were held throughout the State, and the awards were also to be made to the children who had earned the most credits in the home credit contest.
We drove out from Salem in automobiles. On reaching the grove we found it filled with teams tied everywhere, and many automobiles standing about. Promptly at ten o'clock the school children marched down from the schoolhouse in an industrial parade, carrying things that they had made or raised in the garden. A pretty sight they were, as they took their places on the reserved benches in[21] front, all in their best clothes, most of the girls in white dresses of their own making.
The Governor of Oregon was there, and made the first address. At the close of his talk, the Spring Valley children sang in voices as clear as the birds, "There is no Land Like Oregon," and were most heartily cheered. After the remainder of the addresses and songs came the most breathless part of the day, the awarding of the school-credit prizes for the year's work. A member of the school board read the list of winners, and took occasion to express the appreciation that the district felt for Mr. O'Reilly's work. He assured the audience that the people of the district considered the plan one of the very finest that they had ever known, for it put the children in the right attitude toward their work, and gave the parents the feeling that they were assisting in the work of the school. Never in the history of the community had there been such a year.
The judging of the industrial work was then carried on, while the Spring Valley home-credit girls set the long tables for the luncheon, which they had prepared without assistance[22] from their mothers. We all envied the three women up on the platform tasting the cakes, and were glad when the ribbons were pinned on, for we knew then that the dinner would begin. The blue ribbon for cake-making by children under thirteen was awarded to a boy, Arthur Z——. The governor and I placed this lad between us at the head of the table, and he gave us very generous portions of the prize cake.
This was Mr. O'Reilly's last day with the Spring Valley School. The next year he was chosen one of the rural school supervisors in Lane County, and he is still there making an excellent record. A recent letter from him briefly takes up the later history of his Spring Valley winners in the home credit contest. He says:—
Evangeline J—— was one of the winners. She is doing finely in high school, and still winning prizes at fairs. She leads her class in domestic science in the Eugene High School. She has eighty dollars in the bank, sixty-one dollars and fifty cents earned from prizes. You know the home credit started her bank account with three dollars. Golda B—— is another. She is attending the high school at Sheridan. Her standings are fine. She very seldom has to take examinations. She has[23] about seventy-five dollars in the bank. Jack S—— has finished the eighth grade, and is going to attend high school in Eugene this year. His bank account is thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents. Mabel S—— has finished the grades and will go to high school in Hopewell this year. Her bank account is thirty-eight dollars. She has a piano her father got her, and is doing well in music. Verda R—— attends high school in Eugene this year. The other winners are still little ones, and are attending school in Spring Valley.
Present interest is the grand motive power.—Rousseau.
An objection to the introduction of new subjects is that children are already overworked in school. There is, however, a precaution against overwork; it is making school work interesting to the children. To introduce new and higher subjects into the school program is not necessarily to increase the strain upon the child. If this measure increases the interest and attractiveness of the work and the sense of achievement, it will diminish weariness and the risk of hurtful strain.
Charles W. Eliot.
When I was county superintendent in Yamhill County I used to talk much of the home credit plan in local institutes. One day when I was explaining how the plan worked, and how I had given credit in algebra for home activities, a teacher arose in the audience and said he was willing to go almost any length with me, but he thought it was going too far to give credit in algebra for what was not algebra. "Is it not dishonest?" he asked, "and will it not teach dishonesty? Besides, if you give credit in this way for things not algebra, what will become of the algebra?" This is an unsettled problem: what will become of[25] the algebra? True, Mary got more algebra! I put this unsettled question alongside of another. I was arguing for the consolidation of schools in a little district near a larger district, and had tried to show that consolidation would be much cheaper, and would bring greater advantages, when a man stood up and said that he agreed in general with the plan but that it would not work in this district, "for," said he, "this district has a cemetery deeded to it, and if the district should lose its identity, what would become of the cemetery?" As these questions are similar, I put the algebra into the cemetery.
I believe in algebra, but in order to teach algebra I believe it is first necessary to see to it that the child is in a constructive frame of mind. He should be in harmony with his surroundings. When Mary became interested in her home, she was in a mood to work problems in advance. When her home was neglected, her algebra problems were all in arrears.
Even though we omitted the consideration of the health, the morals, and the working ability of the pupils, the home credit system would be justified as a part of the school work[26] because of its revitalizing effect on the regular school work. The teacher who succeeds in touching the hidden springs of youthful interest is doing more for humanity than the man who discovers the much-sought-for method of bringing static electricity out of space. A child, or a man either for that matter, is a dynamo of energy when interested. Many people think that children in school are overworked; in my opinion they are more often underinterested. One little lad of about five, taking a Sunday walk with grown people, told his father that he was very tired, that his legs fairly ached, and that he would have to be carried or else camp right there. A member of the party (I wish I could remember his name, for he was a good child psychologist) said to the boy, "Why, sure, you don't have to walk. I'll get you a horse." He cut a stick horse and a switch. The boy mounted at a bound, whipped his steed up and down the road, beating up the dust in circles around the crowd. By the time he reached home he had ridden the stick horse twice as far as the others had walked, and had not remembered that he was tired.
My first trial of home credits convinced me that children would do better school work because of the plan. I have letters from many teachers through the Northwest bearing me out in my opinion. I quote: "It stimulates to better work in school." "The teachers notice an improvement in school work along all lines." "It has helped to make our school, in some respects at least, as good as any in the county, according to the county superintendent's own word. A member of the board says the children have never made such progress since the school was built, and all say these children have never made so much progress before." Tardiness is reported to be much less in home credit schools.
A prominent Western dairyman remarked that arithmetic had always been a hopeless subject for him. He declared that arithmetically he was "born short." A listener inquired if he had any trouble in keeping accounts, in figuring out the profits on each dairy cow, or in doing other problems connected with his farm. He replied very quickly, "No, not at all. I don't have any trouble with anything except arithmetic." Home credits[28] take into account the out-of-school mathematical activities. So the boy who has measured a cord of wood, laid out a garden plot, figured out the costs, income, and profits of feeding a pig for a year, or solved any problem that comes up on the farm, will be considered to have done something in arithmetic.
From Auburn, Washington, comes a story of the effect of giving school credits for garage and shop work. Joe, a boy of seventeen, who had attended high school for a year and a half, had earned only three academic credits, and his other work was below passing. The superintendent, Mr. Todd, called a conference with Joe's parents and, to use his own expression, went after Joe "with hammer and tongs." After much discussion, the superintendent finally asked the father and mother what the boy seemed most interested in outside of school. Exchanging a troubled glance with his wife, the father said that as soon as Joe got out of school he rushed straight to Meade's garage. So the superintendent went to the garage, and found that Joe could be taken into Mr. Meade's employment for the afternoons. Again he called Joe to his office,[29] and said to him, "Now, see here. You are going on with your regular subjects here in school, and in addition you are going to do some work down in Meade's garage. Mr. Meade is going to grade your work and send in his report to me. If you make good there it will help out your record here. You will get pay for your work, too. You have got it in you to make good, and I know you will. What do you think about it?" "I think it's bully!" exclaimed Joe.
Joe had failed in his geometry, but as soon as he took the position at the garage his work in geometry improved. It was about Christmas that he began working, and at the time of the report several months later he was doing well in his mathematics. The credit he received from the garage counted toward his marks for high-school graduation. Mr. Meade, incidentally, was very much pleased with his part in the transaction, and sent in his reports with religious regularity.
Not only Joe, but some half dozen other boys in Mr. Todd's school at Auburn are now "farmed out" in this manner, and work downtown under regular contract. They are mostly[30] boys who had lost interest in school, and were at the dropping-out stage. Mr. Todd's plan is similar to the one in use at Fitchburg, Massachusetts.
Herbert M——, of Minnehaha, Washington, is such a busy boy at home that he does not have time to look at a book after he leaves school. This year, 1914, Mr. W. E. Dudley, the principal of the Minnehaha school, began to give credit for home work and allowed the credits obtained to be applied where most needed. The first month of school this year Herbert's arithmetic grade was below 65 per cent; his last month's grade in the same subject, without adding any credits, was above 95 per cent. At first Herbert needed his extra credits applied to his mathematics to obtain a passing grade. But for some cause his work in arithmetic has improved wonderfully.
If you care to get up at five o'clock and go through the day with Herbert it may open your eyes as to what an industrious boy of fifteen does at home. He is always up early, for before the day's work begins he milks two cows, feeds three "skim-milk" calves and eight head of cattle, pumps water for them,[31] and feeds nine pigs. He is then ready for a hearty breakfast. One morning in March, Herbert and his father agreed that harrowing was more important than going to school. So he worked five hours, harrowing four and a half acres. Herbert did not lose credit at school, for his teacher approved of his morning's work, as he knew how important it was. He was at school before the one o'clock bell rang, had a game of ball with the boys, and was ready for his lessons of the afternoon. At four o'clock he hurried home, and this is what he did before he went to bed. First, he herded six cows for over an hour, milked two cows, fed his skim-milk calves, got in the wood, fed the chickens, gathered the eggs, cleaned two barns, fed the eight head of cattle, pumped water for them, fed the pigs, and turned the separator ten minutes.
While Herbert has had some trouble with his arithmetic he does fine work in composition. At the children's fair at Spokane in October, 1913, he won fifteen dollars in cash for the best essay on caring for a skim-milk calf, and a pair of scales as second prize for[32] an essay on how to handle a farm separator. Here are Herbert's prizes for three years: In 1911 at the county fair at Vancouver, Washington, he got the second award, a diploma, on his farm exhibit; in 1912 as first prize on farm exhibit he won a trip to the fair at Puyallup; in 1913 at the Clarke County fair he received ten dollars' worth of garden seeds as second prize on farm exhibit, fifteen dollars in cash for judging dairy cattle, while together with his parents he won seventy-five dollars for the best adult farm exhibit; and at the children's state contest, 1913, he received the first prize, fifteen dollars, for the skim-milk calf essay.
A boy in one of the Portland, Oregon, schools had trouble with his spelling, getting a mark of only 41⁄2 on a scale of 10. Soon after home credits were put into use by his teacher he came to her and anxiously inquired if he could help out his spelling grade with a good home record. The teacher graciously assured him that he could. The boy brought in each week one of the very best home record slips, and in some mysterious manner his spelling improved as his hours of work increased. He[33] does not need his home record to help out his spelling grade now, for last month he received more than a passing mark, 71⁄2 in his weak subject. The knowledge that there was help at hand relieved his nervousness, and gave him confidence.
She ... worketh willingly with her hands ... and eateth not the bread of idleness. Give her of the fruit of her hands; and let her own works praise her in the gates.
Proverbs XXXI, 13, 27, 31.
We are still paying a heavy price for slave labor; for instance, the idea that it is undignified to cook has come down through the ages of slaveholding, and has got into some people's blood. The school by taking into account home tasks can make them seem worth while and thus dignify their doing. Many persons do not work because their ideals are made at school, and their heroes are those who did not win honor at labor, or, at least, the labor of these heroes is not emphasized.
In the case of Mary, the work she did at home transformed her from a heedless girl into a sympathetic helper. She had the idea that too many young people have, that it is more honorable to study algebra than to wash dishes or to cook a meal. The minute[35] that she saw that they were considered equal she no longer held back from the home work, and when in a constructive frame of mind she not only did the home work but did her algebra too. There is not a normal American boy who shrinks from a piece of work because he thinks it is hard. On the contrary, he likes the man's job, and seeks out the hard things and tackles them. He avoids the things he thinks are not worth while. So it becomes a matter of the child's point of view whether he likes his work or not. Too often it is the case that the child never hears it suggested that there is any merit in home work within itself. He has the idea that he goes to school to get an education, and works at home because he has to. Many parents frankly tell their children that they should study well at school so they can make a living "without working."
When we give home work its proper recognition, and the child comes to understand that there are different degrees of efficiency and skill in doing it, the work will take on a new color. Many are the reports that have come in from parents in home credit districts saying,[36] "There is nothing left for us to do in the way of chores. The children used to seem indifferent about the work, and did as little as they could. Now the boys get up before we do instead of waiting to be called, rush downstairs to make the fires, and go at the chores, while the girls go into the kitchen and start breakfast."
While youth is the time for play, yet children like to work too. Since we have had the school gardens in Portland we often find the playgrounds vacant, and the gardens near by well filled with children at work. We often hear that children should not have responsibilities; yet we find that the successful men of to-day are the ones that bore burdens early. A number of successful business men in Portland were recently talking together of their boyhood days, and each one said that he had had to assume a great deal of responsibility before he was twelve years old.
The importance of "percentages," "credits," "grades," or "standings" in the minds of school children, especially in the upper grammar classrooms, is surprising to a stranger. Even the drawing teacher is begged[37] to give marks. "But there are the drawings, arranged in the order of their merit, on the screen. They can see which are the best!" No, they want a mark. "To raise our standings," they say.
Of course, we all feel that "marks" in school have but a temporary purpose; that they are to furnish a motive to serve until a better motive can be substituted. Home work may be encouraged at first by the wish for "higher standings," or a prize, or a holiday; but many other influences are likely to come in to keep it up.
This is not the place to discuss the teaching without marks that is practiced in a few modern schools. In most schools the system of giving percentages is firmly established. The honoring of achievement in the schools, by marks or otherwise, has always been a great power in helping the school studies move along. But only part of the available energy has been used. There are vast reservoirs of power which may be put at the service of education and which as yet have scarcely been tapped.
I hope the giving of marks will never be the[38] main consideration with those who follow the home credit idea, but rather the giving of honor. Too long have pupils' out-of-school industries been ignored at school as though they were something to be ashamed of. Whether we give formal credit or not, let us give honor at school for home work.
Habit second nature? Habit is ten times nature.
The Duke of Wellington.
Habits plus ideals make character. The establishing of right habits in youth can best be done by coöperation of parents and teachers. So far as we take habit-building as our aim, education becomes definite and concrete.
At the close of his famous chapter on "Habit," William James says:—
Could the young but realize how soon they will become mere walking bundles of habit, they would give more heed to their conduct while in the plastic state. We are spinning our own fates, good or evil, and never to be undone. Every smallest stroke of virtue or of vice leaves its never so little scar.... Let no youth have any anxiety about the upshot of his education, whatever the line of it may be. If he keep faithfully busy each hour of the working day, he may safely leave the final result to itself. He can with perfect certainty count on waking up some fine morning to find himself one of the competent ones of his generation, in whatever pursuit he may have singled out.... Young people should know this truth in advance. The ignorance of it has probably engendered[40] more discouragement and faint-heartedness in youths embarking on arduous careers than all other causes put together.
One habit that works for success is industry. How easy it is for a bright boy or girl to get through school without acquiring anything like a habit of being industrious, even in learning book lessons! If he is quick-minded, as he has only to keep up with the average child, he needs little or no work to give him a good standing in his class. The alert child often gains all required information by merely listening to the other pupils. Thus we often find failures among those bright pupils whom we expected to find successful, because they did not learn to dig and could do only what came easily. Most occupations demand more than an acquiring attitude of mind. They demand vigorous exertion, and the seeing to it that the thing is done. But how is there to be any assurance that the child is forming habits of industry if there is not coöperation? The child tells the parent that he has to prepare his lessons and so he gets out of work at home; he makes the plea that he is tired out by home tasks so that he may not be given hard work[41] at school. So he misses the work habit entirely.
Politeness—a show of consideration for the rights and feelings of others—is partly a habit. Careful watching by parent and teacher is needed to establish this consideration as a permanent attitude of mind. It is with much pleasure that I note that many of the home credit cards bear the items, "Cheerfulness," "Kindness," "Politeness," "Keeping temper," "Doing before told," "Care of language," "Courtesy to parents," and the like. And it is with very great pleasure that I receive letters from parents and teachers saying that the attitude of the children in these things is becoming a habit.
Elizabeth G—— and her mother have a small blackboard in the kitchen and here they keep a record of all the work Elizabeth does
Neatness and personal care are habits that mean much to any one. Some grown people cannot help being neat. Others apparently cannot be neat no matter how much they try. Something is always wrong. It is a habit formed when young, perhaps before the age of twenty. In Mr. O'Reilly's list he included sleeping with window boards in, bathing, caring for the nails, brushing the hair, cleaning the teeth, and going to bed by nine o'clock.[42] Personal care has been given a place on the Portland home credit record[2] which is now used in some of the schools. Algona, a home credit school about twenty miles from Seattle, uses the Portland personal care section, including bathing, brushing teeth, sleeping with open windows, going to bed before nine o'clock, and attending church or Sunday school. In looking over the first home credit slips that came in, the Algona principal found that Nettie, a girl of thirteen, had earned just 7 per cent out of the 100 per cent given for a perfect record in the personal division. She had earned more than the required two hundred and ten minutes for the week in the regular work department at a hard round of preparing meals, washing dishes, sweeping, feeding the poultry, scrubbing, and so forth. But Nettie had slept with her window closed, had not brushed her teeth, had not taken a bath, nor had she been in bed at the required hour. Nettie was obviously unhappy over the grade her card received in comparison with the grades of her schoolmates. Before the next report day she had in some way[43] secured a toothbrush, that effective means of promoting civilization, and had made sufficient improvement in her personal care to secure 65 per cent. Her grade for the third week was 72 per cent, and for the fourth, 93 per cent. Her fourth week's report showed a hot bath, toothbrushing twice a day, window open every night, and that she was in bed before nine every night but two. What her reform will mean to the entire family it is interesting to conjecture.
"Be careful about that voice, Ella," directed a teacher. Ella arose at her place, a thin, stooping girl of about thirteen. She read her passage of the lesson in a voice scarcely audible to the visitor across the room. A few minutes later the visitor was looking over some home credit report slips. "Here is a girl who did not sleep with her windows open," she said. The teacher took the blank, studied it a minute, then replied, "This is the first time that child has brought in a home credit slip. Do you recall my reminding a little girl about her voice? That is the girl, and this card may explain her voice quality."
All the pupils except two in a little Washington town learned to sleep with their windows open. Upon inquiry it was found that one girl could not open her window, as it was made for admitting light only, being built solidly into the wall. In the case of the other child, the parents absolutely refused to endanger their daughter's health by letting her breathe night air, no matter how many faddists insisted that it was necessary!
Some members of a church were discussing the problem of the spirit of incipient immorality that they felt was prevalent among children in the neighborhood. A home credit teacher showed the speakers a number of the first report cards she had received, which disclosed the fact that very few of the pupils under her care were ever in bed before nine o'clock. A few months later she took occasion to display again her pupils' home credit cards and with pride pointed out that almost every child was going to bed early, before nine o'clock. "It had grown to be a habit with the children to be up late," she said. "The immorality talked of was not yet in actual existence among the children, but through their[45] outside evening associates was gradually working itself in. The children had only to be reminded in a substantial way that it was not only desirable for them physically to retire early, but that they were to receive recognition in their school standing for so doing, and they at once happily complied."
We are just beginning to discover that the rural school has a fine laboratory for practical educational purposes, in the neighborhood environment of the school. With the development of scientific agriculture and domestic arts in many of our modern country homes this laboratory is constantly improving.
Kansas State Agricultural College Bulletin, 1914.
There is a general idea among teachers that parents will not coöperate with them. This, I believe, is founded upon the assumption that because they cannot, as a usual thing, coöperate in textbook work they will not coöperate in other things. But both parents and teachers want the same results accomplished. If these are to be attained it means partnership work, the parent and that other parent, the teacher, working together; or one might say, the teacher, and that other teacher, the parent, working together.
I have been surprised to find to what extent parents will coöperate with teachers if given a chance. Mrs. Brown goes to the schoolhouse on a bleak afternoon. She is greeted[47] warmly by the teacher, Miss Smith, and given an arithmetic text to follow while the class recites. The lesson is on decimal fractions. Now, Mrs. Brown didn't have decimal fractions during her school days, so the recitation is quite meaningless to her. She is glad when the class is over, and does not find time to visit school again that term. But if she is asked to prepare a luncheon for the picnic at the close of the year, or asked to assist in any social function at the schoolhouse, she spends her time for the school, and is glad to do it.
In Eugene, Oregon, several years ago I found that the women of the city were enthusiastic in aiding the schools. Thirty-two women gave up Monday afternoon to teaching the girls sewing, while the boys had military drill. At a social center meeting at Hover, Washington, the suggestion was made that it would be well if one of the mothers would come to the school building occasionally to help the girls with their sewing, as the eighth-grade pupils would have to take an examination in the subject in May. So many mothers volunteered to undertake the task that a schedule was made out whereby a[48] sewing period could be had every afternoon, and no mother be on duty oftener than every two weeks.
At Myrtle Creek, Oregon, domestic art work is carried on in this way: the teacher gives instructions in the work that is to be done; in cooking, for instance, recipes are given, talked over, and written down. The girls then go home, and actually do the work, and make a report to the teacher. They must have the signatures of their mothers for all the work they do. This is managed with a home credit report card.
Mrs. E. H. Belknap, a progressive rural teacher near Jefferson, Oregon, said in a recent letter: "We learn how a cow can be fed and cared for, so as to produce the greatest amount of butter fat. That is well, but we regard it of far more value for the boy to go home, apply the knowledge learned, and produce the butter fat. He is now worth something to the world, and able to turn his education into dollars and cents at any time. The girl takes the book, and reads how to make butter. She goes home, tends the milk, churns, and makes the butter, learns how[49] really to do the work. She has called the attention of the entire family to the amount and quality of her butter obtained from proper feeding and handling of the cow by the boy."
And yet it is said that nothing can be done in the small school in domestic science because there is no equipment. In every home there is ideal equipment if we mean the equipment the children are to use. If we are preparing for life, why not use the equipment we must use in life? Best of all, in using the home laboratory there is an immediate purpose. None of us can get much out of an exercise when it is done just for an exercise. There is the dinner to be cooked, the bed to be made, the ironing to be done; somebody must do it. And the dinner, the bed, and the ironing are to be put to the test by some one who sees real values. There is no doubt that one of the things schools most lack is purpose.
It might be said that to stimulate a child to want to do things is only half the problem. "If children do things without expert instruction they may do them wrong, and thus get a[50] faulty habit." But I think more than half of the problem is solved when we create the desire to do a thing. The greatest fault of present-day education is that we constantly try to teach a child how to do a thing without his desiring to do it, or even knowing the reason for doing it. On the other hand, I once knew a country girl who had never seen a domestic science equipment, and who lived in a community where there was no one housekeeper especially noted; yet with her strong desire to be a fine housekeeper she learned something good from each neighbor, and for excellent results, and for economy of time and material, her daily practice would put the average domestic science teacher to disadvantage. However I am not arguing that domestic science should not be taught at school; I certainly believe it should. But I do claim that it is worth while, and is absolutely necessary, first to create the desire to do the things that are to be taught. To do things without a purpose is like trying to eat without an appetite.
A pamphlet published by the Kansas State Agricultural College on "School Credit for[51] Home Work: The Laboratory of the Rural School," makes these practical points:—
Could there possibly be a more favorable condition for teaching Domestic Arts than in the rural school from which the girl goes every evening to a busy home where she is needed to take part in the actual work of housekeeping? It is here that the girl has a chance to put into actual practice the things she has learned at school. Here the home has the chance to realize immediately upon the investment it is making in the education of the girl. If sanitation, ventilation, sweeping and dusting, care of the sick, preparation of foods, care of milk, water supply and uses, bathing, care of health, sewing, proper clothing, etc., are taught in our schools, and if the laboratories are in the immediate neighborhood, and the girls and boys must go into them to stay overnight, they should be used. Likewise, the vegetable gardens at the homes should be made the experimental plots for the school, after the best seeds have been selected, best methods of preparing, fertilizing, and planting the soil, best-known methods of cultivation and maturing the crops, have been taught. The actual experimental work should be carried out in the home gardens by the boys and girls. Proper records can be kept, and the boys and girls will be anxious to get back into school, after the out-of-doors summer experiments, to compare reports, and renew another phase of their educational work.
In agriculture the fields, stock, buildings, etc., about the schoolhouse should be studied and used.[52] These are the real agricultural laboratory. The real problems of actual farming are present, and the methods of work and the ways of handling the fields and the stock are the available resources of the school as a part of its actual laboratory. In this connection study the dairy cows, the feeding of cattle, hogs, and horses, types and breeds of farm horses, cattle, hogs, and sheep. In every community there are many opportunities for type studies—such as fields of alfalfa or wheat or corn; a dairy herd; valuable and well-bred horses; beef cattle; hogs or sheep; a silo, or types of farm machinery, and farm buildings.
It is natural for a child to want to assume home responsibilities, but there are many things that interfere unless a special effort is made. The school itself has been a great offender in weaning children from their homes and from natural living. This, of course, is not strange when we consider that the school started out to make lawyers and ministers, and not home-makers. Yet one of the great needs of the time is to make people home-loving, and to have those wholesome habits that come from sharing home responsibilities. Anything is worth while that will make the child once taste the joy of doing a useful thing well.
Through ignorance ye did it.—Acts III, 17.
"Let the school go on just as it has. What business is it of the school to meddle with the home work? Of course most children do certain chores at home, but why confuse the work of the home with the work of the school?"
Have you heard this speech? I have heard it several times. Does justice demand that we know what pupils do outside of school? Must the teacher know home conditions in order to teach efficiently? I have in mind a true story that answers these questions and shows the injustice of teaching children when one knows little or nothing of their home life. I am sure most teachers have had similar experiences.
In a certain schoolroom in a certain town I noticed one day two girls in the same class sitting near each other. The contrast between them was so great that I became interested in them, and found out something of their history[54] and circumstances. Stella, the younger one, eleven years old, was a perfect picture of rosy health. Her brown hair was beautiful and most becomingly arranged. Many women would have been delighted to wear such furs as she put on at the noon recess. Well dressed and well nourished, she had the look of one much loved at school and at home, one to whom life was all happiness.
Stella is the only child of wealthy and doting parents. If we should follow her home we should find a well-kept modern house, and we should see that the mother who greets her at the door is just such a mother as we should expect for such a girl. While the evening meal is being prepared, her mother sits beside her at the piano, and helps with her practice, and when the father comes in, the three sing together until dinner is announced. After dinner her mother helps her with her Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Divisor. They all discuss her composition and then her mother asks her to read aloud, and reads to her. Promptly at nine o'clock she goes to bed in just the kind of room a little girl loves. The windows are opened to[55] the proper width, the heat is turned off, she is kissed good-night, and is told, "Mother loves you, and Father will come in and kiss you when he comes home."
In the morning at seven o'clock she is called by a very gentle voice, and told it is time for Mother's angel to leave her dreams. Her mother helps her dress, and brushes and braids her hair. "What will Father's sweetheart have for breakfast this morning?" She will have grape-fruit and a poached egg on toast. After some fitting by the seamstress for a new dress to be added to her already full wardrobe, she is thoroughly inspected and is ready for school. She is given some flowers for the teacher, and is accompanied part way by her mother. She is early at school, her teacher kisses her, pats her cheeks, and Stella is ready for the lessons, the lessons her mother helped her with the evening before. There she is, happy, radiant!
Now let us go home with the other girl. Sadie is thirteen, but she looks much older notwithstanding her frail little figure. Did I say home? Be the judge. A few years ago her father and her aunt ran away together, leaving[56] the mother with Sadie and two younger children. The broken-spirited mother died after the desertion, and the father and aunt returned, were married, and took possession of the house and the three children. They now have a baby a year old. The family live in a tumbledown house at the edge of the city. On entering the house Sadie receives no greeting from her stepmother-aunt, who is sitting by a dirty window reading. The child knows what work there is to do, and goes at it sullenly. After the meal, at which she scarcely has time to sit down, she has to do up the work, and then is sent on an errand. When she returns it is nine o'clock and she is hardly able to keep her eyes open. The Least Common Multiple and the Greatest Common Divisor are like Greek to her. After she has tried to study a few minutes, her stepmother disturbs her by throwing her brother's stockings into her lap to be mended. When this task is completed, and the potatoes are peeled for breakfast, she goes upstairs. She tenderly draws the covers about her sleeping brother and creeps into bed beside her little sister. Though she is very weary, her starved soul is[57] comforted as she cuddles and kisses her sister before she drops to sleep.
In the night she awakens, and thinking Harry is again uncovered she slips over to his bed, like a little mother, and again adjusts the bedclothes. The baby awakens at five o'clock, and Sadie is called and told to make a fire and warm the milk. She then gets breakfast, does the kitchen work, spreads up the beds, sews a button on her brother's coat, braids her sister's hair, and is late at school.
She came in a few minutes late the morning I visited her room. The class was trying to make a record for punctuality, and had tied another room for first place until this morning when Sadie's lateness set them behind. The teacher was provoked and reproved Sadie. The pupils showed their scorn in many ways and said she was the cause of all but three of the tardy marks of the term. The teacher knew that the principal would ask her why she did not improve her tardy record. The pupils knew that their chances for a half-holiday were spoiled as long as "that Sadie Johnson" was in the room.
This morning especially the teacher wished[58] to make a good showing because she wanted a place in a larger city and hoped that I would recommend her. Arithmetic was the first thing on the program. The principal had boasted of the work of his school in arithmetic. The work went beautifully, for Stella led off with a perfect recitation. The pride of the whole class was evident, the teacher was hopeful. But wanting to see the work of all the pupils, I asked several questions, and at last called upon Sadie. She didn't know, she stood abashed, and showed absolute lack of understanding of the subject. The principal was provoked. The teacher was plainly humiliated, and said in a tone that was low, but loud enough for Sadie and several of the children to hear, "The girl is not only lazy, but feeble-minded."
So it was the whole term. Sadie was tortured each school day, condemned by the most powerful court in the world, her companions, led by her teacher. And the reason was that the teacher was teaching only the six-hour-a-day girl. One does not have to go to Turkey to see examples of injustice and cruelty. But let us not be too critical of the[59] teacher. She is tender-hearted and sympathetic. She weeps over the heroines in books, and has latent longings to be of service in the world. In this case she did not know the conditions that made Sadie stupid. If she had been interested in the children's out-of-school work, and had had them tell her about it, she would have known that the frail little unkempt girl was compelled to do a woman's work at home besides trying to get her lessons. Then she would have seen the tragedy in the child's appealing glance and have understood her. Some people go through life without finding an opportunity to do justice, such as was this teacher's. In ministering to the soul-hunger of this little girl she might have given the service that she had dreamed of giving. It would have been the kind of service that is its own reward.
A Story From Nebraska, by Mrs. Sarah J. Hoagland
One spring found me in Nebraska teaching a school of German and Bohemian children, only two of whom spoke English. I boarded with a German family who lived about a mile from the school. In our walks to and from school I taught the children English. They and their father were born in Nebraska, but at first none of them could speak English so that I could understand it, although I understood some of their German.
The oldest boy—ten years old—lanky, with awkward gait, and fair, straight-standing hair, had a dogged, sullen look. It was a "home" look, especially when the father was around, but it left when he was trying to tell about birds or other interesting things. His telling me that he intended to work in town as soon as possible gave me a peep into his heart as regarded home. It was not a happy home.[61] The father often drank, and at such times he was harsh and cruel. The mother was meek and subdued. She never had known how to do good housekeeping. She told me that when a girl in Germany, being large and strong, she had had to work in the fields instead of learning housework.
The farm was run down; the house was bare and unhomelike. The father's voice was often raised in upbraiding in "Low Dutch." He often had the children rounded up for punishment for starting fires or other mischief. The seven-year-old boy was more efficient, either in the home or out, than the ten-year-old boy. I noticed that he had a better head and intelligence. His efficiency was due to this, not to any better training.
The mother often cried over the brutality of the father to the oldest boy. I determined to study the situation, and I found a remedy. I learned that the father could do practically nothing in arithmetic. He had attended school for his confirmation—a little reading in German being the only apparent result. So I taught the boy arithmetic, and after I had worked with him two hours every night[62] for several months, he could do addition better than his father. It was wonderful to see the pride and dawning respect on the father's face as the boy figured correctly the weight of many wagon-loads of grain lately taken to the elevator. I knew then that the unreasonable whipping would tend to stop. I seldom see a father unreasonable with a boy he can be proud of at school. So the sky was clear for a time.
But when the press of spring work came on and the father found he could not afford to employ help, he grew moody and was even savage again. He drank, and at times I was afraid of him myself. But I liked the mother. I knew she needed the board money for the children, and I wanted to see the case of the boy to a finish. So I stayed on. The lovely outdoor surroundings, too, made me want to stay. The orchard was beautiful—the finest in the neighborhood. The birds sang in a large maple at my window. This was a treat to a flat-dweller. Since then I have ever loved the country.
I often asked the mother what the father was saying to the oldest boy. I knew as far[63] as the boy was concerned I could help the matter by influencing him. She said that the father was complaining that the boy was worthless as a worker. For one thing, he had milked and left the milk in the barnyard in order to play. The complaints kept pouring in on the patient mother. The father was working early and late to get abreast of the season's work. He forgot what sleep was, and grew thin and haggard and more and more savage.
I felt that only some distinct advance would have effect on either father or boy. I asked if the boy could drive a horse. He couldn't. He could not work a single piece of the machinery on the farm. That is most unusual in Nebraska, for the light soil can be worked by machinery which a boy can learn to run if he can also guide horses. The father would not teach the boy—had no patience with him. So the mother and I made our plans. She approached the father with the question of getting a team and machine for the boy. It happened to be a cornstalk cutter that was needed. The father consented, provided the mother would teach the boy! She had[64] done such work, though she was not strong enough to do it this year.
But I saw her that Saturday toiling in the hot sun, walking up and down the rows, touching up the horses. The boy proved most apt. I soon saw him going up and down alone, still under his mother's eye, however. The boy seemed to grow two years in importance, self-reliance, and ambition in that day's work! This training was kept up out of school hours for some time, and the boy learned to work other machinery, the last thing a corn-planter.
As soon as the father realized what the boy was doing, he was a transformed man. The knowledge that he had a helper seemed to clear the atmosphere. Before this the boy had always kept out of the father's way. Now he forsook the mother! It was "Papa and me" from that time in his talk. This new attitude made it all the easier for the wife, for it was a relief from what had been her greatest trouble—having to stand between the two.
The father's pride and confidence in his son kept on growing. In many ways he was just a[65] good-natured big giant, but he turned like a bear on anything that annoyed him.
I remember the first day the boy stayed out of school to work, how it seemed to me a deciding day in his life. I rarely like to see a child stay out of school, but that day I thought the industrial training much more important than anything I could teach the boy in those hours of school. He came regularly after the rush of work was over.
A School in Montana: Mrs. Hoagland's First Letter To the Author
Last September I heard your lecture on credit being given in school for home work. I have tried it lately after working the children up to grade. I started by getting acquainted with the homes, finding out what the children did and what they could do further. I made inquiries as to whether the children, in their play, left things around for the mother to pick up and so on. The spirit the work is done in counts, too, in credit given. The work must be done pleasantly and cheerfully; the mother must be asked for work; she is not to be hunting the child up to get him to do the work.
One little girl of eleven made bread from beginning to end, never having tried it entirely before. She has an overworked mother. In another home I found the two older children took charge of a teething baby while the mother, an ex-teacher and[66] rather delicate, did the housework. The little girl, six years old, could do dishes and otherwise help the mother. In another home the boy has grown to be the pride of his father's heart by forcing the father back into the chair, when he was weary, and doing the chores himself.
One boy, his father told me two weeks ago, was growing as dependable as his brother five years older, and helped bring the cows, herd cattle from one field to another before and after school and on non-school days. There was much other work, light in itself, but wonderfully helpful to his father, that was taken charge of cheerfully.
One child's father had a hired man. The boy did but little. He is eight years old and large. While visiting there, I saw his father bringing in coal. I told the boy he would find it necessary to look up work if he cared for credit. His mother visited school shortly after this; I was telling her of the idea and she said she now understood why Bennie had started to clear the table several times, and so on. We had a very happy laugh over it. The boy hunts the eggs, gets in the wood and coal, makes the mash for the chickens, and helps wash the dishes.
Another child, aged thirteen, has to do much outside work, so she feels good over getting credit for it. It is a kind of pay that makes her days pleasanter. I believe each child richly deserves the credit I have given. The results have been to make the tie between the parents and myself stronger, and I am asked to come back next year. I have seen a gladder, prouder light in the parents' eyes concerning their children. It has helped to[67] make our school in some respects without a superior in the county, according to the county superintendent's own word. A member of the board says the children never have made such progress since the school was built, and all say these children never have made as much progress before. They are learning, as far as I can teach them, the honor of labor and the beauty of being useful, willing, and dependable. I have had a hard battle to wage here for good, thorough work and application, but the right has won.
I enclose a report that shows the kinds of work the children are in the habit of doing.
I am the teacher who spoke to you about the new oats being brought into the dryland country. It is now being introduced into another part of Montana where my homestead is. You will perhaps remember me.
Very sincerely,
Mrs. S. J. Hoagland.
Aged 8 | Aged 9 |
Dries dishes | Takes out ashes |
Makes fire | Gets eggs |
Pulled up sunflower stalks | Gets coal and kindling |
Milks (some) | Feeds horses oats (15 head) |
Gets in coal and kindling | Cleans out barn |
Gathers eggs | Milks cows sometimes |
Brings in wood | Drives cattle |
Carries ashes out | Harnesses up |
Smashes big coal for stove | Hunts eggs |
Turns churn | Waters horses |
Feeds cats | Dries dishes |
Gets chicken feed | Cooks (eggs, pancakes, coffee) |
Feeds sitting hen | Sets table |
Helps catch calves | Fries apples and bakes them |
Gets clean hay for chicken nests | Peels potatoes |
Clears table | Fries potatoes |
Turns windmill[3] | Feeds chickens |
Slops hogs | Carries slop to hogs |
Kills flies | Drives to town |
Fixed his hand cart | |
[68] | |
Aged 6 | Aged 5 |
Feeds pig | Opens gate for calves |
Hunts eggs | Gets kindling |
Waters horse | Gets coal |
Told where sow and her new pigs | Takes care of baby |
were when no one else could | Closes chicken-house door |
find them | Carries wood |
Minds baby | Dries dishes |
Hunts firewood | Leads horses to plow |
Aged 11 | Aged 7 |
Bakes bread | Washes and dries dishes |
Washes dishes | Sweeps floor |
Minds baby | Does simple ironing |
Gets coal and water | Gets wood, water, and coal |
Gathers eggs | Closes chicken-house door |
Makes cake | Dresses baby |
Gets cows | Tends baby |
Waters horses | |
Pumps water | SUSIE MARCKINO |
Sewed a doll petticoat | Aged 13 |
Sewed sleeves in waist for little brother | Cooks meals |
Scrubs | Washes dishes |
Irons | Scrubs |
Cooks meals | Irons |
Peels potatoes | Sews—made a waist and a baby |
Takes out ashes | dress |
Dusts | Gets coal |
Sweeps | Feeds chickens |
Makes beds | Goes for horse |
Airs bedding | Brings water |
Milks cows | Gets hay and feeds horses |
Feeds calf | Builds fires |
Hays horses | Turns churn |
Builds fires | Polishes stoves |
Turns churn | Cares for young chickens |
Feeds chickens | Dusts |
Feeds sitting hens | Salts horses |
Sets and clears table | |
Washes range | ROSIE MARCKINO |
Polishes cutlery | Aged 6 |
Does light washing | |
Prepares vegetables | Gets water |
Did dishes with four-year-old sister when all else were gone | |
A general little helper |
A Letter from Mrs. E. H. Belknap, Marion
County, Oregon
I believe intensely in an education that teaches the boy or girl not only how the book says to do a thing, but how, by actual experience and practice, that thing is best worked out and brought to perfection....
In this district we have used home credits for two years. First, in order to make this a success, the teacher must believe in it, and must be a worker. We have given credits for everything from plowing to washing the baby for breakfast. As a result we have the little girls dressing their own hair for school, the older ones cooking breakfast, washing, ironing, etc. The boys plow, milk, clean stables, cut wood, feed horses, do all kinds of work for credits; doing it, they have become interested in it, and before they knew it a habit has been formed of doing things at the right time in the right way. It is truly wonderful what these children do. Some of them walk three or four miles, and still earn hundreds of credits in a week. Some of my girls milk as many as eight cows twice a day, and the boys plow and harrow acres of ground. They do the work gladly, too.
Monday mornings we give out blanks to be filled out, signed by parents, and returned the following Monday morning. We always go over the cards carefully. I call the names aloud, and the pupils report quickly. If extra work has been accomplished I always try to praise the effort. It is a happy hour when the reports are rendered.
At first we agreed that when any pupil earned[70] six hundred or more credits he should be entitled to a holiday. Thousands of credits have been earned, but no one has asked for the holiday! Frequently, when the pupil has been ill, or forced to miss a day, he has asked that the credits be applied to blot out the absent marks, and this has always been granted.
Upon the demonstration of the success of the home credit plan in the Spring Valley School I began to hear of other Oregon schools that had taken it up and were carrying it on successfully. During the school year 1913-14, three hundred and twenty-five teachers in Oregon and in Washington were giving school credit for home work, while the scheme had been adopted by some schools in other States.
For the aid of those who may contemplate its use, the outlines of several plans that have been instituted are printed here, together with excerpts of letters we have received, and cards made out by pupils. These reports come from teachers who have used the scheme successfully in various forms. The daily report plans are given first, and the letters are[72] arranged according to the frequency of the report from the home to the school.
It will be noted that some teachers use a card that is supposed to last for a whole year, being returned to the teacher monthly as school cards are often returned to the parent monthly; others have cards that are marked daily, and last for only a week. Some teachers use a contest plan of awards like Mr. O'Reilly's; others add credits to the average obtained in school subjects; and others do both. The first user of the parent-signed report, Mr. O'Reilly, used no cards, but had the children write little notes with lists of their labors every day for their parents to sign. A bulletin from the Kansas Agricultural College suggests that pupils should furnish the reports themselves over their own signatures.[4] The only record of failure we have was in a school where monthly report cards were used, and no definite scheme of duties was laid down,—merely so many minutes of unspecified labor. I find that children are more interested when their performance of particular duties is recorded.
I should never advise the wholesale adoption of any one plan, but I would suggest that superintendents and teachers adapt plans to the needs of their districts. Several schools have been reported where an enthusiastic principal has put the plan into operation throughout his school, regardless of the ideas of his teachers. I find that teachers never feel inspiration in a work that they do not want to undertake. Therefore, it would be my suggestion that under no circumstances should a teacher be asked to use home credits unless she herself desires it.
The following is the method which Mr. A. I. O'Reilly originated at the Spring Valley School, in 1911-12:—
Rules of the Contest
1. No pupil is obliged to enter the contest.
2. Any pupil entering is free to quit at any time, but if any one quits without good cause, all credits he or she may have earned will be forfeited.
3. Parent or guardian must send an itemized list (with signature affixed) to the teacher each morning. This list must contain a record of the work each child has done daily.
4. Each day the teacher will issue a credit voucher to the pupil. This voucher will state the total number of minutes due the pupil each day for home work.
5. At the close of the contest pupils will return vouchers to the teacher, the six pupils who have earned the greatest amount of time, per the vouchers, receiving awards.
6. Contest closes when term of school closes.
7. Once each month the names of the six pupils who are in the lead will be published in the county papers.
8. Ten per cent credit will be added to final examination results of all pupils (except eighth graders) who enter and continue in the contest.
9. When a pupil has credits to the amount of one day earned, by surrender of the credits, and by proper application to the teacher, he or she may be granted a holiday, provided that not more than one holiday may be granted to a pupil each month.
10. Forfeitures—dropping out of contest without cause, all credits due; unexcused absence, all credits due; unexcused tardiness, 25 per cent of all credits due; less than 90 per cent in deportment for one month, 10 per cent of all credits due.
11. Awards—the three having the highest credits, $3 each; the three having second highest, $2 each. Awards to be placed in a savings bank to the credit of the pupils winning them. Funds for awards furnished by the school district board out of the general fund.
List of duties with minutes credit allowed for each
1. | Building fire in the morning | 5 | minutes |
2. | Milking a cow | 5 | " |
3. | Cleaning a cow | 5 | " |
4. | Cleaning out the barn | 10 | " |
5. | Splitting and carrying in wood (12 hours' supply) | 10 | " |
6. | Turning cream separator | 10 | " |
7. | Cleaning a horse | 10 | " |
8. | Gathering eggs | 10 | " |
9. | Feeding chickens | 5 | " |
10. | Feeding pigs | 5 | " |
11. | Feeding horse | 5 | " |
12. | Feeding cow | 5 | " |
13. | Churning butter | 10 | " |
14. | Making butter | 10 | " |
15. | Blacking stove | 5 | " |
16. | Making and baking bread | 60 | " |
17. | Making biscuits | 10 | " |
18. | Preparing breakfast for family | 30 | " |
19. | Preparing supper for family | 30 | " |
20. | Washing and wiping dishes (one meal) | 15 | " |
21. | Sweeping floor | 5 | " |
22. | Dusting furniture (rugs, etc., one room) | 5 | " |
23. | Scrubbing floor | 20 | " |
24. | Making beds (must be made after school), each bed | 5 | " |
25. | Washing, ironing, and starching own clothes that are worn at school (each week) | 120 | " |
26. | Bathing each week | 30 | " |
27. | Arriving at school with clean hands, face, teeth, and nails, and with hair combed | 10 | " |
28. | Practicing music lesson (for 30 minutes) | 10 | " |
[76]29. | Retiring on or before 9 o'clock | 5 | " |
30. | Bathing and dressing baby | 10 | " |
31. | Sleeping with window boards in bedroom (each night) | 5 | " |
32. | Other work not listed, reasonable credit |
While it is sometimes more convenient to have printed record slips, it is not necessary. Mr. O'Reilly carried on the grading by having each child write out his home credit work on ordinary tablet paper. The great majority of home credit schools have used the plan in 1914 without any printing whatever. It affords the children practice in written expression.
I give here two sample slips brought in by Mr. O'Reilly's pupils in the first home credit contest in the United States.
Tora Mortensen
Jan. 31, 1912.
Prepared supper | 30 |
Washed and wiped supper dishes | 15 |
Made 3 beds | 15 |
Swept 1 floor | 5 |
Washed teeth | 10 |
Was in bed at 9 o'clock | 5 |
—— | |
Total | 1 hr. 20 min. |
(Signed) Mrs. Emma Savage.
La Vern Holdredge
April 16, 1912. | ||
Fed chickens | 5 | minutes |
Gathered eggs | 15 | " |
Split kindling | 10 | " |
Carried in wood | 15 | " |
Swept four floors | 20 | " |
Fed one horse | 5 | " |
Dried dishes | 15 | " |
In bed before nine | 5 | " |
April 17, 1912. | ||
Washed teeth. | 10 | minutes |
Swept three floors | 15 | " |
Put up lunch | 10 | " |
——— | ||
Total | 125 | minutes |
(Signed) Mrs. Holdredge.
Superintendent A. R. Mack, of Holton, Kansas, has issued the following plan for daily reports and the issue of credit vouchers monthly, in bulletin form. Notice that the pupil who is paid in money, or in any other way, for home work receives no credit. This card gives a very desirable emphasis to manners and personal care:—
1. No pupil is obliged to enter contest.
2. Any pupil entering is free to quit at any time, but if any one quits without good cause, all[78] credits he or she may have earned will be forfeited.
3. Parent or guardian must send daily to the teacher an itemized list with signature attached; this list must contain the record of the work each child has done daily.
4. At the end of each week the teacher may read the number of credits due the pupil for that week. At the end of each month the teacher shall issue a credit voucher to the pupil giving the total number of credits due to the pupil up to date, for home work.
5. The pupil in each grade making the highest number of credits each month will receive an added credit of 10 per cent of all credits due.
6. The school shall be divided into two divisions. The boy and the girl in each division in each building receiving the highest number of credits at the end of each half-year shall be awarded a suitable medal.
7. The boy and the girl in each division in each building receiving the second highest number of credits shall at their own option be awarded a medal or an additional 10 per cent of credits already due.
8. Ten per cent credit will be added to final examination results of all pupils who enter this contest before November 1, and continue in it until the end of the year. Those entering school after November 1 must enter contest before January 1, in order to receive examination credit.
9. Pupils entering the contest before November 1 or January 1 will be given credit not only on[79] final examination grades, but on monthly examination grades.
10. In case a pupil enters the contest after November 1 or January 1, credits for home work will apply on monthly examination grades only.
The following schedule has been adopted:
Grades of 95 to 100, additional credit of half the amount between the grade and 100.
Grades of 90 to 95, a credit of 3 is given.
Grades of 85 to 90, a credit of 2 is given.
Grades of 80 to 85, a credit of 1 is given.
Below 80, no credit.
11. Any pupil in the first three grades earning 600 credits during a given month may have a quarter holiday. Pupils in the fourth grade must make 700 credits; pupils in the fifth grade must make 800 credits; pupils in the sixth grade must make 900 credits; pupils in the seventh and eighth grades must make 1000 credits for a quarter holiday.
All holidays are at the discretion of the teacher; provided, that the pupil may not have more than one quarter holiday in any 20 days, and provided, that the teacher thinks that it will not interfere with school work.
In case deportment is below 90 per cent, the holiday will be refused.
12. Forfeitures—
(a) Dropping out of contest without cause forfeits all credits due.
(b) Unexcused absence forfeits all credits due.
(c) Tardiness forfeits 25 per cent of all credits due.
(d) Less than 90 per cent in deportment in one month forfeits 10 per cent of all credits due.
(e) Loss of temper forfeits 5 credits.
(f) Bad table manners forfeit 5 credits.
(g) Impoliteness to elders forfeits 5 credits.
(h) Bad language at home forfeits 5 credits.
(i) Discourtesy to parents forfeits 10 credits.
(j) Unnecessarily soiling clothes forfeits 5 credits.
(k) Unnecessarily tearing clothes forfeits 5 credits.
(l) Report cards kept home 3 days forfeits 5 per cent credits and an additional 5 credits for each succeeding day.
(m) Forgetting books forfeits 5 credits per book.
13. Once each month the names of the six pupils who are in the lead will be published in the Holton papers.
14. A pupil who receives compensation for work done, whether he is paid in money or in any other way, shall receive no school credit for such work.
Credit Slip for Primary to Third Grades, inclusive
Credits. | ||
1. | Carrying in cobs or kindling | 5 |
2. | Carrying in night wood for kitchen stove | 10 |
3. | Feeding and watering chickens | 5 |
4. | Dusting one room | 5 |
5. | Making one bed | 5 |
6. | Wiping dishes | 5 |
7. | Washing dishes | 10 |
[81]8. | Setting table | 5 |
9. | Cleaning teeth | 5 |
10. | Combing hair | 5 |
11. | Properly preparing for school (washing face, ears, neck, hands; cleaning teeth and finger nails) | 20 |
12. | Dressing without help, buttoning shoes, etc | 5 |
13. | Going to bed at or before 9 P.M. | 5 |
14. | Sleeping with window open each night | 5 |
15. | Dressing younger child and washing its face | 5 |
16. | Caring for younger children half-hour | 15 |
17. | Proper use of handkerchief one day | 5 |
18. | Cleaning mud or snow from feet | 5 |
19. | Practicing music lesson 30 minutes | 15 |
20. | Cleaning snow from porch | 5 |
21. | Cleaning snow from walks inside yard, each walk | 5 |
22. | Scrubbing porch | 5 |
23. | Mending stockings, per pair | 5 |
24. | Filling the water bucket | 5 |
25. | Returning report card on first day | 10 |
26. | Returning report card on second day | 5 |
27. | Polishing the shoes | 10 |
28. | Getting home before 4.30 and remaining home 30 minutes | 15 |
Other work not listed, reasonable credit. |
Credit Slip for Fourth to Eighth Grades, inclusive
Credits. | ||
1. | Building a fire in morning | 5 |
2. | Milking a cow | 5 |
3. | Cleaning out a barn | 10 |
4. | Splitting and carrying in wood, 12 hours' supply | 15 |
5. | Bringing in kindling | 5 |
6. | Bringing in coal, per bucket | 5 |
7. | Filling water bucket | 5 |
8. | Cleaning a horse | 10 |
[82]9. | Feeding and watering chickens | 5 |
10. | Feeding pigs | 5 |
11. | Feeding horse | 5 |
12. | Feeding cow | 5 |
13. | Blacking stove | 5 |
14. | Making and baking bread | 60 |
15. | Making biscuits | 10 |
16. | Preparing breakfast for family | 30 |
17. | Preparing supper for family | 30 |
18. | Washing and wiping dishes, one meal | 15 |
19. | Sweeping one room | 5 |
20. | Dusting one room | 5 |
21. | Making one bed | 5 |
22. | Scrubbing one floor | 20 |
23. | Making a cake | 20 |
24. | Practicing music lesson half-hour | 15 |
25. | Tending flowers in window | 10 |
26. | Working in garden half-hour | 15 |
27. | Cleaning snow from sidewalk | 25 |
28. | Mending stockings, per pair | 5 |
29. | Washing, starching and ironing own school clothes each week | 60 |
30. | Bathing (each bath) | 30 |
31. | Cleaning teeth | 5 |
32. | Combing hair | 5 |
33. | Properly preparing for school (washing face, ears, neck, hands; cleaning teeth and finger nails) | 20 |
34. | Retiring at or before 9 P.M | 5 |
35. | Getting up at or before 7 A.M | 5 |
36. | Bathing and dressing baby | 10 |
37. | Sleeping with window open each night | 5 |
38. | Dressing younger child, washing its face, etc. | 5 |
39. | Caring for younger child, each half-hour | 15 |
40. | Home study, each half-hour | 10 |
41. | Making pies, 10 credits for the first and 5 credits for each additional pie. | |
42. | Ironing one hour | 30 |
[83]43. | Running washing machine one hour | 30 |
44. | Bringing cow from pasture, 2 or 3 blocks | 5 |
45. | Bringing cow from pasture, 8 or 9 blocks | 15 |
46. | Errands down town | 10 |
47. | Carrying clothes | 10 |
48. | Helping prepare the meal | 10 |
49. | Pumping a tank of water | 60 |
50. | Harrowing 2 hours | 60 |
51. | Carrying dinner | 10 |
52. | Churning | 20 |
53. | Dressing a chicken | 25 |
54. | Returning report cards on first day | 10 |
55. | Returning report cards on second day | 5 |
56. | Polishing the shoes | 10 |
57. | Getting home before 4.30 and remaining home 30 minutes | 15 |
Other work not listed, reasonable credit. |
General Rule
For unlisted work credit will be given. One credit will be given for every two minutes' work.
Mr. N. V. Rowe, the teacher at St. John, Whitman County, Washington, describes a novel plan:—
At first I used a credit card arranged after the order of a meal ticket. The plan was to have the card hold credits enough for one school day of 360 minutes, arranged by 5's, 10's, 15's, 20's, 25's, and 30's. The idea is all right were it amplified so as to include a school week. The teacher has a punch, and punches or cancels credits as presented. I found this took too many cards for each pupil.[84] Some brought in as high as 360 minutes in credits each day, and even more than that in some cases. At present I am using a plan similar to a grocer's manifolding or duplicating book where totals are forwarded each day. This saves time and in some ways is better than the ticket plan.
The results have certainly justified the effort here. (1) It lessens tardiness; (2) it enlists the attention of parents quicker than anything else; (3) it stimulates to better work in school; (4) it creates a wholesome rivalry. I have heard the following objections to it: It requires too much time of a teacher already very busy; and pupils get a holiday when they ought to be at their studies. These objections are weak. The plan certainly has a sound pedagogic principle for its foundation.
The children get but one holiday a month. In case a pupil is ill or necessarily absent for a day, it is very convenient to allow that as a holiday. This helps the attendance record wonderfully, and is perfectly legitimate, so far as I can see. We have been doing that way all the present year. Bear in mind, we allow such as a holiday only when one has not been allowed already for that particular month. In the register I mark the initial "H" wherever a holiday is granted, and in this way I keep tab.
At Burnt Ridge, near Alpha, Washington, in Mrs. Venona E. Toman's school, a postal-card photograph is given as a little reward of merit for each 1000 credits earned. Five[85] credits are taken off for coming to school with neck and ears not clean. One hundred and twenty credits are given to the child who washes, starches, and irons her school clothes for the week. Practicing music and studying lessons get ten credits for half an hour; but hard work, like sawing wood and making a garden, gets one credit for each two minutes.
The following is an excerpt from a letter from the Burnt Ridge teacher:—
I have the children keep their own records, telling them that I want them to learn to do their own business. Then their mothers look over and sign their reports. Without one exception the parents are pleased with the plan. The mothers tell me that the children hurry to get all done they possibly can before school time, as they want their credits to increase. One mother said there was more trouble now between her two girls because neither one wanted help than there was before when they wanted help. I require that the work be done cheerfully. One mother said she believed her daughters sang about their work many times when they did not feel a bit like it. I notice myself, and others tell me that it is making a difference in the homes. I think this one of the best features that has been added to the school work. It teaches independence, thoughtfulness, and thrift.
Marion County, Oregon, uses a card issued by Superintendent W. M. Smith, which provides for a record of daily morning and evening home tasks, and a weekly report.
This county forms an object lesson in the correct presentation of a subject of this kind. Superintendent Smith first picked out a teacher that he knew had initiative and was able to carry her people with her. He explained the matter to her in detail and kept in close touch with her work. Her success was so pronounced that he thought that it was not necessary to make much effort to extend the plan into the surrounding districts; he knew it would spread of itself. And it did; like a prairie fire, he found it leaping over districts and catching in others, until now it is widely used in the county. The card is the result of much experience and a few conferences with some of Mr. Smith's best people.
Notice that honesty of record is emphasized; also observe the details of dairy work and the care of horses:—
Home Credit Blank
School........... Dis't No..... Teacher...............
Name........................... Age.......... Grade.....
Object: To secure the cooperation of the Home and the School
...Day of ... 191.. | Credits | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Total | ||||||
for | |||||||||||||
each. | a.m. | p.m. | a.m. | p.m. | a.m. | p.m. | a.m. | p.m. | a.m. | p.m. | |||
1. | Bath | 5 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
2. | Teeth cleaned | 1 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
3. | No. loaves of bread baked | 15 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
4. | No. of cakes baked | 10 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
5. | No. of meals prepared (alone) | 15 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
6. | Wiped dishes (all for one meal) | 5 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
7. | Washed dishes (all for one meal) | 5 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
8. | Set the table | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
9. | Gathered up dishes | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
10. | Churning butter | 10 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
11. | Making butter | 10 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
12. | No. of rooms swept | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
13. | No. of rooms dusted | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
14. | No. of beds made | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
15. | Blacking stove | 5 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
16. | Gathering the eggs | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
17. | Carried in the wood | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
18. | No. of fires built | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
19. | Split the wood | 3 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
20. | Fed the chickens | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
21. | Fed the pigs | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
22. | No. of horses fed grain | 1 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
23. | No. horses hayed | 1 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
24. | No. horses watered | 1 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
25. | No. horses bedded | 1 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
26. | No. cows milked | 5 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
27. | No. cows bedded | 1 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
28. | No. cow stalls cleaned | 1 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
29. | No. of horse stalls cleaned | 1 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....... |
TOTAL.......... |
Reasonable credit may be given for other work. When the answer is Yes or No as
in 8 and 9, etc., write 1 for yes and leave blank for no.
Parent:—As one who insists upon absolute honesty being taught, my signature
below certifies that to the best of my knowledge this report is correct.
Oscar. L. Dunlap, principal of the school at Salem Heights, Marion County, gives the following explanation of the way home credits were recognized in his school the first year:—
The first month we gave cash prizes; then this was abandoned and we allowed 20 per cent to be added to each of any two subjects, and 10 per cent to any one subject in the monthly tests. We give twelve questions (answer any ten) and those having 20 per cent allowance need answer only eight questions, and so on. In my room the pupils work harder to earn the 20 per cent allowance than they did to earn the cash prizes; for in this way every one receives a prize. Some think this is a wrong way to give rewards. I was myself in doubt at first; but my pupils have actually worked harder during the past two months than during the six months before we adopted this plan.
In Spokane County, Washington, one hundred and thirteen teachers have used home credits during the school year of 1913-14. Superintendent E. G. McFarland became interested in the work that one of his rural teachers started on home credits at the opening of the schools in the fall of 1913. Mr. McFarland obtained what information he could on the subject, and then worked out a[89] plan. This made provision for a daily record for five days, and a weekly report. At his institute he presented the project to his teachers, and in January some eighty-one began the work. Others soon followed.
The members are receiving school credits for club work carried out regularly. The president is "talking potatoes" to the members of the club
The Spokane Chamber of Commerce sent out a story of Spokane County's home credits to eight hundred and fifty of its correspondents in the United States and Canada. For a while the superintendent's office was flooded with letters of inquiry relative to the plan. This shows the great interest taken everywhere in any movement calculated to better the child's school and home relationship.
At a parent-teachers' meeting in Spokane a committee was appointed to assist the principal of one of the schools in keeping the children off the streets. At that time it was arranged that credit at school should be given to all children off the streets after six o'clock, and to those who did not go to evening parties.
Below is the Spokane County plan.
Bulletin for Teachers: Home Credits
The following are the rules and reward offered for home work. This work is to be done during the[90] school week. No one is compelled to enter this contest and the pupil may drop out at any time.
All work must be voluntary on the part of the pupil. Parents are requested not to sign papers for pupils if the work is not voluntarily and cheerfully done.
The rewards for this work are:—
One half-holiday each month to the child who has earned one hundred or more home credits, and has not been absent or tardy for the month; also
5 per cent will be added to his final examination. The pupil who earns one hundred or more credits each month but fails in perfect attendance will have the 5 per cent added to his final examination.
In addition, the board of directors may offer a prize to the pupil in each grade who shall have the greatest amount of home credits, and shall be neither absent nor tardy during the term, or from the adoption of these rules.
List of Home Credits
Personal cleanliness | 2 | Retiring before 9 o'clock | 1 |
Cleaning teeth | 1 | Feeding and watering horses | 1 |
Practicing music lesson | 2 | Feeding and watering cows | 1 |
Dressing baby | 1 | Feeding and watering hogs | 1 |
Washing dishes | 1 | Gathering eggs | 1 |
Sweeping floor | 1 | Cleaning chicken house | 1 |
Making bed | 1 | Going for mail | 1 |
Preparing meal | 2 | Picking apples | 2 |
Making a cake | 1 | Picking potatoes | 2 |
Making biscuits | 1 | Bringing in wood for to-day | 1 |
Churning | 2 | Splitting wood for to-day | 1 |
Scrubbing floor | 2 | Bringing in water for to-day | 1 |
Dusting | 1 | Grooming horse | 1 |
Blacking stove | 1 | Milking cow | 1 |
Darning stockings | 1 | Working in field | 2 |
Delivering papers | 2 | Going for milk | 1 |
E. G. Mcfarland,
County Superintendent of Schools.
The following statement is made by Superintendent
McFarland as to the effect home
credits had on attendance in 1913-14:—
We attribute the increase in our attendance this year in the schools of Spokane County, outside the city of Spokane, largely to the Home Credit System and our certificates for perfect attendance. While the enrollment was 108 less than last year, yet our attendance was 16,712 days more. At the present rate of 16 cents per day, the pupils earned for the county, from the State appropriation, nearly $2700 more than last year. With the same enrollment as last year the increase of apportionment would have reached approximately $6000.
The credit slip for the school week provides for a daily record of "chores or work done" from Monday to Friday inclusive. It does not contain a stated list of duties; the blanks are to be filled in by the child. The list of home credits is furnished each district, but the teacher uses her judgment in allowing credit for any chore peculiar to her locality. On page 92 is given one of these blanks with the work itemized. Note the evidence of cooperation between Jessie and her mother. On the mornings when Jessie gets the breakfast her mother dresses the baby, and vice versa.
Home Credit Work
Dist. No.......
Name, Jessie Jones. Age 12. Grade 6th.
Chores or work done | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. |
Washing dishes | 1 | 1 | 1 | ... | ... |
Sweeping floor | ... | ... | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Making cake | 1 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Making bed | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Cleaning teeth | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Dressing baby | ... | 1 | ... | 1 | 1 |
Getting breakfast | 1 | ... | 1 | ... | ... |
Music lessons | ... | ... | 2 | ... | ... |
Making biscuit | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1 |
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | |
Total for week | 5 | 4 | 7 | 4 | 5 |
(Signed) Mrs. Mary A. Jones,
Parent's Signature.
Here is a letter from a little girl who earns home credits in a grown-up way:—
Cheney, Washington.
April 27, 1914.
Dear Mrs. Thomason:
I am nine years old, and in the fourth grade. I think I will pass into the fifth grade. I like to go to school. My teacher is Miss Grier. I like her. We get Home Credits in our school.
I haven't any pets, but I have a little sister and a little brother. They are twins, and were born on my birthday, June 11. Their names are Ruth[93] and Millard. They are awfully sweet and good, and I like them a good deal better than pets. I get credit at school for taking care of them.
Your little friend,
Clara Louise Peterson.
Report of Clara Louise for week ending
May 1, 1914:—
Home Credit Work
Dist. No. 18.
Name, Clara Louise Peterson. Age 9. Grade 4th.
Chores or work done | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. |
Personal cleanliness | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Cleaning teeth | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 |
Wiping dishes | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Caring for baby | 1 | 1 | 2 | 1 | 2 |
Carrying Water | .... | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Sweeping floor | .... | 2 | 3 | 1 | .... |
Gathering eggs | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Going for mail | 1 | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Making beds | .... | 2 | 3 | 4 | 3 |
Churning | .... | 1 | .... | 1 | .... |
Setting table | .... | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
Retiring before nine o'clock | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |
____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | ____ | |
Total for week | 8 | 15 | 17 | 16 | 15 |
(Signed) Mrs. J. C. Peterson,
Parent's Signature.
Superintendent McFarland has received many letters of appreciation from teachers and parents in his county. One teacher writes:—
The system helps, in bringing the school and home closer together by letting the parents see that we count the practical duties of the house and of the farm of actual value in the training of the child.
One father is encouraging his three boys to earn more than the required home credits by paying them a small sum of money for each additional five credits.
Another writes:—
The teachers have noted many cases of much improved personal cleanliness, which in itself has been a welcome reward. Then, you know, improved morals go hand in hand with clean bodies. We are taking into account the fact that cleanliness on the part of one child usually forces another to clean up on account of the inevitable contrast.
A parent writes:—
The home credit system is to my mind one of the most practical features that has been introduced into the public-school curriculum for some time. It teaches the children self-reliance, and encourages them to take the initiative when heretofore they have been indifferent or careless. Its practical help to the parents is inestimable, as[95] children in pursuit of "credits" take innumerable burdens from the parents' shoulders.
This from another parent:—
Regarding the home credit system of the public school, my sentiment as the parent of two boys attending school is that it is working fine. It makes my boys ambitious to earn as many credits as possible, and this system as laid out leads them to take interest in the practical duties of their home, thereby saving parents many a step, and training the boys for useful work. The home credit system also stimulates punctuality in attending school as well as personal neatness, and regular habits in going to bed at the right time. It seems to me that this credit system to a great extent completes the purpose of the public school.
One teacher in Spokane County has solved the problem of the rural janitor with home credits. Like thousands of other girls teaching in country schools, she had difficulty in keeping the schoolhouse clean. Beginning in January she offered school credit for outside work, and she included in her list the care of the schoolhouse. She reports that the room is kept perfectly now. The floors are swept, the woodwork dusted, the blackboards and erasers cleaned, water and wood supplied. This same teacher, Miss Lizzie K. Merritt, says:—
It is not pleasant to work without appreciation. We all know that we make a short job of the unappreciated piece of work. We cannot expect a child to stay with a thing as long as an older person unless he sees a definite reward. I have found that home credits teach observation, accuracy, and punctuality.
The following is an excerpt from a circular sent out by Mr. Harry F. Heath, principal of the school at Eveline, Lewis County, Washington, at the beginning of a home credit contest, stating his plan. This makes provision for a daily record for six days, a weekly report, and a voucher:—
Eveline Public School
Eveline, Wash., January 5, 1914.
Dear Patron:—
Sometimes, in the rush of classes, we of the school forget about the home life of the scholar. And many times you of the home know but little of what is going on at school. In order to connect more closely for the pupil the influences of both home and school, I am planning this contest in home work for the next four months.
In order that the contest may be successful, we ask the sympathy and aid of each parent. The parent is the judge of the amount of work done by the pupil, and upon the parent we depend for the accuracy of the reports. Have the pupil prepare his or her own list of duties performed, ready[97] for your signature, and make it your duty to see that the lists are accurate at all times, neither more nor less than the actual amount performed. All lists should be dated, and none will be accepted unless signed by you.
The prizes will not be expensive, and will be given only as tokens of award. The real awards will be realized during the course of the contest as set forth by the rules.
Then follows the list of credits and the rules.
A letter from Mr. Heath dated April 21, 1914, tells the way in which he carried on the work this year. Mr. Heath says:—
In answer to your request for information about our home credits contest, I am sending some of the circulars which I used at the beginning, and also some vouchers made by the pupils which I use to give out weekly credits. I am also sending some sample slips of credits brought in by some of the pupils. These slips show credits for an entire week, which has proved to be the most satisfactory way to have the slips kept. A notebook kept by me of the weekly and monthly totals, as well as the holidays granted and forfeitures assessed, is all of the record that our system has required.
Two progressive business men of Chehalis are furnishing inexpensive prizes in the form of books to go to the seven leaders in the contest at its close. Four of the prizes will probably go to boys, but by the rules at least three are to go to girls. I find[98] in this community that the boys have much more opportunity to earn credits than the girls. Hence the rule.
The contest has run for four months and is closing this week. It has been very well received in the community, a number of suggestions having come in from parents in the way of additional credits. One was a request that credits be given for daily reading of the Bible, and the change was made. In my room, which is the highest in our two-room school, practically all of the scholars started, and of the thirty-four at that time in the contest about twenty-five are still enrolled, and the percentage would be larger if some of the beginners had not moved away.
The contest was tried for a while in the lower grades but was not successful there. We limited the points that might be added to the general average to six in any one month, and most of the live contestants got their six every month.
I got my ideas of the contest directly from Mr. Alderman's article, which I found in some paper. It has been on the whole very successful, and worth while. When I try this sort of work again, it will be on the plan of regular credits, not in contest form. I believe the Spokane County plan as used this spring is one that would prove very satisfactory.
The Eveline "voucher" plan gives the pupil something to watch for. The first paragraph of Mr. Heath's letter explains the use of these vouchers. Below are sample[99] vouchers, and copies of slips made out by the pupils. The pupils rule the columns, and write out their own records, according to a published list which shows the value in minutes of each task. This work is good practice for the pupil in ruling lines and making neat cards, and it saves the cost of printing cards.
The vouchers, which are taken home, enable each pupil to have at home, as well as at school, a record of the total amount of his work.
Home Credits
Alberta Lemon March 30-April 4.
Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. | |
Slept with window open | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Cleaned teeth | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Swept floors | 15 | ... | 10 | 5 | 5 | 25 |
Wiped dishes | 5 | 5 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Washed separator | ... | 15 | 15 | ... | ... | ... |
Made beds | 10 | 5 | 10 | 10 | 5 | 5 |
Dusted rooms | 10 | ... | 10 | 5 | ... | 25 |
Got supper | 30 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Wiped milk pails | 5 | 5 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Peeled apples | 30 | ... | ... | 30 | ... | ... |
Made lunches | ... | ... | 20 | ... | ... | ... |
Washed milk pails | ... | ... | 10 | ... | ... | ... |
Washed dishes | ... | ... | 5 | ... | ... | ... |
Retired at 9 | ... | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ... |
Mended garments | ... | 20 | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Studied | 10 | 30 | ... | 10 | ... | 20 |
Ironed garments | ... | ... | 50 | ... | 215 | 75 |
Helped with meal | ... | 10 | 10 | 10 | ... | ... |
Went errands | 5 | ... | 5 | 10 | ... | 5 |
Scrubbed | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 40 |
Took bath | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 80 |
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | |
135 | 110 | 165 | 100 | 245 | 290 | |
110 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
165 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
100 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
245 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
290 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | |
—— | ||||||
1045 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Mrs. A. C. Lemon.
Home Credits
Rosa C.
6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | |
Made fires | ... | ... | 5 | 5 | 10 | ... |
Preparing meals | 60 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 60 | 60 |
Set table | 10 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Washed dishes | 5 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Wiped dishes | 5 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Washed milk pails | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Carried in water | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 20 | 20 |
Turning separator | 10 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 |
Washing separator | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 30 |
Fed pets | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Ironing clothes | ... | 35 | ... | 100 | ... | 400 |
Making beds | 15 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 |
Cleaned my teeth | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Slept with window open | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Retired before nine | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 |
Washed baby | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | ... | 5 |
Dressed baby | 5 | ... | 5 | ... | 5 | 5 |
Sweeping floors | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 30 |
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | |
Total | 185 | 195 | 165 | 270 | 215 | 655 |
Total ... 1685 |
Chas. F. Conradi.
The Cowlitz County, Washington, plan is a daily record for seven days and a weekly report. The rules governing the work are printed on the back of the credit card:—
Work of Home Record
Lavita Fowler [age 12]
For week ending March 13, 1914.
Sun. | Mon | Tues. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. | |||
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | |||
Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Total | ||
1. | Work in garden | ... | ... | ... | 30 | ... | 60 | ... | 90 |
2. | Splitting and carrying in wood | ||||||||
3. | Milking | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4. | Care of horses or cows | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
5. | Cleaning barn | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6. | Care of poultry or pigs | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7. | Turning separator | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
8. | Churning | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
9. | Sweeping or dusting | 25 | ... | 20 | 30 | 10 | ... | 20 | 105 |
10. | Washing or ironing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
11. | Preparing meals | ... | 30 | 60 | ... | ... | ... | 40 | 130 |
12. | Washing dishes | 60 | 55 | 45 | 20 | 30 | 45 | 90 | 345 |
13. | Bedroom work | ... | ... | 30 | 20 | ... | ... | ... | 50 |
14. | Sewing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
15. | Caring for little children | 30 | 90 | 60 | ... | ... | ... | 60 | 240 |
[103]16. | Building fires | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
17. | Bathing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10 | 10 |
18. | Brushing teeth | 5 | ... | ... | 5 | ... | ... | 6 | 16 |
19. | Sleeping with open window | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 70 |
20. | To bed by 9 o'clock | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 70 |
21. | Attending Church or Sunday School | 10 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10 |
Getting sister ready for school | ... | 15 | 10 | 15 | 15 | 20 | ... | 75 | |
Washing floors | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 40 | 40 | |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 160 | ||
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ||
Total | 35 | 35 | 30 | 40 | 35 | 40 | 76 | 451 |
I certify that the above is a correct record.
Mrs. Fowler,
Signature of Parent or Guardian.
Rules governing Credit for Home Work
To Parents or Guardians:—
The scheme of giving credit at school for work done at home by the pupils can be made successful only through your coöperation, and faithful report of the work done.
Every Friday afternoon a Home Work Record Slip will be given each pupil. Beginning with Sunday all time spent by the pupils in home work should be entered in the proper place.
Each Monday morning a slip filled in during the[104] previous week should be returned to the teacher. This slip must be signed by the parent or guardian.
Extra work may be listed in the blank spaces.
To secure credit at school for his work, the pupil should average eight hours a week, thirty-two hours a month, at real, honest, helpful labor that relieves the fathers and mothers of that amount of work. If this is done, the teacher will add three credits to the average gained by the pupil at the school during the month in his studies. Additional credits will be given for more than thirty-two hours a month at the rate of one credit for every ten hours' work.
Please coöperate with your teacher in this plan for making work more worth while to the boy and girl.
Lucia Jenkins,
County Superintendent of Schools.
In the District 61 School, near Bellingham, Washington, taught by Mrs. Lou Albee Maynard, there is used a system of having the home credit accounts kept by pupils; the children call it the Ruth and Grace System.
Here is a plan that solves the problem, if it is a problem, of putting extra work on the teacher through home credits. Not only is the teacher entirely relieved of the bookkeeping which the system requires, but the pupils are engaged in practical bookkeeping while they[105] keep the records. Checks are made out in regular bank-check form, and receipts are given.
The Ruth and Grace System is thus described in a neat account written by Emma Ames, a pupil in the sixth grade:—
Ruth and Grace were girls who wanted to learn bookkeeping. In order to give them a chance we took up the credit system.
At the end of each week the girls give us a slip of paper ruled and ready to be made out. The mothers sign it. Each thing which we do counts so much. At the end of the week these slips are handed back to the girls, and we receive another. We also get a check telling how many credits we received the week before.
When we make five thousand credits we then receive a composition book. Smaller things are also given for fewer credits.
The girls keep in their ledgers each person's work. So if any mistake is made they will have something to refer to.
We call the system the Ruth and Grace System.
The prize list is as follows:—
Washing dishes...................... | 10 | credits. |
Wiping dishes....................... | 5 | " |
Sweeping............................ | 5 | " |
Making beds......................... | 5 | " |
Baking bread........................ | 15 | " |
Dusting............................. | 5 | " |
Scrubbing........................... | 25 | " |
Practicing music.................... | 10 | " |
Brushing teeth...................... | 5 | " |
[106]Clean finger nails.................. | 5 | " |
Splitting kindling.................. | 10 | " |
Splitting wood...................... | 10 | " |
Carrying water...................... | 10 | " |
Milking cow......................... | 15 | " |
Feeding pigs........................ | 5 | " |
Feeding chickens.................... | 5 | " |
Feeding and bedding cows............ | 25 | " |
Slashing one hour................... | 25 | " |
Getting a meal...................... | 15 | " |
Taking charge of house.............. | 50 | " |
Charge for father one day........... | 50 | " |
Building fires...................... | 10 | " |
Sewing.............................. | 15 | " |
Making an apron..................... | 15 | " |
Carrying wood....................... | 10 | " |
Washing............................. | 25 | " |
Ironing............................. | 25 | " |
The following letter from Mrs. Maynard explains the system further:—
I have been requested to report on our plan for giving credit for home work as we have tried it. One of my pupils has written a report of our system which explains our methods nicely. This has been only a trial, but I am so pleased with results that I intend to use it whenever there are older pupils who can do the bookkeeping, for it represents a great deal of work, and unless the school is a very small one the system would add too much to the already busy teacher's work.
The girls who are represented by our firm carried on the work on a strictly business basis. They bought the work of the pupils as represented by the weekly reports. This work was then sold to[107] me at a gain of 20 per cent. The girls have worked out a simple system of double entry in six weeks. We, as a school, have spent an interesting and profitable time, keeping track of our work, and of their mistakes, and the various ups and downs of a business.
We are planning a better schedule of wages, a bank in which to deposit our checks, and a store where the credits may be exchanged for little articles which represent the rewards; but this is all in the making, and may have to wait for another year, as our school term closes soon.
This is a school whose average attendance is about sixteen. The people are progressive, and see that we have all modern appliances: gymnasium, school garden, bubbling fountain, sanitary toilets, and a good heating system are some of the good things our country school enjoys.
Some original features are included in a plan in operation in Algona, King County, Washington. The Algona plan of grading is this: The actual number of minutes employed in doing the daily chores is registered. Thirty minutes is allowed for church attendance. Twenty-five per cent is given weekly for each of the personal care items, bathing, brushing teeth, sleeping with open windows, and going to bed before nine o'clock. Half an hour's work must be done each day, else the pupil forfeits the work done that day. If at the end[108] of a month the pupil has made an average of 85 per cent on personal care, and has 85 per cent on home work, his grade average for the month is raised 10 per cent. For instance, if a boy should have the required 85 per cent in the home credit department, and should have an average of 80 per cent in his school subjects, his final grade for the month would be 88 per cent.
Algona uses a book system of keeping the pupils' weekly home credit grades. The principal records the final grades for each week, after collecting the cards from his three assistants. He expects to substitute the card system for the book another year, using the same plan of record. Below is given the plan for keeping the records, together with the work of one boy for a month:—
Leon Noel's Record in Book
Week ending | Minutes | Personal care | Leon Noel |
February 2 | 210 | 100 | |
February 9 | 210 | 100 | |
February 16 | 210 | 97 | |
February 23 | 210 | 97 |
Home Work Record of
Leon Noel.
For week ending February 21, 1914.
Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. | Total | ||
— | — | — | — | — | — | — | |||
Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | |||
1. | Working in garden | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2. | Splitting kindlings | 15 | ... | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 65 |
3. | Bringing in fuel | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 35 |
4. | Milking cow | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
5. | Care of horse | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6. | Preparing meals | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7. | Washing dishes | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
8. | Sweeping | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
9. | Dusting | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
10. | Bedroom work | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
11. | Washing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
12. | Ironing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
13. | Care of baby | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
14. | Care of chickens | 15 | ... | 20 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 95 |
15. | Running errands | ... | 60 | ... | ... | ... | ... | 120 | 180 |
A. | Bathing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | x | ... |
B. | Brushing teeth | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ... |
C. | Sleeping with open windows | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ... |
D. | Going to bed before 9 o'clock | x | x | x | x | ... | x | x | ... |
E. | Attending Church or Sunday School | 30 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 30 |
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ||
Total | 65 | 65 | 35 | 30 | 30 | 30 | 150 | 405 | |
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— |
I certify that the above is a correct record.
(Signed) Mrs. C. D. French,
Signature of Parent or Guardian.
A comparison of Leon Noel's home credit record on his slip with the record in the principal's book shows that while he has 405 credits on the former he is credited with only the required 210 on the record. C. C. Calavan, the principal, expects to allow a holiday, or grant additional credit on school work another year, for credits above the half-hour a day. The children of the school at first insisted on making an hour's work the minimum for a day's credit, but Mr. Calavan decided to start conservatively. It will be noticed that Leon Noel lost three points in each of the last two weeks of February. This was because he was not in bed before nine every evening. Mr. Calavan says he is going to change his plan along this line next year, granting three or four evenings a month when a child may be in bed a little later than nine without forfeiting credits. He believes that a happy, wholesome evening, spent in play with companions, has a very valuable place in the child's development.
Sunday-school and church attendance has become popular in Algona since school credit has been given for it. The little daughter in a[111] non-church-going family had never attended any church services until it was brought out that the other children at school were getting credit for such attendance. The parents dressed the little girl for Sunday school, and sent her off, determined that their child should not be left out in the home credit game.
A boy's record was perfect, except that he did not have a church attendance recorded. On inquiry the principal found that Albert's family was of the Seventh Day Adventist faith, and that the boy was at church as regularly as Saturday came. He was at once given credit. The children of the Catholic faith are given credit for attending the catechism class that meets in the schoolhouse Tuesday afternoons.
"The people took hold," said Mr. Calavan. "The Parent-Teachers' Association is enthusiastic over the plan, and is doing all possible to help. Two decided results that home credits have brought about are that we have a much neater, better-kept class of pupils, and our boys are off the streets. Several persons have remarked to me that the school[112] was doing something with the boys, surely, for they all seemed to be busy after school."
The system introduced in Portland, Oregon, schools, is the daily record and weekly report plan. The following suggestions were sent out early in 1914 by the Portland office:—
Suggestions for using the "Home Record Slip"
The regular monthly report card should contain two extra columns, one entitled "Home Work" and one "Personal Care," and in these columns the pupil should be marked on the scale of 100.
One hundred per cent in the "Home Work" column would be secured by a daily record of not less than one half-hour of approved work for seven days each week.
One hundred per cent in the "Personal Care" column would be secured by daily practice of numbers A, B, C, and D for seven days of the week, and for attendance upon some religious service. Twenty per cent could be allowed for each number and twenty per cent for attendance at church or Sunday school.
The matter of bathing should not be interpreted to refer strictly to tub baths, since in large families daily tub baths are sometimes impracticable, and inability to make a good showing on the card would have a tendency to discourage.
Different plans of reward for a given number of minutes devoted to work during a week are outlined[113] in the pamphlet, "School Industrial Credit for Home Industrial Work." These, however, may be modified or enlarged to suit. All time, including the half-hour a day and the amount allowed for all other operations, should be counted toward a specified total necessary to earn the reward.
These rules are printed on the back of each home credit record card:—
Rules governing Credit for Home Work
Every Friday afternoon a home work record slip will be given to each pupil. Beginning with Sunday, all time spent by the pupil in home work should be entered in the proper space.
Each Monday morning a slip filled during the previous week should be returned to the teacher. The slip must be signed by the parent or guardian as an assurance that a correct record has been kept.
Any work not listed but of value to the parents may be counted, and the nature of the work specified in the blank spaces.
At the close of the school month, when the report of school work is made out, in the column "Home Work," the pupil will be marked on the scale of 100 for actual work of not less than one half-hour each day, and in the column "Personal Care" on the scale of 100 for numbers A, B, C, and D, and for attendance at church or Sunday school.
In addition to credit on the report card, reward may be given at the option of the principal for a specified amount of time spent in useful work at home.
For purpose of reward credit of five minutes a day will be allowed for each operation listed as A, B, C, and D, and twenty minutes for attendance at church or Sunday school.
The Portland home work record slips are printed by the city office, and furnished to teachers who wish to use them. On pages 115, 117, and 119 are given home credit records of Portland children, showing the class of home work they are doing. A swift review of a child's record gives the teacher a pretty accurate estimate of his home environment.
Elsie G., whose card is shown, has kept weekly records of her work for more than a year. She and some of the other girls make it a practice to help Miss Wright, their teacher, enroll the records for the class. The method of crediting is extremely simple, but it seems to work. The pupils return the filled-out slips the first of every week; at the end of each month the girls count the slips, and for every pupil who has brought in four slips they register one credit in the book. Miss Wright looks over the cards as they come in, and often makes comment on the work, to the individual, or to the class as a whole.
Home Work Record of
Elsie G——.
For week ending December 19, 1913.
Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. | |||
— | — | — | — | — | — | — | |||
Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | |||
1. | Work in garden | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2. | Splitting kindlings | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3. | Bringing in fuel | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4. | Milking cow | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
5. | Care of horse | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6. | Preparing meals | ... | 25 | 15 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 20 | 135 |
1 | 1+ | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 | ||||
7. | Washing dishes | 20 | 25 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 20 | ... | 200 |
8. | Sweeping | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
9. | Dusting | 15 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 15 | 30 |
10. | Bedroom work | ... | ... | 10 | 10 | 15 | 10 | 20 | 65 |
11. | Washing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
12. | Ironing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
13. | Care of baby | 30 | 60 | 45 | 60 | 60 | 45 | 60 | 350 |
A. | Bathing | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ... |
B. | Brushing teeth | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ... |
C. | Sleeping with open windows | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ... |
D. | Going to bed before 9 o'clock | ... | x | x | x | x | x | x | ... |
E. | Attending Church or Sunday School | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ||
Total | 790 |
I certify that the above is a correct record.
Mrs. G. H. G——,
Signature of Parent or Guardian.
Miss Wright began this home credit work by taking sixteen of the printed slips and laying them on her desk. The boys left the room to go to manual training, and the girls then gathered around her desk and discovered the slips. "What are these?" they inquired, and they each wanted one to take home. There were just enough for the girls, but when the boys found out about it they clamored for slips, too.
Miss Wright now leaves a pile of the blanks on her desk every Friday, and most of the pupils take them. They used to ask to have the credit applied to raise their standings on their lowest studies (they are allowed, for instance, to increase a mark of seven in grammar to a mark of eight for one month), but now they seldom ask for the increase. They do their home work and record it with no other incentive than the satisfaction of having a record and the honor and approval of their parents, teacher, and schoolmates.
The ten-year-old boy whose card is shown here goes on week-ends to the country, and brings in his record afterward with great pride to show the other fellows that he has cared for horses.
Home Work Record of
Henry F. P——.
For week ending , 19...
Sun. | Mon. | Tues | .Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. | |||
— | — | — | — | — | — | — | |||
Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Total | ||
1. | Work in garden | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10 | 10 |
2. | Splitting kindlings | 10 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 20 | 10 | 10 | 85 |
3. | Bringing in fuel | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 15 | 60 |
4. | Milking cow | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
5. | Care of horses | 20 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10 | 30 |
6. | Preparing meals | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
7. | Washing dishes | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
8. | Sweeping | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
9. | Dusting | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
10. | Bedroom work | .. . | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
11. | Washing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
12. | Ironing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
13. | Care of baby | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Feeding chickens | 10 | 5 | 10 | 10 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 70 | |
Feeding rabbits | 10 | 5 | 15 | 20 | 15 | 10 | 10 | 85 | |
A. | Bathing | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | ... |
B. | Brushing teeth | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | ... |
C. | Sleeping with open windows | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | |
D. | Going to bed before 9 o'clock | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
E. | Attending Church or Sunday School | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ||
Total | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 340 |
I certify that the above is a correct record.
Flora H. P——
Signature of Parent or Guardian.
We find many instances, like the following, where boys who at first had nothing to do, seemingly, but to get in the fuel, have begun to assist their mothers with the dishwashing, dusting, and cooking. Not only does this work run up their list of credits at school, but it causes them to appreciate what mother has to do, gets them acquainted with their homes, and keeps them off the streets.
And it has other uses for a boy. Henry Turner Bailey says:—
Away from home, as a lonely art student and young teacher in strange and home-sickening boarding houses, maybe I wasn't thankful to be able to sweep and dust, to wash and iron and cook, upon occasion, to sew on buttons, to darn, and to mend. But perhaps my keenest satisfaction came from my ability to make a bed. The boarding-house madonnas are not, as a rule, highly skilled in that gentle art.
In view of my personal experiences I have often wondered why the advocates of Domestic Science are not more strongly co-educational. What is sauce for the goose seems to me worthy to be sauce for the gander,—certainly during the gosling stage. Every boy should know how to sew, just as every girl should know how to whittle. Every boy should know how to cook, just as every girl should know how to swim. Skill in the elemental arts is a form of what Henderson calls human wealth. All should participate.[5]
Home Work Record of
Harold R——.
For week ending December 20, 1913.
Sun. | Mon. | Tues. | Wed. | Thur. | Fri. | Sat. | |||
— | — | — | — | — | — | — | |||
Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Min. | Total | ||
1. | Work in garden | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2. | Splitting kindlings ... | 5 | 10 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 15 | 60 | |
3. | Bringing in fuel | 5 | 10 | 25 | 15 | 10 | 5 | 25 | 95 |
4. | Milking cow | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
5. | Care of horse | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
6. | Preparing meals | ... | ... | ... | 15 | ... | ... | 15 | 30 |
7. | Washing dishes | 10 | 10 | 5 | 10 | 15 | 10 | 60 | ... |
8. | Sweeping | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10 | 10 |
9. | Dusting | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10 | 10 |
10. | Bedroom work | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 10 | 10 |
11. | Washing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
12. | Ironing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
13. | Care of baby | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
A. | Bathing | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
B. | Brushing teeth | x | ... | x | x | x | x | x | 30 |
C. | Sleeping with open windows | x | x | x | x | x | x | x | 7 |
D. | Going to bed before 9 o'clock | x | x | x | x | x | x | —- | 6 |
E. | Attending Church or Sunday School | x | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | 1 |
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ||
Total | 23 | 17 | 52 | 57 | 37 | 82 | 101 | 810 |
I certify that the above is a correct record.
Mrs. F. M. R.——,
Signature of Parent or Guardian.
A Portland woman, who is much interested in the schools, says:—
In looking over some of the cards I find that the child soon learns to do his "chores" in less time each week, that he may have more time for other work or play, and yet fill out his record card. This is a great help to the parents.
I know one boy who cannot be induced to go out to an evening affair because he wants to get to bed before nine o'clock so that his record card will be perfect. How soon could we dismiss the Juvenile Court if we could get all children to feel like that! It is worth while to try.
In Polk County, Oregon, the system has been introduced into rural schools with marked success. The plan here comprises a daily record, and monthly reports. Below are excerpts from an article written for the Oregon Teachers' Monthly, by Mr. R. G. Dykstra, who used home credits in his rural school at Suver, Polk County, in 1912-13. I should like to direct especial attention to his testimony on the tardiness record of the district; also to his plan of allowing credit for a long walk to school.
With the following exceptions I carried out the work as started in the Spring Valley School last year: I required the pupils to get eight hundred[121] minutes' credit before taking the holiday instead of six hundred; the number of minutes' credit for milking cows was increased from five to fifteen for each cow and a reasonable amount of credit was allowed for all work not named in the list of chores; children living over a mile and a half from school were allowed credit for the distance they had to walk in proportion to the others, and 5 per cent instead of 10 was added to the end of the year on their final school averages for the carrying on of the work. Only two prizes were offered by the District, three dollars and two dollars respectively. Children seldom took advantage of the holiday given for eight hundred minutes' credit unless it was used for sickness or unavoidable absence, as they were encouraged in the knowledge that a day lost was a day's work lost as well. Tardiness on the part of any pupil doing the work meant a loss of so many credits already accumulated.
It would be impossible to enumerate the many things this work has done for this community, but the following facts may prove interesting to the reader. During the year of 1911-12, without home credit work, this school had a record of 95 per cent in attendance and 59 tardies. For the year 1912-13 just closed, the record is 98 per cent in attendance and 8 tardies. Part of the home credits given have been for proper care of body, sleeping with windows open, care of teeth, hair, etc., and the result of these requirements has been the showing of a healthier appearance on the part of nearly all the pupils. The parents of the district claim that the children are doing more work at home than they ever did before, and the people[122] feel that their children are getting an education that will be of value to them and that the money is being well spent in this kind of work.
The card issued by County Superintendent Seymour is here reproduced filled out by a pupil. It shows daily records for two weeks on each side of the card. The five school days only are counted.
Home Credit Card
North Dallas School, Polk County, Oregon.
Blanks to be filled in each day. Parents sign before returning
it to teacher. Blanks to be returned each month and a
new one secured.
Edwin B——. February, 1, 1914.
Pupil's name. Month.
M. | T. | W. | T. | F. | Total | M. | T. | W. | T. | F. | Total | ||
Building fire | 5 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Milking each cow daily | 5 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Cleaning barn, each animal | 5 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 25 | 125 | 25 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 205 |
Carrying wood | 10 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 100 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 100 |
Splitting wood | 10 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Turning separator | 10 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Cleaning separator | 5 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Churning butter | 30 | ... | 30 | ... | ... | 30 | 60 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Working butter | 10 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Cleaning horse | 15 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Feeding chickens | 5 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 |
Feeding pigs | 10 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 100 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 20 | 100 |
Feeding horse | 5 | 15 | ... | 15 | 15 | ... | 45 | 15 | 15 | 20 | 15 | 15 | 80 |
[123]Feeding cows | 5 | 25 | 25 | 25 | ... | ... | 75 | 25 | 25 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 95 |
Blacking stove | 15 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Making bread | 10 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Getting breakfast | 50 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Getting supper | 45 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Washing dishes | 20 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Sweeping floor, each room | 5 | 15 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Cleaning house, each room | 20 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Scrubbing floor, each room | 50 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Making beds, each | 5 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Washing clothes | 60 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Ironing clothes | 60 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Bathing | 30 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Arrive at school clean | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 |
Music lesson | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Bed at 9 p.m. | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 10 | 50 | |
Gathering eggs | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 |
Cleaning teeth | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 |
Cleaning finger nails | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 |
Sleeping with window open | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 |
Making pies | 10 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Cleaning and filling lamps | 5 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Errands | 5 | ... | ... | 10 | ... | ... | 10 | ... | ... | 5 | ... | ... | 5 |
Reading book home | 5 | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
Distance school, over half-mile | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 25 |
Total | 198 | 138 | 198 | 128 | 113 | 755 | 153 | 173 | 173 | 163 | 163 | 825 |
Teacher and pupils to go over list and agree on time for each thing.
Distance from school more than one-half mile to be given credit for.
Any work not listed that is creditable teacher will give credit for.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. B——,
Signature of Parents.
The card given on pages 122 and 123 came from Miss Veva Burns, the teacher at North Dallas, with the following letter, dated April 26, 1914:—
I am pleased to explain the home credit system as we use it. I am sending some of the cards filled out by the pupils. We secure these cards from Mr. Seymour, the county school superintendent, and are allowed to use them as we think best....
We have a two-room school, and have divided it into two divisions, the smaller pupils having five thousand credits as their aim, while the larger ones work for ten thousand. Of course the number to be obtained would vary with the opportunity the children would have to earn credits. On the average, it takes our pupils about three months to earn the required number. When they have secured the number, some prize, such as a book, is given, and they are allowed to start again. Then, at the end of school, the one who has earned the most is given a special prize. Also, Mr. Seymour allows us to give ten points on each child's lowest grade, at the close of school, if he has kept up his home credit work during the school year. Some teachers give a holiday as a reward instead of a prize.
The cards are taken home by the pupils and filled out each evening. If the pupils are too small to attend to the cards, some member of the family looks after them. We see to it that the system is thoroughly understood by each family. As each card is filled out, it is returned to us.
We have a school of over sixty pupils, and all but four are working on the credit system. We did not urge any one to take it up, but allowed them to decide for themselves.
This letter is from Miss Miriam H. Rarey, who has taught near Dallas, in 1914:—
Work done on Saturdays and Sundays does not count with the exception of bathing. Pupils, as a rule, when they bathe at all, bathe on Saturday. So I told them they could take thirty minutes' credit for that, and put it down in Friday's space, in the hope that it would induce them to bathe at least once a week. It worked pretty well with some of the pupils, but others would rather do without the credits than do anything so unusual. When a pupil gets five thousand credits (every minute counts one credit) he gets his grade on his poorest study raised 5 per cent, or if he does not need that, he gets a holiday without being marked absent. The pupils have all worked pretty hard for credits, and only a few have asked for holidays. The people in the district have all been pleased with the results of home credit and I think it is a good thing. I have seventeen pupils, and they are all using home credits.
The Idaho plan as sent out by the State Superintendent, Miss Grace M. Shepherd, in a bulletin to teachers is as follows: Miss Shepherd issued two mimeographed sheets, one of rules, and one a list of credits. The[126] blank has a place for a daily record and a report for several weeks.
Rules governing Home Work
1. No pupil is obliged to enter the contest.
2. Parent must sign statement of work done by pupil.
3. Contest closes when school term closes.
4. Unexcused absence forfeits all credits. Unexcused tardiness forfeits 25 per cent of credits per month. Less than 90 per cent deportment, 20 per cent of all credits forfeited.
5. Suggested awards:
Names of the six highest at the close of school will be published in a county paper.
Three highest at the close of school to be offered prize by the School Board or some citizen.
Five per cent credit to be added to final examination results of all pupils who enter and continue in the contest.
Urge the hearty coöperation of the parents.
Record of Home Credit Work
Month beginning ........................ Ending................
..................... School...................... County......
Pupils or parents will fill in the following blanks each day and return
to the teacher each month signed by the parent.
M. | T. | W. | T. | F.| | M. | T. | W. | T. | F.| | M. | T. | W. | T. | F. | ||
Rising morning without being called | 10m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Building fire in morning | 10m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Milking | 10m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Cleaning barn | 10m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Cleaning each horse | 5m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Feeding pigs | 5m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Feeding horses | 5m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Feeding chickens | 5m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Feeding cows | 5m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Bringing fuel for the day | 10m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Getting breakfast | 30m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Washing and wiping dishes | 15m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Sweeping floor | 5m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Scrubbing floor | 15m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Making beds | 5m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Making and baking bread | 45m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Dusting a room | 10m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Caring for younger children | full time | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Washing and ironing school clothes | 60m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Bathing | 20m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Cleaning teeth and finger nails | 10m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Bed at 9:00 p.m. | 5m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Sleeping with window open | 10m. | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Total | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | ....| | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Signature of parent.
In Charleston, Washington, Superintendent H. W. Elliott, of the city schools, put into successful operation, in 1913-14, a plan with several special features, to which I am glad to call attention. The plan comprises daily markings by the tally system, monthly reports, cash prizes to those showing the largest number of home credits, and some reward to every pupil with credits above a certain specified number. For the purpose of raising a fund to meet the cash prizes, his school gave a play; and an autumn fair, in October, was arranged for the distribution of the prizes for both school and home work. The credit card is different from any other; it seems to be the most simple of all the monthly systems.
How to Keep the Credits in the Home
For every duty the child has done put down | after the name of the duty the child has performed. Example:
Cutting wood ||||| ||||| ||||| |
Taking bath ||||| ||||| || This is to indicate the number of times.
Canning jar of fruit........... | Music practice (30 min.).......... |
Making and baking cake......... | Milking cow....................... |
Making and baking pie.......... | Crocheting (hour)................. |
Sweeping room.................. | Cleaning basement................. |
Making bed..................... | Making apron...................... |
Setting table.................. | Keeping front yard clean.......... |
Dusting furniture.............. | Keeping back yard clean........... |
Making handkerchief............ | Keeping sidewalk clean............ |
Making any other thing......... | Keeping alley clean............... |
Keeping room ventilated........ | Keeping steps and porch clean..... |
Splitting kindling............. | Politeness to seniors............. |
Cutting wood................... | Table etiquette................... |
Bringing in fuel............... | |
Blacking stove................. | ALL THAT ARE 15 CREDITS |
Scrubbing room................. | |
Running errands................ | Up first and building fire........ |
Taking care of birds........... | Sprinkling lawn (1 h.)............ |
Washing teeth.................. | Clerking in store (1 h.).......... |
Taking bath.................... | Driving team (1 h.)............... |
In bed by nine................. | Helping with freight (1 h.)....... |
Up by seven.................... | Making and baking bread........... |
Helping others dress........... | Attending Sunday school........... |
Brushing clothes (self)........ | Attending Church service.......... |
Polishing shoes (self)......... | |
Feeding cow or other animal.... | ALL THAT ARE 30 CREDITS |
Gathering eggs................. | |
At school with clean | Washing clothes (2 h.)............ |
Hands | Ironing clothes (2 h.)............ |
Face | Taking care of baby (2 h.)........ |
Teeth | Preparing meal (family)........... |
Nails | Cleaning barn..................... |
Hair combed | Cleaning henhouse................. |
Carrying papers | |
Making dress (self)............... | |
Cutting half rick of wood......... | |
Spading up 400 sq. ft. garden..... | |
Total........................ |
Send in report on or before the 10th of each month.
Mr. Elliott sent out a mimeographed sheet explaining the rules to be observed in the contest, giving a list of the credits, and also a list of the articles to be exhibited at the fair. The rules, and the list of articles are given here.
All boys and girls now in one of the eight grades of the Charleston public schools, District No. 34, may enter in one of the four classes; D, first grade; C, 2d and 3d; B, 4th and 5th; A, 6th, 7th, and 8th. Home credits for each month must be reported to the school for record on or before the 10th of each month. Records to be confidential. We hope that every home will enter into this, and that the parent will be very careful and conscientious in the marking. Credits to be kept by parents.
A List of Articles to be exhibited
For School Fair Exhibit—To be determined by Judges
Household Economics—
1. Domestic Science: Best loaf of bread, cake, pie, dozen cookies, dozen doughnuts.
2. Domestic Art: Best made plain dress, plain apron, shirt-waist, sofa pillow, handkerchief, patchwork pillow, darning or repairing specimen.
3. Canning: Peas, peaches, apples, pears, cherries, string beans.
Best 5 ears of corn, 5 potatoes, 5 selected apples, 5 carrots, 5 onions, 5 turnips, squash, pumpkin, raised by pupil.
Nasturtiums, pansies, sweet peas, each 10 sprays; asters, dahlias, chrysanthemums, each 5 sprays—raised by pupil. Best 5 roses cared for by pupil.
Best cockerel, or pullet, or cockerel and pullet reared from a setting of 15 eggs.
Manual Training—
Best mechanical drawing, joined work, tabouret, small piece of furniture, large piece of furniture, basket, bookbinding, etc.
School Work—
What teachers see fit to make it—drawing, etc.
Best played selection on piano, violin, cornet, or other instrument: or orchestra or band: solo singing or chorus. In band or orchestra work pupils may be judged collectively or singly. Same judgment for all chorus work.
Something more may be added later.
Yours for a good fair,
The Teachers.
H. W. Elliott,
City Superintendent.
Mr. Elliott writes: "I believe there is nothing that will link the home and school[132] more closely than the system of credits. There is one danger, however, of cultivating dishonesty on the part of the over-anxious one. This we watch, but this tendency is sometimes noticeable. Occasionally we find a youngster attending Sunday school or church fifteen or twenty times a month."
Examples of the scheme of a weekly record with monthly report are plans in operation in Jackson County, and in Weston, Umatilla County, Oregon. The rules and schedule following were published by Mr. J. Percy Wells, county superintendent of Jackson County.
Rules governing Home Credit Work
1. No pupil shall be required to enter the home credit contest, and any pupil shall be free to quit the contest at any time, but if any one quits without good cause, all credits earned shall be forfeited.
2. Once each month the parent or guardian shall send to the teacher, with signature affixed, an itemized statement containing a record of the work each child has done during the preceding month. The child may make out the list, but the parent or guardian must sign the same.
3. At the end of each school month the teacher shall enter on the pupil's report card the total number of credits for home work during[133] the month, as certified to by the parent or guardian.
4. Any pupil who has earned at least two hundred credits for home work during any school month shall be entitled to have 10 per cent added to his grade in any subject, or distributed among several subjects, and 1 per cent additional for each twenty additional credits up to four hundred credits.
5. All pupils who shall have earned four hundred credits or more during any month shall be entitled to a half-holiday, and shall have their names entered on a roll of honor.
6. Forfeitures—Dropping out of contest without cause, all credits earned; unexcused absence, all credits due; unexcused tardiness, 25 per cent off all credits due; less than 90 per cent in deportment for any month, 10 per cent off all credits due.
These rules may be modified by teachers to suit local conditions. If the half-holiday system of awards is not satisfactory, some other system may be substituted.
To parents and guardians:
In this plan for giving school credit for home work it is not the intention of the school to intrude upon the domain of the home, but to coöperate with the home in the interest of the boys and girls. Here is a splendid chance for the school and the home to come closer together, and we believe both will be improved thereby.
Home Credit Schedule, School District No. 2
Jackson County, Oregon
Name of Pupil, Goldie Trefren. Age, 11. Grade, 4th.
Month ending March 23, 1914
Credits | 1st | 2d | 3d | 4th | Total | |
week | week | week | week | |||
Building fire[6] | 1 | 7 | 6 | 7 | 7 | 27 |
Milking cow | 1 | 15 | 15 | 15 | 8 | 53 |
Splitting and carrying in wood (12 hours' supply) | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Turning cream separator | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Grooming horse | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Gathering eggs | 1 | 6 | 7 | 5 | 4 | 22 |
Feeding chickens, pigs, horse, or cow | 1 | 12 | 12 | 11 | 12 | 47 |
Churning or making butter | 3 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Blacking stove | 3 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Making and baking bread | 10 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Making biscuits | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Preparing meal for family | 6 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 8 |
Washing and wiping dishes | 4 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Sweeping floor, each room | 1 | 12 | 12 | 12 | 14 | 50 |
Dusting furniture, each room | 1 | 4 | .... | 5 | 2 | 11 |
Scrubbing floor, each room | 4 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 8 |
Making bed (after school) | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 6 |
Washing, starching, and ironing own clothes, worn to school each week | 30 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Bathing, each bath | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 16 |
Arriving at school with clean hands, face, teeth, nails, and hair combed | 2 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 5 | 20 |
Practicing music at least 30 minutes | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Retiring on or before 9 o'clock | 1 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 28 |
Bathing and dressing baby | 2 | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Sleeping with windows open or with window-boards | 2 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 7 | 28 |
Work not listed, per hour | 6 | 8 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 23 |
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | —— | |
Total | 364 |
L. S. Trefren,
Parent or Guardian
The following letter, dated April 20, 1914, is from Mrs. Bertha McKinney, of a district near Ashland, Jackson County.
Pupils of the first, second, and third grades, who have earned two hundred credits in a month have a half-holiday. Those of the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades must have earned three hundred credits to entitle them to the half-holiday, and of the seventh, eighth, and ninth grades, four hundred credits. When all have the required number of credits, all have the half-holiday. I have twenty pupils, and all are doing the home credit work. I keep the record of the credits earned in a notebook, and place the number earned by each pupil on the monthly report card. I think the plan a good one, though in a few cases the parents are not careful enough with their part; that is, they sign the blank form, then the child can put down any number he pleases. I have had only one such case.
Superintendent Joel O. Davis, of Weston, tells of the manner in which his school began to use home credits:—
The opportunity came in October of last year, when an unexpected influx of pupils made it necessary for us to engage an extra teacher and adopt a departmental plan for the fifth to eighth grades inclusive. This made it necessary for those grades to prepare two lessons at home, thus making the required home reading a burden. I at once offered these students the choice of reading the required books, and writing the reviews, or making[136] the points by home work, under the conditions as shown by the accompanying card. Nearly every child accepted the home work plan, and went to work enthusiastically.
On the opposite page is one of the Weston credit cards, filled out by a pupil, Crete Allen:—
Home Work Record, Weston Public School
Credits will be given for the performance of the following named duties when this card is returned, at the end of the month, properly signed by the parent or guardian.
These credits will be accepted in place of the home reading heretofore required, at the rate of 100 points for each book.
The parent must check the work each day as performed.
Any evasion or falsification of the record will forfeit all claim to credit.
To obtain credit each duty must be performed by the child unaided by others, and must be well and satisfactorily done.
No credit will be given for work that is paid for by the parent or others.
Parents are requested to see that the above conditions are complied with and to encourage thoroughness and truthfulness by using care in recording so as to give no unearned credits.
Make one mark, and only one, for each duty each day.[7]
1st | 2d | 3d | 4th | Total | ||
week | week | w eek | week | |||
1. | Carrying wood | 1 | ... | ... | 1 | 2 |
2. | Feeding horse | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
3. | Feeding cow | 14 | 14 | 14 | 14 | 56 |
4. | Feeding pigs | 5 | 3 | 14 | 14 | 36 |
5. | Feeding chickens | ... | ... | 1 | 3 | 4 |
6. | Milking cow | 42 | 56 | 43 | 50 | 160 |
7. | Cleaning stable | 7 | 3 | 6 | 6 | 22 |
8. | Washing dishes | 1 | ... | ... | ... | 1 |
9. | Drying dishes | 2 | 1 | ... | ... | 3 |
10. | Making bed | ... | 2 | ... | 2 | 4 |
11. | Sweeping room | 3 | ... | ... | 5 | 8 |
12. | Setting table | 8 | 5 | 4 | 2 | 19 |
13. | Clearing table | 1 | 1 | ... | 1 | 3 |
14. | Tidiness | 7 | 7 | 5 | 6 | 25 |
15. | Brushing teeth | 5 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 13 |
16. | Cleaning nails | 6 | 2 | 2 | 4 | 14 |
—— | —— | —— | —— | —— | ||
Total | ... | ... | ... | ... | 370 |
No. 14 includes general tidiness, hanging hat and coat, putting
away clothes, shoes, stockings, etc., and will be given
more credit than any other one duty. Parents should use care
in marking this number, as the aim is to inculcate habits of
neatness and thoughtful consideration of others. This end
can easily be defeated by careless or unfair marking.
I hereby certify that the above record is true and correct.
Mrs. J. E. Allen (Parent or Guardian.)
At the close of a later letter Mr. Davis wrote:—
From my experience with this experiment I feel that the plan is worth all it costs and more, that it[138] should be extended to include all the grades, that modifications to meet the needs of different communities can easily be made, and that the pupils and patrons of any district will appreciate and support some such plan if it is carried out faithfully. I kept a ledger account with every child, and at the end of the month posted a bulletin exhibiting the condition of each pupil's account. The interest was shown by the manner in which they gathered about the board and compared their credits. Some of the comments upon some lazy boy's or girl's lack of effort were rather caustic, but served as effective spurs to the delinquent.
In Pend Oreille County, Washington, six weeks is the unit of time for credit records. Miss Hester C. Soules, the County Superintendent, has issued the following circular:—
In order that the school and home may unite forces, that the school may help in establishing habits of home-making, and that our boys and girls may be taught that their parents are their best friends and need their help, the following system of credits has been devised for use in the schools of Pend Oreille County.
Certificate of Promotion with Distinction
Any pupil who has completed the work of his grade in a satisfactory manner is entitled to[139] PROMOTION WITH CREDIT to the next higher grade, provided he obtains 300 points for Home Work. He is entitled to PROMOTION WITH HONOR if he earns 500 points.
Six weeks' faithful and regular performance of the home duties listed below will entitle the pupil to credit as indicated.
Points | ||
1. | Sawing, splitting, and carrying in wood and kindling | 25 |
2. | Building fires or tending furnace | 20 |
3. | Caring for horse or cow and doing other barn chores | 15 |
4. | Caring for poultry and gathering eggs | 10 |
5. | Working in the school or home garden, or on the farm | 20 |
6. | Delivering milk or carrying water | 20 |
7. | Running errands cheerfully | 10 |
8. | Doing without being told | 20 |
9. | Mowing the lawn | 20 |
10. | Feeding pigs | 10 |
11. | Making a bird-house and feeding the birds | 20 |
12. | Making useful piece of woodwork for the home | 25 |
13. | Cleaning barn | 20 |
14. | Churning | 15 |
15. | Turning Cream Separator | 10 |
16. | Retiring at nine o'clock or before | 10 |
17. | Bathing at least twice each week | 15 |
18. | Sleeping in fresh air | 15 |
19. | Getting up in the morning without being called | 10 |
20. | Preparing one meal alone daily for the family | 25 |
21. | Blacking stove | 10 |
22. | Helping with the breakfast, and with the dishes after breakfast | 15 |
23. | Preparing smaller children for school | 10 |
[140]24. | Not being tardy | 10 |
25. | Cleaning teeth daily | 20 |
26. | Making own graduating dress—Eighth Grade | 30 |
27. | Writing weekly letter to some absent relative—Grandmother preferred | 20 |
28. | Reading and reporting on one approved library book | 20 |
29. | Reading aloud fifteen minutes or longer each night to some member or members of the family circle | 20 |
30. | Practicing music lesson thirty minutes daily | 25 |
31. | Building fence, 10 rods | 20 |
Fence may be built at intervals during any one period of six weeks. | ||
32. | Clearing 1⁄4 Acre of land | 30 |
Land may be cleared any time during the school year and at different times provided the 1⁄4 A. is completed before school closes. | ||
33. | Care of younger children | 20 |
34. | Raising one fourth acre of vegetables | 20 |
35. | Taking sole care of plants and flowers | 15 |
36. | Sweeping floor and dusting furniture | 10 |
37. | Making beds | 10 |
38. | Mopping and caring for kitchen | 10 |
39. | Scouring and cleaning bath tub and lavatory | 15 |
40. | Helping with the washing | 20 |
41. | Sprinkling and ironing clothes | 25 |
42. | Making and baking bread, biscuits or cake. Exhibit | 25 |
43. | Setting table and serving | 15 |
44. | Helping cook supper and helping do the dishes after supper | 20 |
45. | Doing own mending | 20 |
46. | Learning to knit or crochet | 15 |
47. | Raising six varieties of flowers | 15 |
48. | Making piece of hand-work for the home | 25 |
—— | ||
Total | 840 |
Certificate of Promotion with Distinction
—————— having completed the work of the —— Grade in the Pend Oreille County Schools, in a satisfactory manner, and having earned —— points in our Home and Outside Industrial Work Plan, is hereby promoted to the —— Grade with ———— and is commended for Industry, Fidelity to Home and Cheerful Helpfulness.
Given at Newport, Washington, this ———— day of ——, 191 .
———————— ————————
Superintendent. Teacher.
The city of Los Angeles, California, uses a
plan of marking home work on the report card
and giving no other incentive. Notice that a
certain number of minutes daily for ten weeks
is the unit, and that the number of minutes
varies according to the age of the child. Observe
the emphasis on care of yards and streets,
also on care of little brothers and sisters.
Report of Committee on Home Credits,
Los Angeles Schools
The Committee on Home Credits makes these recommendations:—
1. That the "Home Credits" be not used as a substitute for other work, and also that they be not applied to increase the grade of other subjects except as any work well done necessarily improves all work of the child.
2. That the words "Home Credit" be written[142] on the new cards just published, and that in the future these words be printed as a regular part of the card, with space for inserting the number of credits.
3. That in the several grades the following constitute one credit:—
(a) First and second grades, 10 minutes of daily work for 10 weeks.
(b) Third and fourth grades, 15 minutes of daily work for 10 weeks.
(c) Fifth, sixth, seventh, and eighth grades, 20 minutes of daily work for 10 weeks, and that multiples of such work in 10, 15, 20 minutes be allowed so that a child may earn several credits each ten weeks.
4. That the following subjects be selected for the initial trial of the plan:—
1. | Taking care of the baby. |
2. | Bathing baby. |
3. | Washing or wiping dishes. |
4. | Washing or ironing clothes. |
5. | Washing windows. |
6. | Scrubbing floor. |
7. | Sweeping floor. |
8. | Setting table. |
9. | Dusting and putting room in order. |
10. | Sweeping or cleaning yard. |
11. | Sweeping sidewalk. |
12. | Cleaning street in front of home. |
13. | Care of garbage can. |
14. | Getting meals. |
15. | Making beds. |
16. | Mending clothes. |
17. | Making new or making over old clothes for family. |
[143]18. | Working in shop or store. |
19. | Working in and caring for garden. |
20. | Running errands, going to market, store, etc. |
21. | Driving delivery wagon. |
22. | Selling papers. |
23. | Taking little brothers and sisters to school, clean and on time. |
24. | Clean hands, faces, clothes. |
25. | Clean heads. |
26. | Raising poultry or rabbits. |
27. | Any other outside work peculiar to particular district if approved by Supervising Superintendent. |
Mr. F. W. Simmonds, superintendent of city schools, Lewiston, Idaho, has instituted a plan for daily and weekly records with a report for three months, which he writes is "working out most successfully." The statement of his particular scheme which he gives in his home credit record folder is accompanied by an excellent presentation of the nature and scope of the home credit plan in general:—
A Plan for School and Home Coöperation
One of the vital problems of school administration to-day is that of securing closer coöperation between school and home life. When the child learns that education is living and working the best way he has made considerable progress on the[144] educational road. Our school curriculum should encourage this wholesome attitude toward the everyday tasks.
Children must have time for real play and plenty of it, but let us not forget that real work is also a part of the child's rightful heritage, and that when rightly directed, children like to work—they are eager to take part in some of the real activities of life. However, they must not be permitted to attempt too much—a reasonable amount of work well done regularly and suited to the child's age and ability is what is desired.
Filling out this card is optional with the parent, no grade on the quality of the work done by the child is asked for, merely the approximate time regularly devoted to that task. Note the time; one half-hour, one hour, two hours, etc., in the proper column on this card. Your filling out and signing this card will assure us that the work was well done, regularly and satisfactorily.
The work may include any one or more of the multitude of home tasks, or any work done regularly, as sewing, ironing, washing dishes, preparing meals, baking, cutting kindling, gardening, milking, caring for poultry, feeding stock, making beds, music lessons, tending furnace, etc.
Some tasks occur daily (others weekly, as regular Saturday chores, music lessons and the like). Nothing less than a half-hour is to be recognized, though two or more tasks may be grouped to make a half-hour daily or weekly. The average child will be anxious to figure his home service in the large; but a reasonably conservative "statement of account" will have a greater disciplinary value, and will make for efficiency.
The unit of home credit will be one half-hour's daily work throughout the month. Time spent on regular weekly tasks will be adjusted by the teacher to this basis. If the work in quantity, quality and regularity is deemed worthy, the teacher will credit the pupil with the number of home credits earned, which will be added to the pupil's standing at the end of the semester in determining promotion. Each unit of credit in home work will have the effect of raising a monthly grade in some subject one step as from poor to fair, or fair to good, etc. By means of home credits, a pupil has an opportunity to raise his promotion standing to "Promoted with Honor," or "Promoted with Highest Honors" as the case may be, if he should lack a point or two, and have earned enough home credits to offset this.
In the Borough of the Bronx in New York City, Mr. Frederick J. Reilly began to give school credit for home work in the fall of 1914. He issues two cards of different colors, one for the girls and one for the boys. The cards are alike except for the words "he" and "she." Notice that the cards are well planned for use in city homes. At present they are used by the children of seventh and eighth grades. Mr. Reilly says, "The important thing is not the amount of credit the child receives in school, but rather the amount of influence this may have upon the training of the child at home."
Home Record of.......... Class........ Term, 19........
This record card is part of an effort to bring the home and the school
closer together; pupils will receive credit in school for the things they
do at home.
Parents are invited to answer any or all of these questions as they see
fit, leaving blank any that they prefer not to answer. There is nothing
compulsory about this: children will not lose in class standing if the
parents do not choose to fill out this card. Please return the card
in the envelop, sealed.
Answer I to V, Yes or No | 1st Mo. | 2d Mo. | 3d Mo. | 4th Mo. | |
I. | Does he get ready for school on time, without constant urging? | ||||
II. | Is he careful about having his hair, neck, hands, shoes, etc., clean? | ||||
III. | Does he keep his books, clothes, etc., in the places assigned for them? | ||||
IV. | Does he prepare his school work at a regular time and without constant urging? | ||||
V. | Does he go to bed regularly at a reasonable hour? | ||||
Answer VI to X more fully | |||||
VI. | Is he willing and helpful in little household duties? What does he do regularly for which he deserves credit? | ||||
1st Mo................. | |||||
2nd Mo................. | |||||
3rd Mo................. | |||||
4th Mo................. | |||||
[147] | |||||
VII. | Does he attend faithfully to any extra lessons, as music, dancing, gymnasium, religious instruction, etc.? If so, what? | ||||
1st Mo................. | |||||
2nd Mo................. | |||||
3rd Mo................. | |||||
4th Mo................. | |||||
VIII. | Has he any hobby at which he spends a considerable part of his time, as music, drawing, photography, electricity, gardening, collecting, etc.? | ||||
1st Mo................. | |||||
2nd Mo................. | |||||
3rd Mo................. | |||||
4th Mo................. | |||||
IX. | Does he read much? What does he read? | ||||
1st Mo................. | |||||
2nd Mo................. | |||||
3rd Mo................. | |||||
4th Mo................. | |||||
X. | Does he do anything else, not already mentioned, for which he deserves credits? | ||||
1st Mo................. | |||||
2nd Mo................. | |||||
3rd Mo................. | |||||
4th Mo................. | |||||
Signature of Parent: | |||||
1st Mo.............. | 3d Mo................ | ||||
2d Mo.............. | 4th Mo................ |
Superintendent E. B. Conklin, of Ontario, Malheur County, in 1912, was the next in Oregon after Mr. O'Reilly to send a letter to parents, and to arrange for giving credits on home work. On page 149 are the inside pages of the folder that Mr. Conklin devised; it was the first of the printed home credit report cards. Notice the entries of manners, of "doing before told," and of "kindness to animals."
Mr. E. G. Bailey, superintendent of Ontario, 1913-14, writes that they have been using home credits continuously there, and that the system has proved to be a wonderful help. "It gets parents and teachers together as nothing else can, and gives the superintendent a show. The home work is to the teacher what the school work is to the parent. The teacher is enabled to get an insight into the home life of the pupil, which in turn enables her the better to deal with whatever situation may arise. In the main the parents make an effort to let the teacher know what the pupils are doing at home. We have very few failures from parents not doing their duty[150] in this matter; where they fail, we refuse to send any report home. Since adopting the system our attendance has been better, and the punctuality has been better; in fact, things have been greatly improved in every respect."
E—Excellent. G—Good.
Sewing and mending | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Bread-making | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
General cooking | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Setting and serving table | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Washing and wiping dishes | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Washing and ironing | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Sweeping and making beds | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Mopping and care of kitchen | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Care of younger children | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Making fires | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Getting water, coal, kindling, etc. | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Feeding stock or poultry | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Milking cows | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Barn or yard work | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Garden or field work | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Errands | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
F—Fair. P—Poor.
Cheerfulness, kindness | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Order and care of clothes | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Cleanliness, bathing, etc. | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Table manners | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Politeness | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Keeping temper | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Doing before told | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Care of language | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
At home—off streets | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Courteous to parents | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Kindness to animals | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Care of playthings | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Home study | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Ambition to succeed | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Early in December, 1913, a large meeting in the interest of social center work was held in Roslyn, Washington. At this meeting the city superintendent, Linden McCullough, explained the school credit for home work idea. He advised that a vote be taken as to whether the schools of that town should adopt the plan. The vote showed that parents, teachers, and pupils were enthusiastic over the idea and eager to try it. The Woman's Club of the city volunteered to assist in every possible way. The following from letters from Mr. McCullough gives the result of the trial:—
Seventy-five per cent of our seven hundred and fifty pupils are taking advantage of the scheme. Our truant officer says that every parent he has talked with has praised the plan, for the reason that all the children do their chores with more spirit. Our police officers have noticed a falling-off in the number of children on the streets; so much[151] so that juvenile court cases are much fewer in number. The teachers notice an improvement in school work along all lines.
One boy in the fourth grade who was disagreeably indifferent about his personal care now takes baths regularly, and always brushes his hair, and keeps his clothing clean and neat. Roslyn has a large number of foreign people. Teachers in the first three grades say that parents of foreign children do not grasp the idea very well, but that older brothers and sisters explain its workings, and attend to keeping tab on the reports of the little children.
On the next two pages is a copy of the Roslyn folder. Notice the entries of mending, cleaning yard, putting away playthings, work done for wages, work "in father's place of business," home study (school work), and reading good books.
Home Credit Report Card, Roslyn Public Schools
Name of Pupil ...... Teacher ....... Grade ...
First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth | |
month | month | month | month | month | |
Caring for cows | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Caring for chickens | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Caring for horses | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Caring for hogs | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Cleaning barn or yard | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Washing dishes | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Sweeping | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Washing and ironing | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Running errands | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Caring for baby | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Washing face and hands | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Combing hair | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Cleaning teeth | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Going to bed at | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Arising at | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Sewing | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Making beds | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Peddling milk or papers | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Scrubbing | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Knitting | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Mending | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Cleaning house | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Cleaning yard | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Putting away playthings | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Baking | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
[153]Carrying kindling | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Carrying coal | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Making fires | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Splitting wood | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Washing windows | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Work done for wages | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Work, father's place of business | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Caring for flowers | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Shoveling snow | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Home study, school work | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Reading good books | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Cooking | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Gardening | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Practicing music lesson | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Odd jobs | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
In Wilbur, Washington, a scheme providing for a credit report for the semester is in successful operation. Here Superintendent E. O. McCormick carries on the plan by means of two report cards, the one sent from the school to the home, the other from the home to the school, every six weeks. The home card is reproduced below.
Report Card from the Home to the School
Parent or Guardian.
First Semester
Period | 1 | 2 | 3 | |||
———— | ———— | ———— | ———— | ——— | ———— | |
Subjects | Average | Quality | Average | Quality | Average | Quality |
Time | of work, | Time | of work, | Time | of work, | |
Answer yes or no | Spent | Good, | Spent | Good, | Spent | Good, |
Daily | Fair, | Daily | Fair, | Daily | Fair, | |
Poor. | Poor. | Poor. | ||||
Sleeping with open window | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Keeping temper | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Washing teeth | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Time in recreation | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
Off streets | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... | .... |
This report sent to the teacher when the report card is returned to the school will help raise the standing of your child in its school work.
E. O. McCormick, Supt.
The following subjects are of a suggestive nature; you may use as many as may be applicable to your child. Others not listed may be used. Write in the blank spaces on the front of this card those subjects under your observation.
Sawing wood. | In bed by nine (yes or no). |
Washing dishes. | Building fire in mornings. |
Care of house. | Care of chickens. |
Care of cows. | Churning. |
Making beds. | Making bread, biscuits, etc. |
Sweeping. | Preparing meals for family. |
Ironing. | Blacking the stove. |
Any work or interest in home as shown by the child should be noted on the front of the card, under the list of subjects.
Mrs. Elizabeth Sterling, of Clarke County, Washington, was one of the first county superintendents to get out a card suitable for use throughout her schools. She strongly urged the teachers of her county to try the plan,[155] and in 1914 eighty-five teachers were operating it. This card provides a record for the whole school year, with a general average for the nine months. To secure credit the pupil is required to average eight hours per week, or thirty-two hours per month, at "real honest, helpful labor that relieves the father and mother of that amount of work." This done, the teacher is to add three credits to the average gained by the pupil at the school during the month of his or her studies. Additional credits are to be given for more than thirty-two hours per month at the rate of one credit for every ten hours' work. The parent or guardian is cautioned to keep track of the number of hours that the boy or girl actually spends per week at any of the kinds of work named on the credit report card, or any other real work that is not there listed. The printed list comprises:—
Milking. | Baking. |
Churning. | Washing. |
Turning separator. | Ironing. |
Caring for horses. | Sweeping. |
Caring for cows. | Dusting. |
Caring for pigs. | Sewing. |
Caring for poultry. | Running errands. |
Cleaning barn. | Making beds. |
Splitting wood. | Washing dishes. |
Carrying in wood. | Building fires. |
Gardening. | Caring for little children. |
Cooking. |
Several high schools have sent us reports of their plans for giving credit for work outside of school. Some of these schools use plans that differ considerably from those of the elementary schools where the movement began; they lay emphasis on improvement in work, and to this end they require that all the work be supervised by the teachers of home economics, agriculture, commerce, or manual training. Other high schools try to encourage the habit of industry, no matter what the kind of work, and offer credit for such tasks as running errands, delivering groceries, or carrying a paper route. In my opinion both ideas are good; there is no end to the possibilities of developing skill in home work under the instruction of one who really knows how to do it, and there is also great value in the encouragement of faithful industry in routine tasks.
This is good school equipment. It cost $200,000
Descriptions of parts of the work of a few high schools are given here.
In the High School of Santa Monica, California, two credits for home work are allowed out of the total of sixteen required for graduation, and pupils with a certain average standing who earn eighteen credits, two of them for home work, may graduate cum laude.
Below is given a list of tasks for which school credit will be allowed:—
One-half credit per year:—
Regular music lessons, instrumental or vocal, under
a competent instructor.
Making own clothes for school.
Doing family darning and mending.
Preparing one meal a day for a year.
Carrying paper route.
One-half credit for half-time for a year, or for full time for summer vacation:—
Clerking in store, bank, or office.
Cement work, or work in any local trades or industries.
Regular work on a farm.
One-half credit:—
Raising one-fourth acre of potatoes, melons, onions,
strawberries, or similar products.
Employment in a dressmaking or millinery establishment
for summer vacation.
One-fourth credit per year each:—
Sleeping for one year in the open air.
Retiring at 10 P.M. five days per week for one year.
[158]Taking a cold bath every morning five times per
week on an average for one year.
Walking three miles per day for a year.
Credit will be given for the following according to the amount of work:—
Public speaking or reciting. Reading aloud to family or to invalids.
Horticulture. Gardening. Poultry-raising. Bee-culture.
Taking care of cows or other animals. General dairy work.
Sewing for the family. Doing the family laundry. House-cleaning, bed-making, dish-washing, or any other useful work about the house.
Getting younger children ready for school every day. Caring for a baby.
Nursing the sick.
Making a canoe or boat. Taking full care of an automobile. Perfecting any mechanical contrivance for saving labor about the home.
Recognizing and describing twenty different native birds, trees or flowers.
Summer vacation travel with written description.
Playing golf or tennis. Sea-bathing and swimming.
Keeping a systematic savings bank account, with regular weekly or monthly deposits.
Keeping a set of books for father or some merchant. Doing correspondence for father or other business man.
Running errands. Delivering groceries.
Singing in church choir. Teaching in Sunday school.
Carpentry work. Cabinet-making, furniture construction.
Working as forest ranger.
Date ........................ 191....
I hereby declare my intention of earning ...... credits for home or outside
work by doing .............................................................
Signature of Pupil .....................................
I approve of the above and agree to observe and certify to the quantity and
quality of work performed.
Signature of Parent ....................................
I hereby certify that ........................ has faithfully performed the
above work, spending on the average ...... minutes per day for ....... days
and is in my judgment entitled to ...... credits.
Signature of Parent or Employer ..................................
Credits granted ............... Prin.......................................
In the High School at St. Cloud, Minnesota, great attention is paid to vacation work as well as to work done during the school year. At the beginning of the fall term the following questionnaire is sent to high school pupils, and to elementary pupils above the fourth grade:
Vacation Report—Grades Five to Twelve
Note—Teachers are requested to have pupils fill out this blank
carefully. It is very important. Explain each question. Caution children
not to over- or under-estimate.
1. Name ............. Age ............. Grade or Class ................
2. Did you help at home during the summer vacation? ....................
3. Did you take music lessons? ..... Travel? ..... Attend Summer School?
4. Did you do any work along the line of agriculture, horticulture,
gardening, bee-culture or poultry-raising? If so, what? .............
........ Estimate carefully the net profit ................... $.....
5. Did you have a flower garden? .............. Name six or more of the
leading flowers that you raised. ....................................
6. Name wild flowers, birds, or trees you have observed this summer.
Flowers .............................................................
Birds ...............................................................
Trees ...............................................................
7. What pieces of hand-work, if any, did you do during vacation?
Wearing apparel .....................................................
Household art .......................................................
Wood ......................... Iron..................................
Cement .............. Give estimated value of such hand-work $.......
8. What electrical contrivance or other home accessory did you
make to save your mother work? ......................................
9. Which of the following home tasks did you do this summer?
Prepare one meal alone daily? ...... Bake the bread? ................
Bake a cake? ....................... Make the beds? .................
Do the washing? .................... Do the ironing? ................
10. Are you sleeping in the open air or with open window? ...............
11. Can you swim 300 feet or more? ..... Did you learn this summer? .....
12. Were you employed elsewhere than at home? ...........................
13. State kind of work done ............ Employer .......................
14. Number of weeks employed ........... Amount earned per week. $.......
15. Total amount of cash earned during vacation. $.......
16. Fair estimate of the value of your home work. $.......
17. Total cash value of your summer work (items 15 and 16). $.......
18. Have you a savings bank account? ... Amount of your deposit. $.......
Principals ascertain amount of deposit for lower grades. $.......
The financial results of this vacation work are summarized as follows:—
Total | Deposit | |||
Cash | Home Work | Earnings | in Bank | |
High School | $6,393.01 | $1744.45 | $8137.44 | $2793.36 |
Total for city | 16,422.00 | 3666.15 | 9559.25 | 3144.92 |
Highest | individual | earnings | — High School | $260.00 |
" | " | " | — Grades | 200.00 |
Average | " | " | — High School | 76.00 |
Highest | " | deposit | — " " | 300.00 |
" | " | " | — Grades | 500.00 |
Pupils may graduate with honor from the St. Cloud High School by attaining certain standings and by offering two credits for home or continuation work. One of the sixteen credits required for regular graduation may be a credit for home or continuation work.
The list of credits is divided into two parts, outside work and home work. Among the many outside activities mentioned in the St. Cloud list, we find:—
Literary society work, or rhetoricals, debate, public speaking, or expressive reading, one-fourth unit per year.
Granite or paving-block cutting, or work in any of the local trades, shops, factories, or industries, one-fourth unit for each summer vacation.
Steady work on a farm, followed by a satisfactory essay on some agricultural subject, one-fourth unit for three months.
Raising one-fourth of an acre of onions, tomatoes, strawberries, or celery, one acre of potatoes, two acres of pop corn, five acres of corn or alfalfa, one-fourth unit.
Running a split road drag or doing other forms of road-building for three months, one-fourth unit.
Judging, with a degree of accuracy, the different types of horses, cattle, and hogs, one-fourth unit.
"See Minnesota First" trip under approved instructor, with essay, one-fourth unit.
Among the home tasks are mentioned:—
Shingling or painting the house or barn.
Making a canoe or boat.
Swimming 300 feet at one continuous performance.
Cooking meat and eggs three ways and making three kinds of cake. Exhibit.
Doing the laundry work weekly for three months.
Recognizing and describing twenty different native birds, trees, and flowers.
The Ames, Iowa, High School course outlines out-of-school work in three departments: agriculture, manual training, and home economics. I quote from the home economics prospectus:—
Unless the work is ... made to connect with the work in the home it loses much of its vitality. Our aim is to relate the home and the school and permit each to contribute its share in making the work vital, really worth while. The girl ... may carry into the home some new ways of working, and there will be an exchange of ideas between mother and daughter as to hows and whys ... that will result beneficially to both. As the girl carries these ideas and discoveries back into the school we shall be able to know better the needs of home and social life, and hence so plan our work that it may "carry over" into her out-of-school life.
A total of two credits to apply on graduation may be earned in home economics at the Ames High School. Three hundred points equal one credit.
Two hundred points each are offered for cookery, general housework and sewing.
Cooking is to be done for the family at home, and whenever possible a sample brought to the school for examination, together with the recipes giving itemized cost, and a signed statement that the entire work was done by the girl herself. A list of things to be cooked is given: ten dishes are required, the other five are to be chosen from the list. The list for the first year follows; dishes required are marked with a star and receive seven points credit, the others receive six points.
Some fresh vegetable cooked and served in a white
Potatoes in some form.
*Baking powder biscuit.
*Plain cake, with or without frosting.
*Drop cookies.
*Rolled cookies.
*Gelatin with soft custard.
Cottage cheese.
Scalloped dish.
Custard, or some kind of custard pudding (bread, rice,
Steamed brown bread.
[164]*Prune whip. }
Marguerites. } One of these required; either may be chosen.
Fondant candies.
Salad with cooked or French dressing.
*Sandwiches—three kinds of filling.
*Baked beans.General housework includes making girl's own bed each day; daily and weekly care of bedroom, helping with general housework one-half hour each day and one hour on Saturdays (sweeping, dusting, ironing, washing dishes, washing windows, etc.). The total credit for this is 121⁄2 points for one month.
In the course in sewing, the home work is brought to school for examination and grading. The list for second year sewing follows:—
One-third credit—100 points, open to girls who are taking, or who have completed second year sewing.
Princess slip | 50 points. |
House dress | 75 |
Shirt waist | 50 |
Woolen skirt | 75 |
Made-over dress | 75 |
Nice dress | 100 |
The High School at North Yakima, Washington, gives credit for work in music under approved teachers; for practice-teaching (coaching) by normal students in the grades; and for work in agriculture.
The summer work in agriculture is planned before the close of the school in the spring.
Each pupil informs the instructor in agriculture as to the kind of work he intends to do. The instructor visits each pupil several times during the summer, discussing methods of work, results, etc., with him and his employer, and designating pamphlets, bulletins, and magazine articles for him to read. In 1914, fifty-four pupils applied for credit for work in agriculture.
Rules for Summer Agricultural Work in North Yakima, Washington
1. Students may earn one credit in agriculture toward graduation by work completed outside of school during the vacation period.
2. At least 250 hours of work must be completed before any credit will be given.
3. Complete records and systematic reports kept by the applicant, giving all information required, and signed by the parent or employer, shall be filed with the instructor in agriculture every two weeks.
4. Applicants shall secure such information as a result of reading, study, and questioning experienced workers, as may be necessary to convince the instructor in charge that the work has been of sufficient educational value to justify the granting of a credit.
5. Pupils wishing to receive credit for this work shall make application for the privilege before beginning the work. Lists of reference books, kinds and character of notebooks, shall be designated by the instructor in agriculture.
6. An examination covering the work may be given by the school authorities.
7. Work may be done along the following lines:
a. Vegetable gardening work; keeping results of work done in complete form.
b. Feeding of stock, poultry, etc.; keeping records of foods used, amounts and results obtained.
c. Thinning, picking, packing, marketing, cultivation and irrigation of fruits, etc.
d. Eradication of blight, other orchard diseases and pests; complete records of attempts to reduce damage done by these causes.
e. Growing of cereal, grass, or forage crops.
f. Keeping records of dairy animals; milk testing records for monthly periods.
g. Care of bees, handling of honey, etc.; complete records.
Mr. John C. Werner, of the college extension division of the Kansas State Agricultural College, wrote in 1914 a very valuable bulletin entitled "School Credit for Home Work," the essential features of which are given.[8] Notice that he recommends that pupils furnish the reports themselves over their own signatures, as putting them on their honor is considered valuable, and in justice due them.
In a letter Mr. Werner says: "My idea of giving credit is to use the old laboratory method of requiring the student to do a reasonable amount of work in a reasonable length of time. This allows for many of the variable factors that enter into the problem; I think it is better than to give so many points of credit for each piece of work done."
In the first six grades of the elementary school, where so much depends upon using the child's knowledge which he has gained from actual experiences about home, and the environment with which he comes in contact which is really a part of himself, we have the best basis for his further education. In these grades it will be raising and not lowering our standards when we give credit for home work and add it to the school credits for passing grades. All of the subjects of these grades should be so closely affiliated with the home life[168] of the child as to warrant our doing this. It is so important that the child be engaged in the actual doing of things that the perfect grade of 100 per cent should be divided into two divisions: (1) A maximum of 90 per cent for school work. (2) A maximum of 10 per cent for home work when proper records and reports are kept.
In the seventh and eighth grades and in the high school, work corresponding to the age and ability of the pupils should be introduced and made part of the laboratory work, giving two fifths of a unit of credit. Here written reports of the operations performed should be worked out by the pupils and presented as class work. Classes should visit the dairy barns, feeding pens, gardens, corn or grass fields, orchards, etc. Pupils should carry on considerable individual home work, which should continue throughout the summer as well as winter season. This credit should be counted in agriculture, domestic arts and manual-training courses.
The various contests among the boys and girls, that are conducted in all parts of the state, certainly should be counted worthy of school credit. These contests are directly or indirectly under the auspices of the Agricultural College, and numerous bulletins are sent to the contestants. Many children actually receive in these contests almost the equal of a year's course in school.
Suggestive List of Subjects for Credit for Home Work
1. Agriculture
Milking cows.
Feeding horses.
Cleaning cow barns.
Cleaning horse barns.
Feeding cows.
Feeding sheep.
Feeding beef cattle.
Feeding hogs.
Feeding poultry.
Watering stock.
Turning separator.
Tending fires.
Running errands.
Digging potatoes.
Hitching and unhitching horses.
Beating rugs.
Hauling feed.
Pumping water.
Cutting wood.
Carrying in fuel.
Getting the cows.
Gathering eggs.
Tending to the poultry house.
Tending pig pen.
Bedding of stock.
Preparing kindling.
[169]2. Domestic Arts
Preparing meals.
Making biscuits.
Baking bread.
Baking cake.
Baking pie.
Washing clothes.
Ironing clothes.
Caring for baby.
Overseeing home while mother is away.
Scrubbing floor.
Washing dishes.
Wiping dishes.
Making beds.
Sweeping the house.
Dusting rugs.
Airing bedclothes.
Ventilating bedroom.
Dressing the baby.
Canning fruit.
Caring for milk.
Dusting furniture.
Care of self.
Making dress.
Making apron.
Care of teeth.
Setting the table.
Care of sick.
3. Manual Training
Making farm gate.
Making peck crate.
Making chair.
Making clothes rack.
Making pencil sharpener.
Making T-square.
Making towel roller.
Making ruler.
Making picture frame, halved
together joints, end and center.
Making mortise and tenon joint.
Making bookrack.
Making ax handle.
Making hayrack.
Making ironing board.
Making cutting board.
Making tool rack.
Making staffboard liner.
Making vine rack.
Making sandpaper blocks.
Making mail box.
Open mortise and tenon joint (end).
Making halving joint, or angle
splice joint.
Making feed hopper.
Making whippletree.
Making wood rack.
Making bench hook.
Making coat hanger.
Making nail box.
Making table.
Making flower-pot stand.
Making key board.
Making pen tray.
Making mortise and tenon joint
Making dovetail joint.
Making panel door.
Making work bench.
4. Home Contests
Corn acre contest.
Poultry and pig contest.
Sewing contest.
Potato plot contest.
Tomato contest.
Canning contest.
Garden contest.
Bread-baking contest.
Plan for Allowing Credit
It is absolutely essential in taking up this work that the teacher make a careful survey in her neighborhood[170] of the kinds of home work that the pupils have opportunity to do. The pupils should be put on their honor in reporting their work, and the teacher must work out the amount of credit time the various items are to receive, and from the pupils' reports grade the work. A large number of items should be included and given their relative weight. Quality as well as quantity must be judged by the teacher. This supplies a working basis for coöperation between home and school.
Besides the credits earned in the particular subjects of agriculture, domestic arts and manual training, where 216 hours will add two fifths of a unit, other work may be given some additional credit up to say 10 per cent, as physiology and geography. It is also possible that subjects such as English and arithmetic may be so correlated as to be at least partially considered in connection with the agriculture, domestic arts, and manual training by the composition required and the problems furnished.
It is not expected that any boy or girl will enter all of the contests. Contests which require 216 hours' work should be given two fifths of a unit credit in the subject to which it belongs. If the child in the contest is below the seventh grade, the work should add to his entire school grade up to 10 per cent. The fairness of this plan will appeal to the boys and girls, for the girl or boy who has third, fourth or fifth place in the contest deserves credit as well as the one who wins first place.
It is the object in the credit for home work both to recognize and give credit because of the educational value to the child of such work which he does with his hands, and it is also hoped to develop the child into a better worker, so that the work performed will be constantly of a higher order as the child grows older. In other words, we have a constantly changing variable as the child grows older as to the time necessary to do certain work, and the proficiency with which the work is done. Speed in doing things is not the only consideration,[171] and yet all work should be done with reasonable dispatch.
In inaugurating this work it seems that the ordinary laboratory method for giving credit is quite as well adapted to home laboratory work as it is to school laboratory work. If the perfect grade, 100 per cent in the elementary school in grades 1 to 6, inclusive, be divided into two parts, i.e., a maximum of 90 per cent for school work and a maximum of 10 per cent for home work for all pupils who desire to do the home work, then one tenth of the number of hours in the school year may be taken as the basis for credit. Counting the double period, as should be done, 216 hours or 6 hours per week would be the required time for the nine-months' term of school to receive full credit. The pupil would, therefore, need to work at home six hours per week. This work should be scattered throughout the week as evenly as possible, with the opportunity of doing not to exceed three hours' work in any one day, as, for example, on Saturday. As in the laboratory system, the pupils, regardless of the overtime put in, could only receive full credit for any year. Pupils who do not have the chance for home work will not be affected in their work, as the usual method of grading will apply to them. Conditions must determine the time necessary for any given piece of work. For example, if one boy feeds a team of horses in ten minutes, another in fifteen minutes, another in five minutes, and another in thirty minutes, under similar conditions, perhaps one boy is working too rapidly and another too slowly. From such reports it seems that twelve to fifteen minutes should be allowed for feeding a team of horses.
The best and most profitable division of time for the home work would be about thirty minutes, both morning and evening, each day. During these work periods different things should be done, and during the year it is to be hoped that a large variety of different kinds of work may be included. If the home is in sympathy with[172] the child's work it can help very materially in setting tasks for the child that are of the most profitable nature.
Reports to Teachers
The pupils should furnish the reports themselves over their own signatures for the home work. Putting them on their own honor is valuable and in justice is due them. Since results must be produced in most kinds of work, the teacher can judge quite accurately as to the value of work.
Illustrative Report Card
Weekly report home work. Date....................
Elementary school.
Work. | Remarks. | Time spent each day. | |||||
M. | T. | W. | T. | F. | S. | ||
Feeding horses. | 1 team, twice each day | 20 | 22 | 20 | 18 | 20 | 20 |
Cut wood | 1⁄2 cord, stove length | 150 | |||||
................ | ............... | ...... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ..... |
................ | ............... | ...... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ..... |
................ | ............... | ...... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ....... | ..... |
Credit for seventh and eighth grades and high school grades should be allowed for efficient home work when properly reported as laboratory requirement in agriculture, domestic arts and manual training. In these grades all careful, systematic work during the summer season, as well as the regular school year, such as corn acre, garden, potato plot, tomato, poultry, pig, canning,[173] sewing, cooking, and butter-making contests, should be used for laboratory credit. Of course accurate records of the work must be made at the time the work is performed. Schools that have an agricultural teacher during the entire year will directly supervise this work. In other schools the reports will be used as part of the next year's regular class work. Suitable report blanks should be used by the pupils and kept in laboratory notebook form.
The pupils of seventh, eighth and high-school grades who do 216 hours of acceptable home work should be given two fifths of a unit of credit in the subjects of agriculture, domestic arts, or manual training. Here again the pupil should do some different kinds of work and make the experience somewhat varied. In the home laboratory the teacher will determine a standard amount of work of any kind to be performed in a given time.
At the January, 1914, meeting of the California Teachers' Association the following report on credit for work done outside of the school was submitted by Mr. Hugh J. Baldwin:—
Credit for Work Done Outside of School
Fulfilling the wishes of this organization, your committee sent communications to the heads of departments of large manufacturing and commercial interests, to managers of railroads and educational institutions, requesting information on lines of work upon which you wished a report. Not only were the circulars answered promptly, but, in many cases, the answers were remarkable. Some of them suggested in definite language how outside activities might be made harmoniously supplemental to our regular school work, better articulated therewith than had been planned.
Many strong reasons were given; one of the most potent was that the innovation would change the present attitude of the average person towards labor—in other words, to dignify the labor of the land, to honor and respect the woman who can prepare nourishing food in the kitchen or the man who can contribute to the world's wealth from his garden.
Another strong thought from this compilation of opinions resulted in the contrast between the systems of American and German polytechnic or manual training education. The German schools secure the coöperation of the factories and shops and stores where there is[175] particular industrial training given, all without cost to state or municipality for the tuition. On the other hand, in the United States, the only manual training that has been attempted by the school authorities has been at greater expense to the people.
In communities where there is no special educational industrial training the subject of this committee work is very important. "Outside Activities," or credit on school reports for work done by school children at home, has now a place in the course of study of San Diego County. The plan has passed from the experimental stage, having been given a thorough tryout in all the schools. From all parts of the county reports have come full of enthusiasm telling of the excellent working of the plan. To be sure there are a few adverse reports. We find that communities largely Mexican in complexion evince little interest in the plan.
[1] The details of Mr. O'Reilly's plan are given in Part Two, pages 73-77.
[2] For the Portland Home Credit Record card, see p. 120 ff.
[3] Probably means turns the power on or off.
[4] See Appendix.
[5] School Arts Magazine, May, 1914.
[6] A task counting 1 done each day, gives seven credits for the week.
[7] All the marking is done by tallies, thus: ||||| ||||| ||||| ||||. The reproduction on page 137 permits only the use of figures, to indicate the total tally marks.
[8] For other quotations from this bulletin, see pages 46, 50, and 51.
Minor typographical errors have been corrected without note. Irregularities and inconsistencies in the text have been retained as printed.
Missing page numbers are page numbers that were not shown in the original text.
The illustrations have been moved so that they do not break up paragraphs.
Mismatched quotes are not fixed if it's not sufficiently clear where the missing quote should be placed.
The cover for the eBook version of this book was created by the transcriber and is placed in the public domain.
Rather than |||||, tally marks in the book are four upright bars with the fifth bar crossing the other four diagonally. See footnote 7 and pages 130 and 181.
In addition to obvious errors, the following changes have been made:
1. Page 118: the word "a" was added in the phrase: "a lonely art
2. Page 133: transposed words "be will" were corrected to "will be"
in the phrase: "will be improved"